I think very deeply
All the men at my church we meet once a month to just discuss men thing. It's a small church so like 15 men, and like 12 of em were married.
Everyone of em said their greatest fear is their marriage failing, that it's a big struggle. That they come hom efrom work and many times just want to lie on teh couch watch tv and go to sleep but their wives just nag em and make meaningless arguments.
I'm not saying this to speak out against marriage etc. as they are still married and love their wives etc., but just to say be thankful in any situation you have. I'm single and while sometimes the thoughts of relationships,marriage, kids come into my mind I'm not accountable to anyone but myself. If I come home form work and want to hop right into bed and watch a tv show for the next ten hours I can.
Sometimes we want this and that but forget to appreciate what we do have brehs
Yep, that peace of mind is so satisfying.
Sometimes I say to myself do I want to be doing this bachelor thing for a while? And sometimes I yearn for that one woman then I remember my previous marriage and all the issues in that and push that idea to the side. It's going to take a very special woman to change that.
It's rare the woman who can just let a man just chill and relax and not have to be doing anything. But that's usually where the disconnect begins as she looks at him as 'boring'. Despite her not actually wanting to do anything herself
Just back from Hong Kong where I was on my own time, could do and go where I wanted when I wished. Had my own itinerary. Didnt have that argument that every couple has whilst on holiday. Met a different woman every night for dinner and let them show me the city.
This is where I'm at right now.
Everything has its pros and cons, but I've done the marriage thing...I'm so used to my independence now that if a woman doesn't complement me in every way I wouldn't even consider it.
Chilled with a chick over the weekend, we fukked, went to see that Korean movie (must see BTW), fukked again and she left Sunday afternoon. No stress, no fuss. Suits me just fine.