Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women

Silky Johnson

The Master Investbreh
Jan 15, 2013
Hatersbridge, BX
Aight this one for the Mack’s not u non puzzy getting niccas in here.... so I met this chick hit it off like never before and we vibing ... so pretty much she came over to my hotel one night I tell her I don’t want to fck and rush things , and that I wanna connect with her first so I end up giving her massage and couldn’t help my self and ate her out, next day I text her goodmorning and she didn’t text me all day , I checked her on it and she said sum bs excuse like she busy but she posting sum poetry on ig.. I think 2 things happened, 1) I was got to serious too fast she prolly just wanted to fck 2) she’s trying to run game on me cuz she seen I like her... what y’all think I fumbled and got caught lacking ?


All Star
Nov 11, 2017
Damn cuz, she was picking apartments out for me the day before but ima playa so fck it

I'd go colder than the grave on this girl. She knows that's a foul and she giving you the cold shoulder so make it North Pole Cold. No communication, social media, meet ups, but I wouldn't erase her number because there's a slim chance some other dude is going to smash and dash then she'll revert to the 'nice girl' routine and hit you up with the "hey you crossed my mind today" line and I always be like, who is this? :lolbron: shyt I like to play games too! After that it's whatever but give her some time to fall from grace, trust me, she will. If not, hell we all lose sometime.



Dec 25, 2014
Now I smash right at the first opening breh, if she starts acting up, well I smashed, it was just my turn, now she'll be someone else's problem :manny:

Smash when you get the chance

Yep once you've smashed, a woman can say what she wants. But she knows she cant take back the fact she gave herself to you.


Dec 25, 2014
Aight this one for the Mack’s not u non puzzy getting niccas in here.... so I met this chick hit it off like never before and we vibing ... so pretty much she came over to my hotel one night I tell her I don’t want to fck and rush things , and that I wanna connect with her first so I end up giving her massage and couldn’t help my self and ate her out, next day I text her goodmorning and she didn’t text me all day , I checked her on it and she said sum bs excuse like she busy but she posting sum poetry on ig.. I think 2 things happened, 1) I was got to serious too fast she prolly just wanted to fck 2) she’s trying to run game on me cuz she seen I like her... what y’all think I fumbled and got caught lacking ?

The other brehs have guided you, but yeah. Firstly never tell a woman you don't want to fukk. That word should never be in the air. A woman wants to feel she's been seduced and a massage is usually a good start. Also talking about not rushing is relationship talk. Massive no no.

As a man you should be seeking an opportunity to sleep with her when it presents itself. I guess this was your opportunity. If a chick is at your place or you're at hers at night. You've both already set the context, all it needs is a little push.

You eating her out, but not fukking. You probably 'devalued' yourself in her eyes, then when she saw your text in the morning it solidified it for her that yeah she can put you on the back burner and you'll still chase her.

Also, never check a woman, especially one you haven't fukked yet. Just let them be. From when you did that you've handed agency and power to her and she knows you care more than she does, at least for now. As a man your silence, and not giving her any attention is more effective.

But we've all had these goofs and we learn from them.
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The True HD

Oct 13, 2014
Ft. Loudy | 🇯🇲
Been grinding tryna make it happen, women have really taken a back burner for me but I still be horny as shyt tryna seduce the shorties while I'm out n about :russ::pachaha:but I'm keeping my eyes on my short term prize. Anyways, replied to a thread about whether men can become Alpha n wanted to drop my .02 here for the brehs:

There's natural alphas n "trained" alphas, who can exhibit certain behaviors that naturals do effortlessly by putting a little work in.

For situations that most naturals handle smoothly due to constant exposure from young, guys who develop the frame n skills can show similar actions/results every now n again until through practice it becomes second nature or close to it. Granted, they may NEVER be on the same level as a natural n if in competition for a particular desire (money, a woman) the natural will win 9 times outta 10 just due to having positive reinforcement of his frame from forever.

The whole Alpha/Beta/incel shyt to me is some Newgen talk but it's easily recognized so I run with it. At the end of the day you're either a man or a bytch made man, a lotta bytch nikka tendencies are hard to break but the tools/resources are out there to guide you.... I was blessed to have my Pops in my Life from birth n an older brother who stayed with new pieces, my bro didn't teach me much game due to our age gap but I picked up certain game/mannerisms from him, my pops is smooth talker n I think that's where I get my laid back yet bold flirtatious mouthpiece from...

I feel for the guys who get caught up in this shyt cause at the end of the day Alpha is all about being a MAN.

$ Having goals and chasing them relentlessly, being able to turn down family friends n certain pleasures in pursuit of your Life's purpose/calling, or just things u gotta handle.

$ Learning and knowing who u are as a person n being 100% grounded in yourself. If you like to watch Anime, play videogames, read scifi books, build RC models, or whatever it is that somebody might criticize, who gives af as long as YOU are cool with it. Change is inevitable n we all grow outta things, but there are certain things we all know to the core of us make us happy that others would see as weird, if you've accepted that you like a certain pastime then do that shyt. I smoke weed n freestyle dance for fun, out in the streets a lotta times, n there's people who think I'm on some other shyt but it's what I love to do whether people are peepin or not.

$ Being able to make quick yet thoughtful decisions for yourself, and sticking with them. Yeah you might consult others like your shorty, your friends or your folks for their opinion about a situation but ultimately you're able to have the final say and back it with action.

$ Being unreactive/stoic. Develop patience. Like I stated earlier nikkas these days is too bytch-made, nikkas acting like hoes n these women actin like nikkas, bossin' up on us n controlling relationships. Being able to determine what warrants a response n what doesn't is crucial. Observe, but don't react. Just take mental note for the future. When situations get heated, I never look at the person who's doin' all the barking but the quiet person, cause they're the most dangerous as they have more control over their emotions n can act more rationally. You gotta be cool, calm, n collected out here..... allowing people to get under your skin shows lack of frame, I'd rather not care about something than give negative energy to it.

$ Being consistent n able to see a task through to its completion. Developing intense focus that allows us to enter a zone that feels like bliss, where everything is clicking due to our laser-like attention to what's in front of us. This is getting harder n harder to due with the likes of social media, I see consistency and concentrated focus as fleeting skills that are dying out due to distractions...

$ I believe to be a Man amongst Men u gotta have physical growth n work out. Too many benefits to name, but mainly having a physically dominant figure does wonders for your self psyche n how others view you, Especially women. It's hard for most to make strength training a Lifestyle, but for those who embrace it n make it to the benefits there's no going back.

$ Developing skillsets. This shyt is crucial, I didn't realize it fully until a few years ago but having valuable skills that can bring you connections n more importantly income is paramount to success. Whether it's investing, programming, designing flyers, photography, bartending, DJing/engineering, fixing phone screens, promoting, flipping products, you need a few skills that you can rely on outside of any traditional job to be able to bring you funds should you ever hit a rough patch, or even as side hustles on top of your main gig.
Going deeper into it, the ultimate goal should be generating passive/residual income that is made independently of your time to give you your time-freedom back to do the shyt you like.

$ Leadership qualities. If you can't even lead yourself to do what u say, what makes u think u can lead a girl, a group, or a business prospect to follow n believe in you. Not every alpha wants or tries to lead people, I'm a lone wolf in a lotta situations but when I'm around others my opinions/ideas are generally accepted n everyone goes along or at least will have a point to pivot off of.

$ Real men confident and secure in themselves aren't shy to give compliments when they're warranted or when they want to, to both males n females alike, n they don't have to put others down to feel better about themselves or show big dog status in a group or social setting.

Was high n started rambling but yeah OP I believe you can bring out the innate MAN found inside all of us with enough work and dedication, not thinking it will be easy or a smooth ride but KNOWING it will be worth it. The path is there if we're willing to embark on the journey of Self Actualization...

lmk y'all thoughts
Aug 12, 2017
The other brehs have guided you, but yeah. Firstly never tell a woman you don't want to fukk. That word should never be in the air. A woman wants to feel she's been seduced and a massage is usually a good start. Also talking about not rushing is relationship talk. Massive no no.

As a man you should be seeking an opportunity to sleep with her when it presents itself. I guess this was your opportunity. If a chick is at your place or you're at hers at night. You've both already set the context, all it needs is a little push.

You eating her out, but not fukking. You probably 'devalued' yourself in her eyes, then when she saw your text in the morning it solidified it for her that yeah she can put you on the back burner and you'll still chase her.

Also, never check a woman, especially one you haven't fukked yet. Just let them be. From when you did that you've handed agency and power to her and she knows you care more than she does, at least for now. As a man your silence, and not giving her any attention is more effective.

But we've all had these goofs and we learn from them.
The other brehs have guided you, but yeah. Firstly never tell a woman you don't want to fukk. That word should never be in the air. A woman wants to feel she's been seduced and a massage is usually a good start. Also talking about not rushing is relationship talk. Massive no no.

As a man you should be seeking an opportunity to sleep with her when it presents itself. I guess this was your opportunity. If a chick is at your place or you're at hers at night. You've both already set the context, all it needs is a little push.

You eating her out, but not fukking. You probably 'devalued' yourself in her eyes, then when she saw your text in the morning it solidified it for her that yeah she can put you on the back burner and you'll still chase her.

Also, never check a woman, especially one you haven't fukked yet. Just let them be. From when you did that you've handed agency and power to her and she knows you care more than she does, at least for now. As a man your silence, and not giving her any attention is more effective.

But we've all had these goofs and we learn from them.
Yeah I did some goofy shyt , I underestimated her I’m not gon lie i thought I had the upper hand I prolly did until the head but shyt ima keep it moving ... if she hit me back up it’s game time but I’m not really trippin no more just gotta keep my head in the game no pun intended