Who is "y'all"?Why do some of ya'll get obsessed with the idea of having sex with one woman?
Here is the scenario, guy wants girl. Guy takes girl out but usually in group settings. Guy does this many many many times. Doesn't make a move. Never expresses sexual or romantic interest. Just continues to spend money on outings. Then one day after years, hits girl at 2AM with the message 'hey'?
Why wouldn't this guy take the L of putting himself in the friend zone and move on? Why wait it out and spend money for years? My attention span isn't even that long. Why would a guy do this?
Who is "y'all"?
You'd have better luck asking this question on Reddit.
Even in my simpingest of simp days, I'd never wait more than a week or so to make my feelings known to her.
Because this thread is "The message you quoted literally says "some of ya'll." This means that it literally applies to some not all. If it doesn't apply to you or you can't have a dialogue about why get an attitude about it? Why even reply?
Brehs, I wanted to meet up with this bytch last week, but she had to cancel cuz she has classwork to do within a deadline so I said cool and moved it to next week. In the process of doing so she invited me to an art show that displays her work. So went there and saw that she invited her other friends too. ok cool. she showed me her works too and told me she had to go get her friend and said I should look at other peoples work and at the end she invited me to go clubbing with her friends. so we go clubbing and I didn't get the feel that she liked me. Spoke to me a few times, but hardly gave me eye contact when we was all dancing. Should I cancel our next meeting cuz I ain't about wasting my time in 2020?
Girl works 2 jobs so she says she can probably meet next Thursday. I am not sure how to keep things going before then. I also don't like when someone says they can probably meet on such and such date. I don't like communicating too much before or in between dates but we haven't met up yet and in 6 days who knows what can happen with women. Do I just do no contact until like Tuesday? Reading this thread made me realize you gotta go with the flow and deal with the ones that are interested in you and don't chase. I guess I just answered my own question lol.
Facts. When a chick likes you, she will make time for youDont waste ur time on someone that barely hAs time
On another note, I was invited by another bytch to come to her leaving dinner. bytch switched seats with some dude to speak to me all night which caught me attention. We spoke most of the night, she was laughing, talkative, touchy etc. But if there is one thing I fukking hate it's when pretty girls are friends with ugly girls. Because the ugly bytch gets jealous and tries to kill the vibe. So I gave the chick who invited me a high five, then the ugly girl said I did that because I wanted to touch her friend. I told that bytch that she said something I agreed with and gave her a high five. fukking bytch. let's get back on topic, so, it was good night overall, I asked her if was she free on a certain day to come party with my friends and she said was I going to invite her out with a smile on her face, but she had work. I noticed how he would playfully hit me and kick me when I playing around with her.
My questions to you brehs is I am in and does she like me? and should I text her saying thank you for inviting me, and that I liked her and ask her to meetup with me on a certain day, what should I text her brehs?
Because this thread is "
Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women"
It's not the place to ask because your question is about dealing with a platonic male friend and what he wants from you.
You could go see if LSA has a "Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Men" thread, or ask r/AskWomen or r/AskMen on Reddit. Reddit is an incel haven.
AskWomen: Questions about women's thoughts, lives, and experiences
But ok. Let's break it down, then. So we can get the thread back on topic. How do you know for a fact that platonic breh wants sex? How do you know that he only wants sex with one woman? Anyway, he's scared. He's scared to offend her, scared to get rejected, scared to lose her, scared of being alone, scared of getting hurt. He may lack experience with women in general. He may be raised by a hardcore Christian family and be scared of sex before marriage. He may not want sex at all and just wants to be around a woman so he doesn't feel lonely.
I'll be as grumpy as I want to be. I just worked 12 hours and missed a party
The question is relevant because it's about how and why the guy is acting like that towards the woman grumpy.
But thank you for responding. The guy is a grown man and has no problem getting women. The question is why would a guy continue to pursue a women. That one woman for a long time without speaking up? And I would think he wants sex because he hasn't said otherwise.
If I am bothering you feel free to ignore me. I'm not looking for that grumpy stuff.
On another note, I was invited by another bytch to come to her leaving dinner. bytch switched seats with some dude to speak to me all night which caught me attention. We spoke most of the night, she was laughing, talkative, touchy etc. But if there is one thing I fukking hate it's when pretty girls are friends with ugly girls. Because the ugly bytch gets jealous and tries to kill the vibe. So I gave the chick who invited me a high five, then the ugly girl said I did that because I wanted to touch her friend. I told that bytch that she said something I agreed with and gave her a high five. fukking bytch. let's get back on topic, so, it was good night overall, I asked her if was she free on a certain day to come party with my friends and she said was I going to invite her out with a smile on her face, but she had work. I noticed how he would playfully hit me and kick me when I playing around with her.
My questions to you brehs is I am in and does she like me? and should I text her saying thank you for inviting me, and that I liked her and ask her to meetup with me on a certain day, what should I text her brehs?
I'll be as grumpy as I want to be. I just worked 12 hours and missed a party
Why don't you just ask the guy? We can only guess what he wants but we can't speak for him.