Are y'all scared of women? Same way you can come here and tell us this is the same way you should link with her and let it be known.... she will respect you being upfront and as a man this saves you your most valuable asset,
time, because you'll know right away if she's down with the play. Worst case she says a serious relationship is what she's after n you have to change your tune a bit to line up, but you can still come out on top....
"I'm just trying to kick it/chill/vibe and get to know you better, hit a couple spots here n there with you n feel each other out ('and maybe up'

- with a smirk, bedroom eyes and playful arm rub - should get a laugh if you're smooth widdit)
The last serious relationship I was in really did a number on me so I'm not tryna dive headfirst into sumn like that until I'm really sure the girl/woman is worth it... ya know? Like John Legend says, take it slooooow (actually sing that semi-romantically while lookin into her eyes to get a laugh)" then she'll either laugh or tell you to "stoooop" and it should all be lighthearted and chill.
The less pressure you apply the easier it is to maneuver. I'm all about makin my women laugh n be comfortable/loose around me.... I'm not a court jester but between making fun of them n being naturally witty, it helps when she knows you don't take her too seriously no matter how fine she is.