This is exactly what i was talking about........especially when i said not to learn to exclude mothers,sisters,aunts, and kin,etc from our criticisms about women.
And how an enabler a couple pages back in here said i have issues with women because i used my mother as an example.
I once had my mom get mad at me because one day when she was home and i took the pan i used to make eggs and go to the sink to pour cold water on it for a while(which i always do) and then place it in the sink. Then to hear someone get mad over something like that talking about how "Why don't you wait for it to cool down!!!!!!" like its a pan made of lava.
Im surprised NO ONE brought this up yet recently but how you guys feel about those women(especially mothers) who act like fools when in shopping malls or grocery stories especially when it comes to kids.
No you dumb bytch, little Tameka or Johnny isn't going to listen to you when you tell them to stay still and not move around. They are 2 years old you dumbass. And then you have the nerve to shout at them or hit them in public. My favorite part is the "don't touch anything". I noticed alot of women cannot discipline without spazzing out and one of my
BIGGEST PET PEEVES is the whole "You have to understand its stressful......"