Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


Apr 30, 2012
I tried to tell you breh....I went through the same thing/same feelings you were having just a few months ago.

The grass looks greener on the other side, but it's turf (it aint real).

I would still say though, because you said you wanted to be without her, give it a couple more weeks....say 2 more see if you are better off without her. If you still feeling that "emptyness", you know what you need to do.

Go get your wife.
good luck with that, trying to regain anyone again is an uphill battle because all of the guys who were after her probably tried getting in her ear as soon as she was available on the market.


Apr 30, 2012
HOWEVER, i think things would be a different if i was out havin fun, pullin hoes and ish, but i havent been able to do much because of my schedule lately.. so of course if all i do is work,go to school, and go home to an empty house ima feel like this.. :manny:
we all go through it. You are just experiencing through a process we all go through. It could be a number of factors that caused the split...could be sick of routine, bs, or whatever. Going home to an empty house is definitely a change if you are not used to it.


Old Member
Sep 15, 2012
guala guala island
good luck with that, trying to regain anyone again is an uphill battle because all of the guys who were after her probably tried getting in her ear as soon as she was available on the market.

na b. shes hasnt been put back on the market and nobody even knows about it.. she doesnt even have nikkas after her because i deaded all of that a loongg time ago. we're good, she cant wait to come back already.. she never wanted to leave in the first place


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Enjoy your freedom, you were so used to having a so that now it's just like Going cold turkey giving up a drug, I've been there as days gl on its subsides .


Aug 18, 2012
Yall were right.. :snoop: wifeys been gone for 2 weeks and i actually started missing her. NOW i appreciate what i got. i just wish that i could feel like that 100% of the time and not always look at the grass bein greener on the other side.. i may try to be logical and think "its not, its an illusion" but it wont be how i feel.. having a dikk really complicates things :sadcam:

It gets easier I had a 5 year relationship end out the blue and the first few months were hard as hell. I kept thinking she was the only good girl when there's millions more just like her. Get involved with work or going to the gym and be prepared for your girl moving on faster than you. Don't fold under the pressure and just move on with your life because she will.


Old Member
Sep 15, 2012
guala guala island
It gets easier I had a 5 year relationship end out the blue and the first few months were hard as hell. I kept thinking she was the only good girl when there's millions more just like her. Get involved with work or going to the gym and be prepared for your girl moving on faster than you. Don't fold under the pressure and just move on with your life because she will.

we're good, shes gonna come back.. i just wasnt expecting to feel like this. the situation was that i didnt know if i wanted to be in this relationship a lil while ago, and now that the wife went home for the holidays i wanted to see if i liked this better.. but i dont; i was just bein a selfish unappreciative a$$hole


Aug 18, 2012
we're good, shes gonna come back.. i just wasnt expecting to feel like this. the situation was that i didnt know if i wanted to be in this relationship a lil while ago, and now that the wife went home for the holidays i wanted to see if i liked this better.. but i dont; i was just bein a selfish unappreciative a$$hole

I didn't know I'd be as broken up over losing my girl until it happened however today I'm glad I'm single cause I have opportunities that I wouldn't have if we were still together. I been through it and while she wasn't my wife she was a woman I was going to marry.


Aug 12, 2012
World Star

Im assuming some of us in here have heard about the BRONX situation of those Boricua girls giving head on the 6 train? These slores are straight up embarrasing. They embarrassing themselves and their family by having "fun" and doing it because "guys get to sleep around and get no criticism so why can't we too". Like i said at least real escorts are doing it privately and making money off it and not being dumbasses.

I used to get annoyed by attention whores like the loudmouth in the video and the camera man but lately i have realized its a "necessary evil".
Wildstyle's predictions are slowly starting to be proven true. I don't know if you remember but this happened weeks/months ago with a black girl from Florida had a video on worldstar got a train ran on by her .

As mean as it sounds I finally understand the guys doing this "exposing" stuff. Because girls like this will do things like this and turn around and date a guy who knows nothing about what they did in the past and risk severely embarrassing the guy and his ego. I can't believe that at once i was enabler and spoke about how wrong it was. I mean i still think guys like that are annoying attention whores, but like i mentioned I have come to understand it and realize its a necessary evil.

These guys "exposing" these girls I have to say are helping to save all of us from spoiled goods like broads like these. And like how they are now saying that the girls are embarrassed and pissed that their "NY reps" are ruined because of what the guy is going around doing with exposing them.

Girls like these need to realize if they are "exposed" for something they did in their past and jeopardized from being wifed in the future because of it, then that is THEIR problem. This isn't a fairytale where you can just whore it up and find a simp as easily as you could in the 90s and to forget that any of the stuff ever happened and even have the nerve to not mention it to the guy and risk his ego and manhood when people laugh behind his back and he has no idea why.

Like Kev i used to once say it should be ignored and girls spots should not be blown up like that but it seems more and more i am changing that tune. I think we need to continue that to help warn other guys, so there is a less of a chance a guy ends up getting burned because we want to "ignore it". I am glad that the internet age is helping these type of broads to finally understand this.If your slutty video from 2012 ruined your "rep" and embarrassed your "family" and your crying swan tears because you may never get wifed by any guy now, whose fault is that?

Kenny West

May 29, 2012
yeah, that exposure shyt is balancing out the game. Basically online clowning and exposure via worldstar and twitter n shyt is the counterbalance factor. It's one of the few social shaming outlets left that keeps whore-ism in check somewhat. Because every other media outlet basically telling them everything they do is A-Ok.


May 17, 2012
I tried to tell you breh....I went through the same thing/same feelings you were having just a few months ago.

The grass looks greener on the other side, but it's turf (it aint real).

I would still say though, because you said you wanted to be without her, give it a couple more weeks....say 2 more see if you are better off without her. If you still feeling that "emptyness", you know what you need to do.

Go get your wife.

but why cant you flip the script? why he goto be the one feeling the "emptyness". why cant his wife be the one running back on some "i cant live without u sh1t".

women are the emotional ones. and for ANY relationship to work the woman has to be the one that's the most emotionally invested. if he's the one running back on some i cant live without her bs, its clear the relationship is just doomed. cause after 2 weeks ol girl shoulda been going nuts over what he could be doing.

yall n1ggas need to stop letting these movie type plots dictate ur lives. if its the guy thats missing the woman more, that guy is so fuccked i can even begin to tell u.

Zapp Brannigan

Captain of the Nimbus
Sep 11, 2012
Approaching a new woman every day for a month, Day 29:

This is probably the most unique approach that I've had. Didn't plan on something like this happening, but it looked like there was someone in need and with my newly found confidence I thought that I would have been able to help.

As some of you may know, I'm in law school and the studying process is extremely intense. I don't have lots of time for much anything besides eating, sleeping, training, my internship, and studying. I've been doing these approaches as creatively as I could in order to expand my horizon on where I'd be able to comfortably talk to women.

Anyway, I was studying in the hallway of one of my classes when I saw this petite, cute girl slowly slink out of her classroom, crying. I didn't want to be nosy, so I minded my own business for the time being. A few more minutes passed, and she was still crying. I still didn't want to pry, and I just figured that she broke down from stress that came with the usual rigors of law school. After another short while, she began lightly pounding on the wall to the side of the door. I could see her face. It wasn't that of a person that was dealing with the shock and anxiety of the extreme stress that comes with being a new student at a competitive law school approaching what could very well be disastrous finals; it was that of a young woman dealing with a serious personal episode, a grimace that indicated a serious amount of actual pain that already had been inflicted upon her.

I couldn't leave this alone for long. I've dealt with having to deal with simultaneously working hard while quetly carrying stress and pain all at once and remembered how badly I wished that anyone, even a complete stranger, would come to my aid. Deep down, I think that all of us have but we don't really talk about it much (hence the quiet part) so we always feel like we're alone when we're doing it. I didn't want this girl to feel like she was alone, so I decided to talk to her.

"Excuse me," I said. "I don't want to be nosy, but it looks like something's really bother you. Are you going to be all right?" I made sure to look her square in her eye saying this to actively engage her and make it clear that I was sincere in my concern.

"Yeah, I just... The lecture in there..." She choked out.

"It's okay, just take your time. I'm not here to rush you or stress you out by asking for an answer," I said, as I gently put my left hand on her shoulder, rubbing gently, while putting my right hand to my chest. I did that to give her a comforting gesture while simultaneously closing my own body off, to show I wasn't intending to be overly touchy-feel with her.

Apparently I didn't need to play it so safe. She leaned into me, wrapped her arms around me, underneath both my arms, buried her face into my chest, and began sobbing gently. I could feel her body shake as she spoke the words, "My dad died a week before school started and the case we were studying just now is about a little girl that lost her father. The professor began to start using phrases like, 'If the father were looking down on the daugther...' and I just couldn't stay inside the room anymore." Caught off guard by both her forward nature and the gravity of the situation that I had stepped into, I composed myself as best I could and slowly hugged her back, gently rubbing her back. She felt tiny. I couldn't think of anything to say besides, "It's going to be okay," and taking deep breaths, telling her to take deep breaths herself.

On a side note, if you're trying to calm anyone down from sobbing, particularly a child or something, tell them to take deep breaths. It'll bring the muscular impulse that starts the sobbing under control.

She seemed to be getting a bit of comfort from our conversation. I told her in a deep, somber, authoritative tone, "It's okay, I've been through a situation very similar to this one myself. I don't want to make this about me, but what I want to tell you is that you can get through this, because as you can tell, I was able to get through it. If you need any help from me, either academic or personal, I want you to call me and let me know." She began rubbing her face into my chest to dry her tears on my shirt, pulled away, looked up at me, and smiled through her reddened and misty eyes to say, "I don't even know your name..."

I told her.

She stared at me in what seemed to be happy bewilderment for a moment, took a deep sigh of relief, smiled, and said she'd call if she needed anything, and that she probably would.

Here's what I've learned from this:

  • Approaching women doesn't have to be a cold and calculated venture. Sometimes it can come from genuine interest or concern over how someone is really doing.
  • Keeping an open heart manifests in your actions and women will pick up on that. They'll open up really quickly if you give off that vibe.
  • Don't be afraid to help people for fear of being nosy or meddling. If they don't want help, they'll tell you, and if they tell you, you can just kinda smile and shrug and say, "All right, no problem."
  • The more I've opened up to women, the more they've opened up to me.

On another note, I'm in my last day. I'll try to do that "same day closure" that we've all been looking for out of this.


May 13, 2012
Approaching a new woman every day for a month, Day 29:

This is probably the most unique approach that I've had. Didn't plan on something like this happening, but it looked like there was someone in need and with my newly found confidence I thought that I would have been able to help.

As some of you may know, I'm in law school and the studying process is extremely intense. I don't have lots of time for much anything besides eating, sleeping, training, my internship, and studying. I've been doing these approaches as creatively as I could in order to expand my horizon on where I'd be able to comfortably talk to women.

Anyway, I was studying in the hallway of one of my classes when I saw this petite, cute girl slowly slink out of her classroom, crying. I didn't want to be nosy, so I minded my own business for the time being. A few more minutes passed, and she was still crying. I still didn't want to pry, and I just figured that she broke down from stress that came with the usual rigors of law school. After another short while, she began lightly pounding on the wall to the side of the door. I could see her face. It wasn't that of a person that was dealing with the shock and anxiety of the extreme stress that comes with being a new student at a competitive law school approaching what could very well be disastrous finals; it was that of a young woman dealing with a serious personal episode, a grimace that indicated a serious amount of actual pain that already had been inflicted upon her.

I couldn't leave this alone for long. I've dealt with having to deal with simultaneously working hard while quetly carrying stress and pain all at once and remembered how badly I wished that anyone, even a complete stranger, would come to my aid. Deep down, I think that all of us have but we don't really talk about it much (hence the quiet part) so we always feel like we're alone when we're doing it. I didn't want this girl to feel like she was alone, so I decided to talk to her.

"Excuse me," I said. "I don't want to be nosy, but it looks like something's really bother you. Are you going to be all right?" I made sure to look her square in her eye saying this to actively engage her and make it clear that I was sincere in my concern.

"Yeah, I just... The lecture in there..." She choked out.

"It's okay, just take your time. I'm not here to rush you or stress you out by asking for an answer," I said, as I gently put my left hand on her shoulder, rubbing gently, while putting my right hand to my chest. I did that to give her a comforting gesture while simultaneously closing my own body off, to show I wasn't intending to be overly touchy-feel with her.

Apparently I didn't need to play it so safe. She leaned into me, wrapped her arms around me, underneath both my arms, buried her face into my chest, and began sobbing gently. I could feel her body shake as she spoke the words, "My dad died a week before school started and the case we were studying just now is about a little girl that lost her father. The professor began to start using phrases like, 'If the father were looking down on the daugther...' and I just couldn't stay inside the room anymore." Caught off guard by both her forward nature and the gravity of the situation that I had stepped into, I composed myself as best I could and slowly hugged her back, gently rubbing her back. She felt tiny. I couldn't think of anything to say besides, "It's going to be okay," and taking deep breaths, telling her to take deep breaths herself.

On a side note, if you're trying to calm anyone down from sobbing, particularly a child or something, tell them to take deep breaths. It'll bring the muscular impulse that starts the sobbing under control.

She seemed to be getting a bit of comfort from our conversation. I told her in a deep, somber, authoritative tone, "It's okay, I've been through a situation very similar to this one myself. I don't want to make this about me, but what I want to tell you is that you can get through this, because as you can tell, I was able to get through it. If you need any help from me, either academic or personal, I want you to call me and let me know." She began rubbing her face into my chest to dry her tears on my shirt, pulled away, looked up at me, and smiled through her reddened and misty eyes to say, "I don't even know your name..."

I told her.

She stared at me in what seemed to be happy bewilderment for a moment, took a deep sigh of relief, smiled, and said she'd call if she needed anything, and that she probably would.

Here's what I've learned from this:

  • Approaching women doesn't have to be a cold and calculated venture. Sometimes it can come from genuine interest or concern over how someone is really doing.
  • Keeping an open heart manifests in your actions and women will pick up on that. They'll open up really quickly if you give off that vibe.
  • Don't be afraid to help people for fear of being nosy or meddling. If they don't want help, they'll tell you, and if they tell you, you can just kinda smile and shrug and say, "All right, no problem."
  • The more I've opened up to women, the more they've opened up to me.

On another note, I'm in my last day. I'll try to do that "same day closure" that we've all been looking for out of this.

You better than me breh, around (strange) emotional people I'm like :huhldup:


May 6, 2012
Approaching a new woman every day for a month, Day 29:

This is probably the most unique approach that I've had. Didn't plan on something like this happening, but it looked like there was someone in need and with my newly found confidence I thought that I would have been able to help.

As some of you may know, I'm in law school and the studying process is extremely intense. I don't have lots of time for much anything besides eating, sleeping, training, my internship, and studying. I've been doing these approaches as creatively as I could in order to expand my horizon on where I'd be able to comfortably talk to women.

Anyway, I was studying in the hallway of one of my classes when I saw this petite, cute girl slowly slink out of her classroom, crying. I didn't want to be nosy, so I minded my own business for the time being. A few more minutes passed, and she was still crying. I still didn't want to pry, and I just figured that she broke down from stress that came with the usual rigors of law school. After another short while, she began lightly pounding on the wall to the side of the door. I could see her face. It wasn't that of a person that was dealing with the shock and anxiety of the extreme stress that comes with being a new student at a competitive law school approaching what could very well be disastrous finals; it was that of a young woman dealing with a serious personal episode, a grimace that indicated a serious amount of actual pain that already had been inflicted upon her.

I couldn't leave this alone for long. I've dealt with having to deal with simultaneously working hard while quetly carrying stress and pain all at once and remembered how badly I wished that anyone, even a complete stranger, would come to my aid. Deep down, I think that all of us have but we don't really talk about it much (hence the quiet part) so we always feel like we're alone when we're doing it. I didn't want this girl to feel like she was alone, so I decided to talk to her.

"Excuse me," I said. "I don't want to be nosy, but it looks like something's really bother you. Are you going to be all right?" I made sure to look her square in her eye saying this to actively engage her and make it clear that I was sincere in my concern.

"Yeah, I just... The lecture in there..." She choked out.

"It's okay, just take your time. I'm not here to rush you or stress you out by asking for an answer," I said, as I gently put my left hand on her shoulder, rubbing gently, while putting my right hand to my chest. I did that to give her a comforting gesture while simultaneously closing my own body off, to show I wasn't intending to be overly touchy-feel with her.

Apparently I didn't need to play it so safe. She leaned into me, wrapped her arms around me, underneath both my arms, buried her face into my chest, and began sobbing gently. I could feel her body shake as she spoke the words, "My dad died a week before school started and the case we were studying just now is about a little girl that lost her father. The professor began to start using phrases like, 'If the father were looking down on the daugther...' and I just couldn't stay inside the room anymore." Caught off guard by both her forward nature and the gravity of the situation that I had stepped into, I composed myself as best I could and slowly hugged her back, gently rubbing her back. She felt tiny. I couldn't think of anything to say besides, "It's going to be okay," and taking deep breaths, telling her to take deep breaths herself.

On a side note, if you're trying to calm anyone down from sobbing, particularly a child or something, tell them to take deep breaths. It'll bring the muscular impulse that starts the sobbing under control.

She seemed to be getting a bit of comfort from our conversation. I told her in a deep, somber, authoritative tone, "It's okay, I've been through a situation very similar to this one myself. I don't want to make this about me, but what I want to tell you is that you can get through this, because as you can tell, I was able to get through it. If you need any help from me, either academic or personal, I want you to call me and let me know." She began rubbing her face into my chest to dry her tears on my shirt, pulled away, looked up at me, and smiled through her reddened and misty eyes to say, "I don't even know your name..."

I told her.

She stared at me in what seemed to be happy bewilderment for a moment, took a deep sigh of relief, smiled, and said she'd call if she needed anything, and that she probably would.

Here's what I've learned from this:

  • Approaching women doesn't have to be a cold and calculated venture. Sometimes it can come from genuine interest or concern over how someone is really doing.
  • Keeping an open heart manifests in your actions and women will pick up on that. They'll open up really quickly if you give off that vibe.
  • Don't be afraid to help people for fear of being nosy or meddling. If they don't want help, they'll tell you, and if they tell you, you can just kinda smile and shrug and say, "All right, no problem."
  • The more I've opened up to women, the more they've opened up to me.

On another note, I'm in my last day. I'll try to do that "same day closure" that we've all been looking for out of this.
trust me, you're like a god to her right now.

i did something similar back in the day (although the issue was way less heavy and plus it was in highschool so overall it was not as significant). but yeah, girl was crying, i offered her comfort from a sincere place and for a little bit she looked up to me for a few years and was attracted to me. i ended up fukking it up by not striking while the iron was hot, and by not being able to maintain my mystique cause i acted/said some cornball shyt infront of her...

it really depends on what your goal is in those types of situation. i've noticed that whenever i become a god to these chicks as far as my aura is concerned, it's almost like i either become more interested in keeping that status in her eyes strictly for my ego and the more you feed this perception, the bigger it becomes until you just can't sustain it cause it's bigger than life. the other thing that happens is that you get put in the "potential boyfriend" category and from there, if you don't have long game and no skills to change your role, you either endup doing cornball shyt or get friendzoned (or both).

as far as your last day, do you plan on going somewhere (mall, outside location with lots of pedestrians, parcs, etc) and just approach multiple women?