Drew Wonder
Are you ready for kids?
Cause women between 27-31 that don't have kids, generally want kids.
You start a relationship with a 30 year old woman that doesn't have kids, you better believe they are apart of her immediate plan for the future.
hell nah I'm not ready for that.
but she hasn't pressured me or even brought that up (i mean if she did after only two dates I'd be

when I approached her initially I thought she was my age(she looks young for her age) so I was kinda

but I was sick of a lot of the bullshyt I've been through with girls my age so I figured I'd try something new. and maybe I'm just used to talking to women without much of a personality or conversation skills but so far I dig the fact that we can talk about meaningful things, plus we share a lot of common interests(we're both writers)
I'll also point out that she didn't have this super serious demeanor when she gave me that test. she likes to joke around a lot. but I guess I assumed that even though she was