Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women

Drew Wonder

May 10, 2012
Are you ready for kids?

Cause women between 27-31 that don't have kids, generally want kids.

You start a relationship with a 30 year old woman that doesn't have kids, you better believe they are apart of her immediate plan for the future.

hell nah I'm not ready for that.

but she hasn't pressured me or even brought that up (i mean if she did after only two dates I'd be :merchant:)

when I approached her initially I thought she was my age(she looks young for her age) so I was kinda :whoa: when she told me she was 30, knowing that they tend to look for something more serious at that age

but I was sick of a lot of the bullshyt I've been through with girls my age so I figured I'd try something new. and maybe I'm just used to talking to women without much of a personality or conversation skills but so far I dig the fact that we can talk about meaningful things, plus we share a lot of common interests(we're both writers)

I'll also point out that she didn't have this super serious demeanor when she gave me that test. she likes to joke around a lot. but I guess I assumed that even though she was :heh: on the outside when she tested me in her head she was :birdman:


May 6, 2012
she probably assumes like a lot of women that if she gives it up too fast I'll immediately put her in the jumpoff category instead of looking to build a relationship

but yeah, I would've appreciated a simple "so are you just tryna fukk or are you looking for something more" rather than a "test"

aside from that whole thing she's cool though. if she starts conducting more "tests" then yeah, I'll end it. but i'm not gonna dip out just based on that one exchange
put it to you this way. the way i see it, she failed one test by "making you go through this test".

keep that info to yourself in your personal notes.

also, NEVER be ashamed or make excuses for wanting what you want. check out something i noticed in your exchange.

she told you "You were supposed to say...". now how is any woman (let alone a woman you've known for two dates) gonna tell you what you're "suppose" to say or do???? not only that but she offered first and THEN flipped it on you. She's trying to train you like a puppy.

Your mistake was to not check her on it (you don't have to be mean/agressive in tone when you check someone). This was actually a great opportunity to establish your frame. but if that's her only flaw, it's fixable. I'd still advise for you to start checking for other chicks though cause she did show a red flag.


May 2, 2012
Are you ready for kids?

Cause women between 27-31 that don't have kids, generally want kids.

You start a relationship with a 30 year old woman that doesn't have kids, you better believe they are apart of her immediate plan for the future.

Baby rabies..


May 6, 2012
Something i was thinking of earlier.

Sometimes checking a girl (or anyone for that matter) on something is hard because you're not good with words. Say a girl does something and your gut gives you a funny feeling like something isn't right. but at the same time you can't quite put your finger on it or express it into words right then and there. So you know if you say something and she manages to beat you logically, you lose power. But if you wait for it to be digested and thought out, it also kinda makes you look weak cause then she'll flip it and say "if it bothered you, why didn't you say anything while it happened?" it's kind of a catch-22.

This is where dude who are typically "men of a few words" win. If you're a very wordy dude usually, it's like people expect you to always have that reply. However, if you've established a more reserved persona, a girl won't assume everything is cool just because you didn't put your disappointment into words.

So as much as possible, when your gut tells you something, check her on the spot if you know exactly why. take some time out of your day to be alone so that you can be more in-tune with yourself and what "feels" right or not. but the flip side is, if you're always alone, you should spend sometime to socialize to understand and get a feel on how people communicate with eachother. this will also help you find the words when the moment comes for you to check someone cause you're used to talking to people.



Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
this is true, i guarantee your girl who love syou so much and would do anything for you, if she won a trip to see trey songz and vip aftewards to meet him, and if he hugged her and gave he ra kiss OMG she would jump up for joy

at work this week a chick in my office was telling a story how she won a chance to meet michael buble (a cdn singer), she was telling the story and i was there listening, her husband didnt want to go because as she said "he didnt want to see her flirting with michael all day"


Source: Belcher murder-suicide followed argument over Trey Songz concert -

orning hours after the woman was out late attending Friday’s Trey Songz concert at The Midland.

sad story


Let's go panthers
May 1, 2012
brehs, maybe ya'll could interpret this for me. just started talking to this 30-year-old (I'm 24.) we hit it off really well on our first date. during our second date we had the following exchange

Me: You probably don't wanna drink too much since you gotta drive home(she lives an hour away)

Her: :youngsabo: I thought I was staying at your place tonight

Me: *on the inside I'm :gladbron:* but on the outside I'm :yeshrug: yeah, sure. you can do that

Her: :shaq2: You were supposed to say "no, it's a little too early for that and I wanna get to know you more." That was a test, you failed that one :smugfavre:

I played it off, laughed it off a bit and she wasn't mad or anything. after our date she texted me saying she really liked me but she didn't wanna rush into anything and wanted to take her time

my thing is I genuinely do like her and I see the potential for something special, beyond just some jumpoff shyt. but shyt, I'm not gonna turn it down if she offers...regardless of how early lol. but do ya'll think i should've responded different when she said that?

smh at her test.. props for being honest


Apr 30, 2012
And she'd be right in her assessment, the issue is she thought offering was a good idea and then testing you on your response? This isn't science class, what guy is going to say no to her test, she basically asked a rhetorical question and then judged you on the response that she already knew the answer to.

Fam, you have to ask yourself if she's doing this on the 2nd date, what do you think she'll be doing in the future. What other types of games and tests is she going to have in store for you. Does this chick have kids too?
I would have responded with "I don't play games"...immediately

Got to stop them right away. This is not high school anymore

Sent from my LG Nitro using Tapatalk breh


May 6, 2012
I would have responded with "I don't play games"...immediately

Got to stop them right away. This is not high school anymore

Sent from my LG Nitro using Tapatalk breh
exactly. NEVER be afraid to make a girl feel awkward/uneasy if it's a matter of principle. if it costs you p*ssy, then so be it. had he said that, yeah, the date's vibe would have went from fun and pleasant to awkward but at the same time if she likes you and realize she made a dumb move and that you're willing to compromise your odds of getting p*ssy over what she did, she will try to regain that power over you. so now she has to get you to like her again and this becomes a vicious cycle to her because the more she invests of her charm on you, the more power you have over her and the more she wants to regain power. and at some point the power and domination you gain over her makes you her leader and you can get puss from her if you want ironically.

Po pimp

May 1, 2012
So check this out. There's this fine trainer chick who works at my gym. She's only been working there a couple months, and has always been friendly. I'd never really spoken to her except in passing (simple "hey, how you doing" etc).

So last week, I'm working out, doing some crunches. I'm taking a break and basically staring off into space with my earphones on. So I felt someone tap my knee. I look up, and it was her walking past saying hi, so I'm like "oh" A couple of days later, I'm entering the gym to swipe my pass card, and there's a line of people waiting to get checked in with just one guy behind the desk. She happens to be up front and steps behind the desk to help. When she takes my card, we exchange small talk again, and one she checks me in, she says "thank u [my name]." Mind you, I never told her my name, she just saw it on the computer when she checked me in, which no one else had ever done since I've been going there. The next day, I run into her again on the way to the locker room. I speak to her, but didn't know we were both going down the stairs, so we continue to talk. She asked me how was my day, what I was working on that day, etc. She also asked me for my name again, so I told her and asked hers. Once we get to the locker rooms, she tells me she'll see me on the floor.

Now, I know being friendly is part of the job, but I've been going to this gym over 2 years, and no one has ever asked me for my name, waves at me and speaks every time they see me. Is this a case of her just doing her job, or is she choosing?


May 6, 2012
So check this out. There's this fine trainer chick who works at my gym. She's only been working there a couple months, and has always been friendly. I'd never really spoken to her except in passing (simple "hey, how you doing" etc).

So last week, I'm working out, doing some crunches. I'm taking a break and basically staring off into space with my earphones on. So I felt someone tap my knee. I look up, and it was her walking past saying hi, so I'm like "oh" A couple of days later, I'm entering the gym to swipe my pass card, and there's a line of people waiting to get checked in with just one guy behind the desk. She happens to be up front and steps behind the desk to help. When she takes my card, we exchange small talk again, and one she checks me in, she says "thank u [my name]." Mind you, I never told her my name, she just saw it on the computer when she checked me in, which no one else had ever done since I've been going there. The next day, I run into her again on the way to the locker room. I speak to her, but didn't know we were both going down the stairs, so we continue to talk. She asked me how was my day, what I was working on that day, etc. She also asked me for my name again, so I told her and asked hers. Once we get to the locker rooms, she tells me she'll see me on the floor.

Now, I know being friendly is part of the job, but I've been going to this gym over 2 years, and no one has ever asked me for my name, waves at me and speaks every time they see me. Is this a case of her just doing her job, or is she choosing?
no way to really tell cause it depends if she acts that way with everyone or not, depends on how she looks and acts body language, etc.

She could just be doing her job trying to get you as a client since she's a trainer and maybe just using her charm to get you. Or she could be attracted to you sexually. and it could also be a little bit of both. in any case, go with your gut. if you feel like she's trying to let you know she's attracted, then trust yourself.


May 27, 2012
So check this out. There's this fine trainer chick who works at my gym. She's only been working there a couple months, and has always been friendly. I'd never really spoken to her except in passing (simple "hey, how you doing" etc).

So last week, I'm working out, doing some crunches. I'm taking a break and basically staring off into space with my earphones on. So I felt someone tap my knee. I look up, and it was her walking past saying hi, so I'm like "oh" A couple of days later, I'm entering the gym to swipe my pass card, and there's a line of people waiting to get checked in with just one guy behind the desk. She happens to be up front and steps behind the desk to help. When she takes my card, we exchange small talk again, and one she checks me in, she says "thank u [my name]." Mind you, I never told her my name, she just saw it on the computer when she checked me in, which no one else had ever done since I've been going there. The next day, I run into her again on the way to the locker room. I speak to her, but didn't know we were both going down the stairs, so we continue to talk. She asked me how was my day, what I was working on that day, etc. She also asked me for my name again, so I told her and asked hers. Once we get to the locker rooms, she tells me she'll see me on the floor.

Now, I know being friendly is part of the job, but I've been going to this gym over 2 years, and no one has ever asked me for my name, waves at me and speaks every time they see me. Is this a case of her just doing her job, or is she choosing?

Breh re read that to yourself as if a different poster wrote it and tell me what your response would be. You've seemed to over think this and your mind will tend to play tricks on you. What was your initial gut feeling?

Po pimp

May 1, 2012
no way to really tell cause it depends if she acts that way with everyone or not, depends on how she looks and acts body language, etc.

She could just be doing her job trying to get you as a client since she's a trainer and maybe just using her charm to get you. Or she could be attracted to you sexually. and it could also be a little bit of both. in any case, go with your gut. if you feel like she's trying to let you know she's attracted, then trust yourself.

Haven't really seen her being flirty towards others (though admittedly, I wasn't paying attention). Hell, even that instance where we were in line and she was checking people in, she only mentioned me by name, not the person in front of me. I'm only gonna go in if I'm absolutely sure. As far as her trying to get me to be her client, if that's the case, she can forget that. I do just fine working out without a trainer, plus those prices are ridiculous.