Sadly there are many women who do not understand that. They start saying "Oh he just wants me for sex" and start acting "hurt" as if this comes as some sort of shock to them.
no bytch, its just the simple fact that many of us are not just going to stick around and be "friendly" with you knowing damn well your bf will start looking at us sideways because he knows the game.
My ex emailed me again but this time I feel completely indifferent towards her.
these same male friends hit her up about every 3-4 months just to see if she is still with me and then they disappear again
cant even blame em though. I've done that in the past myself but I was real slick with it.
Girl updates BBM status to a bunch of crying smileys
hours later:
Nudie: Yo did you finish that Accounting assignment? Lets compare answers
Girl: Not today, I aint in the mood
Nudie: Word? How come
Girl: Response A - boyfriend is such an a$$hole. He cheated on me and then broke up with me when I found out. I swear I fukking hate guys
Nudie: SMH, well when you good just holla at me. I wanna see if you got the same for question 17.
(Begins plotting)
Girl: Respone B - My dog just died. I've had him since he was three
Nudie: Ahh I see, well take solace in the fact that hes in a better place []. nikkas die everyday, you already know this.
Girl: True
*disappears - insert Homer - Bushes gif here*
This is why I say people are dumb for putting their relationship statuses and shyt on the internet or broadcasting shyt on Twitter. You letting people know too much about your personal life and more often then not girls dont even notice the signs.
cant even blame em though. I've done that in the past myself when I was a youte but I was real slick with it.
Girl updates BBM status to a bunch of crying smileys
hours later:
Nudie: Yo did you finish that Accounting assignment? Lets compare answers
Girl: Not today, I aint in the mood
Nudie: Word? How come
Girl: Response A - boyfriend is such an a$$hole. He cheated on me and then broke up with me when I found out. I swear I fukking hate guys
Nudie: SMH, well when you good just holla at me. I wanna see if you got the same for question 17.
(Begins plotting)
Girl: Respone B - My dog just died. I've had him since he was three
Nudie: Ahh I see, well take solace in the fact that hes in a better place []. nikkas die everyday, you already know this.
Girl: True
*disappears - insert Homer - Bushes gif here*
This is why I say people are dumb for putting their relationship statuses and shyt on the internet or broadcasting shyt on Twitter. You letting people know too much about your personal life and more often then not girls dont even notice the signs.
Everywhere. The problem is you have to dumpster dive to find something like that.
Deep down, women like a man that blunt and raw.
Apparently Southeast Asia, they have the highest average age for loss of virginity, it's well into the 20-22 range in most countries, the US is 16-17.
it's crazy how the emotions pass when you allow your mind to drift onto other options.
another post I found in the loud thread. Men all over, we gotta lay down the law from the start and not be on the provider end.
sound like that you mad for men catching your gold digging approach.