I need someone's help with this.
There was this chick I had a college class with in 2014. I never really talked to her much, but I remember her staring at me a few times during class.
One time in the hallway while waiting for class she asked me to hold her bag for her while she went to the bathroom.
I never shot my shot. Never even knew her name.
Today, I just happened to randomly stumble upon her Facebook. She also has an instagram.
I want to try and bag, but I was wondering how I should approach this.
I happen to be REALLY good at remembering faces even if I saw the person for a short while.
Should I mention the fact that I met her before or treat it like a whole new person I never met?
You Vividly remembering her staring at you, and the fact that its social media so her DMS are popping I'd gauge her interest, if i was you. See if she still has any of those thoughts she used to have that had her staring.
That means I'd add her on Facebook and Instagram and then do nothing. I wouldn't DM her, comment on anything, like a pic I wouldn't do none of that and I'd just wait. Cause that's what she would be expecting you do to, it's what the other nikkas do.
I wouldn't do nothing until she shows her hand, which will probably come in the form of her liking your pics, maybe an obscure pic from a while ago in your album., or messaging you saying hi she remembers you or where does she know you from or she might comment on something you post.
There's a chance she won't ever do that, and if that happens fukk it I move on im old school pimping, I aint ever breaking kayfabe. My goal when interacting with women is to quick as I can get HER chasing me, HER making moves to get my attention and talk to me, im fighting A side not B side .She may not holla but im betting she will remember how she used to like you and curiosity will get the better of her when she sees those two adds but none of the thirsty and blatant plays at her these other nikkas do. The minute you add her on both she will assume you feeling her, the minute you don't make any sort of noise on her social she will start to wonder why you added her, and if you actually are feeling her, that uncertainly is a fantastic place to get a girl in.