I’ve been trying AMS’s strategy above with online dating...
Basically you send them one message a day & never reply to them immediately
This shyt has not been working with the bytches I’ve been matching with on tinder
I’ll ask them something , they’ll reply and a day later I reply and I never hear from them again
Think this is a bad strategy or did the bytches have low interest to begin with
I don’t recommend it, takes too long to get her out and she will lose interest 99% of the time.
I had chicks unmatch me because I took 15 minutes to reply lol.
He might mean online online dating, not apps.
I try to get the bytch asap.
You really have no choice, but to get the number asap, I always try to get it within the first day if it’s early enough.
Sometimes I match real late at night and I can tell the convo will be stopped, so I’ll ask the next day.
Idk if it’s happening with current women, but women have been real bytches lately.
I’ve had some below average women act super stuck up to me, and I match with a lot of chicks, so it makes me wonder wtf is going on.
Maybe it’s just app girls ? Or is it all women?
I’m at the point now where I just match for fun and collect hoes because these bytches entitlement is terrible!!