She aint got no kind of shape. If you big, at least be curvy
Yeah...i was thinkn maybe some head n ghosting her lmao
She aint got no kind of shape. If you big, at least be curvy
Anyone here use indicators of interest?
Like when I first meet a chick if she doesn't ask me my name I know it's a L.
What are things that you've noticed through experience that predict whether or not you'll get laid?
Any unusual ones in particular?
I posted this before. What do you think of this old text?If they want to spend time with you. You can ask women if they think you’re attractive btw
I posted this before. What do you think of this old text?
Some background:
I was crushing on this chick for over a year but only spoke to her every now then when my homie (her step-cousin) would go over to her crib and invite me.
She was sort of a family friend. My mom and her mom are acquaintances.
She's a virgin and never really had a relationship yet she's attractive (looks a bit like AJ Lee the wrestler but she's not Hispanic)
So for years I never got her number because I put her on a pedestal and didn't want to ask in front of her family.
My homie told her that I liked her. She told him she knew. He still gave me the okay to proceed.
One day I ran into her near school (went to the same college) and asked for her number while she was inside of this eyebrow salon or something.
It was the day before Valentine's day so I wanted to rush shyt and asked her to chill with me the next day.
This was the result
I stopped talking to her after that and made out with her best friend over the summer to get her jealous ( I'm not sure if she ever found out)
Now I recently ran into her at graduation and found out my homie had got locked up so I ended up talking to her again.
Her step-sister had the details of what happened to him so I started talking to her also.
We have more chemistry but I asked her out and her answer was a vague no....
I posted this before. What do you think of this old text?
Some background:
I was crushing on this chick for over a year but only spoke to her every now then when my homie (her step-cousin) would go over to her crib and invite me.
She was sort of a family friend. My mom and her mom are acquaintances.
She's a virgin and never really had a relationship yet she's attractive (looks a bit like AJ Lee the wrestler but she's not Hispanic)
So for years I never got her number because I put her on a pedestal and didn't want to ask in front of her family.
My homie told her that I liked her. She told him she knew. He still gave me the okay to proceed.
One day I ran into her near school (went to the same college) and asked for her number while she was inside of this eyebrow salon or something.
It was the day before Valentine's day so I wanted to rush shyt and asked her to chill with me the next day.
This was the result
I stopped talking to her after that and made out with her best friend over the summer to get her jealous ( I'm not sure if she ever found out)
Now I recently ran into her at graduation and found out my homie had got locked up so I ended up talking to her again.
Her step-sister had the details of what happened to him so I started talking to her also.
We have more chemistry but I asked her out and her answer was a vague no....
Exactly. As they get over 30 the chances increase they they aren't really actively involved with anyone.@Silkk @BenStealer
Y'all both got points. If a chick is attractive and between 20-29 then someone is gonna be shooting their shot. At the same time, you'd be surprised how many guys are only about their digital game and don't make an effort to actually link up in real life.
Also, some chicks ain't really out there like that like that.
I think what happens is we see a subset of people and believe they are representative for the entire population.
You are very naive.Lol you got it boss.
How does it end?
She immediately called me:
“Is there a problem to what I said??
My kids are my life and if you aren’t interested...”
Me: “Can’t build no family with someone else’s kids...”
I've found that women who are single at 33/34 and older is usually for either a really good reason or a really bad reason. Not too much in between and I would say it leans more towards a bad reasonI just moved to ATL and started dating some of these 30+ year-old career women, boy has that been a mistske. They can usually mask it pretty well on the first date but it doesn't take long to see why most of them are single on top of the fact that they want marriage and kids quick.