One of the most disgusting things that men have been taught in this day and age is the need to be liked and to fit in above all else. As opposed to standing on principles and doing the right thing, you need to be 'politically correct', have an 'acceptable opinion' and so on and so forth. Frankly, it's a sick attitude for a man to have, and those emasculated men have pretty much let themselves be 'liked' right into wearing skirts.
Look at this:
Can any man in their right mind tell me that is acceptable? Instead of telling his boy, you better take that skirt off and we'll go hunting or put you in a karate class, this dude wants to be politically correct and pleasing to his kid to the point where HE is not only allowing the boy to wear the skirt, HE is wearing a skirt. I mean that is pathetic that this guy is letting his child lead him. Children should emulate their parents, not the other way around.
Getting back to the point at hand, as a man you should want what you want and like what you like as long as it is righteous. You should always have your principles. If society doesn't like it, you have to be strong enough to say screw society and continue standing on your principles. Society has never changed for the better by men who always allowed society to dictate to them their opinions and actions. God has given you manhood and to throw away this gift is disgraceful and you see the downward trend society is headed towards due to men shunning their manhood and instead rebelling by embracing estrogen. The repercussions of this is a downward spiral into destruction.
We are the hunters in society. We pursue. We go out and get. Unfortunately, in this day and age, boys are taught to 'let' and to wait. They have their decisions undermined and they are taught to be passive. Boys are shamed out of their natural nature-- their aggressive attitudes, instead of channeled into something positive, is drugged and medicated out of them. You know what would have happened to society if all men did was 'wait for game' to come to them? If they took a passive attitude instead of pursuing? That society would have starved. What would have happened to societies if the men were sitting around dressed in skirts, allowing their bodies and mind to become frail? Nothing would have ever become done, there would be no food on the table, no real shelters, and those men would have been dominated by surrounding tribes/civilizations.
This is why it is so important to embrace manhood. The riches of this society which were produced by men being men is being squandered now by men being taught and embracing being women. If society or some woman doesn't like it, screw them and let them head towards self-destruction.
Now, the important reason I brought up the point of the chemist is that as men, we're not to sit here and be passive and react to society. We are supposed to CAUSE the positive reactions. We've talked about the things women are capable of doing and how society is against us as men being me. But when is your strategy? What are you doing to counteract this bullrush? This is exactly what we should focus on... this strategy of overcoming this society who would shame us from over God given heritage of being men and of shaming women of their just as blessed role of being a woman.