Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


52 Years Young
May 28, 2012
sorry to inform you from even as you get older women are like little children nothing changes

I get on YouTube and hear the Iceman talk about 40-50 year old women that still act the same way these young ones. do. Its disheartening to know that women will basically be this way for life and most never "grow out of it."

To the young man whose girl went to the club with her friends.Dont trip just yet. Just hope that your girl was doing the right thing all those hours her phone was dead.You got to have trust in her but at same time be prepared for anything.In the meantime keep this in the back of your mind and if she pulls a stunt similar to this be prepared to get outta there.
That's not trust that's called giving someone the benefit of the doubt. you have your suspicions but can't prove anything so you let it go.

the thing about most women is they don't initialize the shyt they just entertain it after the man does it. to me any woman in a relationship going to the club for any reason (excuse) is suspicious. its like a pastor going to a whore house yeah he could be going there to witness to them but it just doesn't look right.

there are some things you give up voluntarily when you enter a relationship and going to the club (without your so) is one of them. women love to set shyt up so when they do their dirt its in a legitimate situation and will shame you if you call them on it. she'll just go to the club to hang with her friends and if you call her on it you don't trust her.


Free Sheist
May 1, 2012
To the young man whose girl went to the club with her friends.Dont trip just yet. Just hope that your girl was doing the right thing all those hours her phone was dead.You got to have trust in her but at same time be prepared for anything.In the meantime keep this in the back of your mind and if she pulls a stunt similar to this be prepared to get outta there.

Yea. Honestly fellas there's no need to jump the gun just stay emotionally detached and collect clues along the way to the point where you have cold hard evidence and can catch them.

You gotta treat it like a drug bust man. You can't get bent over a small transaction ...only gon get her locked up for a year and probation cause you will wonder if you overreacted and get all paranoid. Criminal back on the street in no time and now they know to switch the Modus operandi because you're on to them. They'll always tell on themselves be patient. Collect the data and when you see that shyt taking place live in action and its a real offence that's when you lay the law down and give her life.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
You gotta get hoes. Basically bytches want the same nikkas other bytches want. It's oxymoronic but Chris Rock said "Who knew the secret to getting women was getting a woman?"

Otherwise you just gotta be on some trill shyt. Betray any conventional knowledge/instincts you think about women. Whatever she expects, do the opposite. Be a man, take charge....that should be enough for you to crawl into the top 25%. The rest is a matter of lifestyle

So true. That's why most women in America are unhappy cause they let the emotions get the best of them. Remember, most bytches born post 1980 grew up without a father, so they don't know what is a quality man. Foreign women are much different and many of them let you have their way on them, as long as you not on that super-crazy shyt.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
I get on YouTube and hear the Iceman talk about 40-50 year old women that still act the same way these young ones. do. Its disheartening to know that women will basically be this way for life and most never "grow out of it."

That's not trust that's called giving someone the benefit of the doubt. you have your suspicions but can't prove anything so you let it go.

the thing about most women is they don't initialize the shyt they just entertain it after the man does it. to me any woman in a relationship going to the club for any reason (excuse) is suspicious. its like a pastor going to a whore house yeah he could be going there to witness to them but it just doesn't look right.

there are some things you give up voluntarily when you enter a relationship and going to the club (without your so) is one of them. women love to set shyt up so when they do their dirt its in a legitimate situation and will shame you if you call them on it. she'll just go to the club to hang with her friends and if you call her on it you don't trust her.

No quality woman should ever go to a place where thirsty men are located regularly. No extroverted woman in America is worth wifing.


Let's go panthers
May 1, 2012
I haven't been to too many southern states, wouldn't really know.

Nah, forget the women, just traveling itself is :ahh: status, living in Mich and being in a place that's warm during Feb would be a mind fukk :laugh:

And I hope foreign women aren't the new white women, cause I never been attracted to them or could relate to them.

packing up for your trip= :ahh:
the ride to the airport :ahh:
waiting to go on the plane :ahh:
safely landing in foreign country and being black at the same time :ahh:
meeting new people :ahh:

coming back home to a repetitive 9-5 life :sadbron::sadbron:


Apr 30, 2012
packing up for your trip= :ahh:
the ride to the airport :ahh:
waiting to go on the plane :ahh:
safely landing in foreign country and being black at the same time :ahh:
meeting new people :ahh:

coming back home to a repetitive 9-5 life :sadbron::sadbron:
leaving home is REAL freedom that too many are scared to do.

It really is a shame


Jun 2, 2012
fellas are u noticing that women are no longer traditional in the sense of letting the man direct the relationship, having the to make decisions for whats best for the relationship. Its like women want to dictate everthing, or they go to their family and get their advice which seems to always trump their man's advice


Let's go panthers
May 1, 2012
fellas are u noticing that women are no longer traditional in the sense of letting the man direct the relationship, having the to make decisions for whats best for the relationship. Its like women want to dictate everthing, or they go to their family and get their advice which seems to always trump their man's advice

you evert notice in talk show host or interviews with couples

the wife is always on the front end while the husband is taking a back seat in interviews


Old Member
Sep 15, 2012
guala guala island
Western countries are now being considered matriarchal



follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Let me put ya'll onto something real. There's no such thing as a woman 'letting' a man be a man. The real deal is you either choose to be a man or not. If these women get repelled by it, let them... but there's no such thing as a woman 'letting' you be a man... because she doesn't control whether you choose to embrace manhood or not-- you do.

The reason I'm making this distinction is because it is of utmost importance for men to realize that THEY are calling the shots with their own actions. If you being a man is contingent on a woman 'letting' you be on, then you weren't really one in the first place because she is the gatekeeper to your actions, not you. Man, you just got to say screw society and screw what women want when it comes down to something as critical as embracing your God-given manhood.

Look at this disgusting trash Sweden is doing:

SWEDEN'S largest toy chain has pictured boys holding baby dolls and girls playing with swords and guns in its Christmas catalogue.

''For several years, we have found that the gender debate has grown so strong in the Swedish market that we … have had to adjust,'' said Jan Nyberg, director of sales at Top Toy, the franchise-holder for Toys 'R' Us.

The country's advertising watchdog reprimanded the company for gender discrimination three years ago following complaints over outdated gender roles in the 2008 Christmas catalogue, which featured boys dressed as superheroes and girls playing princess.

A comparison between this year's Toys 'R' Us catalogues in Sweden and Denmark, where Top Toy is also the franchisee, showed that a boy wielding a toy machinegun in the Danish edition had been replaced by a girl in Sweden.

Elsewhere in the catalogue, a girl was deleted from the page depicting Hello Kitty items, a girl holding a baby doll was replaced by a boy, and in sister chain BR's catalogue, a young girl's pink T-shirt was turned light blue.

They are pretty much trying to put boys into the female role over there... having the boys in little pink aprons ironing clothes as toys for them and nursing babies. They are trying to get men to squat to pee... THOSE are the kind of males who rely on 'letting' a woman let them be men. If the women say no, they go and find this feminist trash acceptable. They are making the boys into punks over there and it's sad that the men over there are allowing it to happen, but that's what goes on when you are some simp who always caters to women. You allow yourself become emasculated to the point that those women whose rear ends you were kissing don't even want you and they flock to the type of man they claim they hate.

It's a shame that men are scared now to say what they want from a woman because they will be labeled sexist, and yet a woman can have 10,000 things on her checklist... and now she even wants a dude that cooks and cleans for her on top of the masculine duties. Man screw that. I ain't apologetic about wanting a feminine woman.

As a man, you got to be like a chemist, always formulating and looking for those reactions that lead to success while avoiding those combinations that will blow up in your face. None of this has to do with a woman 'letting' you do anything. A woman doesn't 'let' you unless you allow yourself to play that emasculated role.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
You know, what's sad, but also it's beautiful that this knowledge has come to light is that men have been fed estrogen mentally, spiritually, and even physically since birth and now we have a whole host of frustrated men wondering why things don't seem to work right. It's because you are going against the nature God has designed for you as a man. It's just like how you will be frustrated if you're trying to eat soup with a fork or you're trying to eat steak with a spoon. It's possible to do it, but it will be a frustrating endeavor and that fork or that spoon won't be used for it's most efficient purpose because it is being used in a manner it was NOT designed for.

This is the same thing happening in society. Men were NOT designed by God to be mini estrogen cases. Women are NOT designed to be men. When society gets gritty, this will quickly become evident. Women will quickly drop this male roleplaying they are doing and if a man doesn't step up to his role as a man, he will be getting punked and abused all day long... Unfortunately, so many men have been brainwashed to be a mini-female through television, school, and even parents that they are living lives of confusion.

One of the things that has been happening to men is that their authority has been constantly undercut or they've never been taught to have responsible authority in the first place. You constantly have neo-feminists and simped out, emasculated men attempting to undermine your authority by telling you that's wrong... but it's funny how milleniums of societies where men had the authority kept on surviving, while we've had no significant societies where men played the role of the female. This new-age trash isn't new age. It was something that didn't work in the past and yet is being repackaged as something new to destabilize the society and because humans always want something different, so they are willing to engage in this buffoonery, even if it is to the great detriment of society.

Men face harsher repercussions for their actions... but this is what makes you a man. The ability to bear those repercussions that women don't want to deal with. As a man, you should NOT be passive. "Letting" should not be in your vocabulary. Nobody 'lets' you do anything and you shouldn't wait up for things to happen. You have to MAKE it happen.


May 27, 2012
Don't scare that man lol. He should know his girl by now but guessing he had to come to this thread maybe he don't and maybe that is the problem alot of guys have anyway. They don't know who the fukk they dealing with outside of her looks. It can never be a continuous problem but if I know what is her usual norm I'll give her a pass just like I would anybody else that has proven that isn't their normal behavior. I can't be the only one that looks at peoples bodies of works on here can't be.
In my time of being a man ho many a chicks with husbands and live in boyfriends have hit me with that line. He doesnt know this isnt something I normally do so he wont expect it. Just saying breh :manny:


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
One of the most disgusting things that men have been taught in this day and age is the need to be liked and to fit in above all else. As opposed to standing on principles and doing the right thing, you need to be 'politically correct', have an 'acceptable opinion' and so on and so forth. Frankly, it's a sick attitude for a man to have, and those emasculated men have pretty much let themselves be 'liked' right into wearing skirts.

Look at this:

Can any man in their right mind tell me that is acceptable? Instead of telling his boy, you better take that skirt off and we'll go hunting or put you in a karate class, this dude wants to be politically correct and pleasing to his kid to the point where HE is not only allowing the boy to wear the skirt, HE is wearing a skirt. I mean that is pathetic that this guy is letting his child lead him. Children should emulate their parents, not the other way around.

Getting back to the point at hand, as a man you should want what you want and like what you like as long as it is righteous. You should always have your principles. If society doesn't like it, you have to be strong enough to say screw society and continue standing on your principles. Society has never changed for the better by men who always allowed society to dictate to them their opinions and actions. God has given you manhood and to throw away this gift is disgraceful and you see the downward trend society is headed towards due to men shunning their manhood and instead rebelling by embracing estrogen. The repercussions of this is a downward spiral into destruction.

We are the hunters in society. We pursue. We go out and get. Unfortunately, in this day and age, boys are taught to 'let' and to wait. They have their decisions undermined and they are taught to be passive. Boys are shamed out of their natural nature-- their aggressive attitudes, instead of channeled into something positive, is drugged and medicated out of them. You know what would have happened to society if all men did was 'wait for game' to come to them? If they took a passive attitude instead of pursuing? That society would have starved. What would have happened to societies if the men were sitting around dressed in skirts, allowing their bodies and mind to become frail? Nothing would have ever become done, there would be no food on the table, no real shelters, and those men would have been dominated by surrounding tribes/civilizations.

This is why it is so important to embrace manhood. The riches of this society which were produced by men being men is being squandered now by men being taught and embracing being women. If society or some woman doesn't like it, screw them and let them head towards self-destruction.

Now, the important reason I brought up the point of the chemist is that as men, we're not to sit here and be passive and react to society. We are supposed to CAUSE the positive reactions. We've talked about the things women are capable of doing and how society is against us as men being me. But when is your strategy? What are you doing to counteract this bullrush? This is exactly what we should focus on... this strategy of overcoming this society who would shame us from over God given heritage of being men and of shaming women of their just as blessed role of being a woman.