When it comes down to it, you shouldn't be a man because 'that's what women want' or 'that's what they respond to.' You should do it because it is your God-given role and stepping up and embracing your manhood will give you far more satisfaction than this feminized role that is being artificially created for men. We're seeing so much disappointment from men these days because they've never really been taught or encouraged to embrace their masculinity. The beautiful thing is though, that when you do embrace being a man, the women come with it.
Women have been trained by school and society to verbalize one thing, but when they feel comfortable and aren't thinking about mouthing off an acceptable response, they will let you know how they REALLY feel. Just in the article above, those women didn't care for those frail 'herbivore' men at all. There's a reason women love that 50 shades of grey book. I had a coworker telling me about it and she was going crazy over the book and from what she was telling me about it, it halfway sounded like the dude was abusing the female, but she was actually highly turned on by it and talked about how she loved how dominant and in control the man was.
One reason I hate watching television and listening to a lot of rnb music is because it often shows unrealistic outcomes for actions. Upon continually watching it, your brain starts to associate that false outcome as the real outcome from said action. This is why so many men have grown up disappointed. They've been brainwashed through various means, seeing certain images on television that show unrealistic outcomes for actions. On television, you see the goofy, passive guy who defers to the woman end up with her, and the way he deals with her is mad weak. He's gently carressing her face and kissing her tenderly. But in real life, women might think passive goofballs are cute, but she will NOT hold him to nearly the same esteem as a confident, masculine man. She will NOT respect the man who gently kisses her and nibbles on her earlobe like he's a lesbian compared to the man that can pick her up with ease and handle her.
That's what all of these 'tests' women bring up amount to. She's testing for your leadership, strength and self-respect, which are key traits of you being a man. She wants to see if you are going to step up and check her on her errant behavior... if you are strong enough to tell her to keep that disrespect at the door.
The problem is that men aren't being directly taught this. They are taught some catering and pandering trash and they end up being angry when this nonsense they were reared on ends up getting them used and abused. This whole 'being nice' thing men were reared on on television has nothing to do with nice. Men were taught estrogen based behavior under the guise of 'nice guy' and we see that it doesn't work AT ALL... you now see that underlying objective becoming clearer and clearer as society's handlers are becoming even more bold with their objectives. They are now 'destroying gender roles' supposedly, but in reality they are assigning female roles to men and masculine roles to women. You now see men wearing skirts and all sorts of trash, and speaking out against it makes you bad because you are supporting restrictive gender roles or some trash. All of it is breaking down the family structure. Just as that graph showed you, matriarchal societies have the highest divorce rates. It just goes to show you, despite all the feminist rhetoric these women regurgitate, they do NOT want effeminate men. And you, as a man, will never be able to really look at yourself with pride if you live your whole life being buttery soft, as if your testosterone was extracted from your body.
One of the KEY causes of anger, sadness and disappointment is when expectations diverge from reality. So, what I'm telling the fellas here to eliminate a lot of future anger or sadness is to stop expecting decent behavior from women if you are coming with an estrogen-filled approach... and a lot of us were reared on it in very subtle manners. I'll go into more of this with the next post and show some of my personal mistakes.