Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


Thats My Quarterback :to:
May 2, 2012
I missed out on a 9 last month after not making any huge mistakes and everything was going well. She was honestly one of the most beautiful women I've ever dated, but she just started ghosting after we made out the first time. I reached out with one call and two texts then got the hint and fell back, but that shyt has me in my feelings to this day... TO THIS DAY! :shaq2:

Since then I got with a girl who's like a 7.5, but I'm still searching for more p*ssy to get me out of my feelings man. Brehs who've gone through this, how many pussies does it take to get over such a situation? And should I try holla again after a couple months to see if she misses me or something? :francis:

But if you can find a woman you're more emotionally attached to you'll get past it.

Physical & Mental attraction > Physical attraction


I think very deeply
May 4, 2012
Thats a Lie! This nikka dont know, Asian chicks are ON IT! They just like eastern European women fully buy into all nikkas have big dikks stereotypes but they know they cant ever bring you home, almost every single Asian chick i have spoken to has told me her parents straight told them they would get disowned if they dated a nikka, it stops them from wanting to be in a serious relationship but doesn't stop them from wanting to fukk, in fact it makes them want to fukk more. Asian will fukk 100%,and whats funny is even older Asian women are on it, im talking even ones who are married, you nikkas need to learn.

Really now? :heh:

They are not on it like that, sorry. That's cool with me personally, cos they've never appealed to me like that and I have no interest in their culture, but don't lie to yourself so you can feel better. Other women, maybe, but it's not very often Asian women fukk with brothas. I know it happens, but that shyt is rare.


Dec 25, 2014
Thats a Lie! This nikka dont know, Asian chicks are ON IT! They just like eastern European women fully buy into all nikkas have big dikks stereotypes but they know they cant ever bring you home, almost every single Asian chick i have spoken to has told me her parents straight told them they would get disowned if they dated a nikka, it stops them from wanting to be in a serious relationship but doesn't stop them from wanting to fukk, in fact it makes them want to fukk more. Asian will fukk 100%,and whats funny is even older Asian women are on it, im talking even ones who are married, you nikkas need to learn.

By Asian, I mean Japanese, Korean, Chinese etc. Do you mean Indian/Pakistani women? I'm from London but now live in Canada now and the terminology is different. Indian and Pakistani people here are called brown, not Asian like in the UK.

And yes, I fukked plenty of arty Indian and Pakistani women and yes, they could mostly never be seen alone with you at all. Lest someone who knows their parents or fam see you together. I was talking about east Asians who were in very small numbers and mostly the ones on it were foreign students.

In London, the type of East Asian women that were there and homegrown were mostly Vietnamese with a few Chinese about. And Japanese women in the nicer parts of London. It's too spread out. I grew up in South London and would occasionally eat from the local art college as I was in and around that scene. But outside of that. It was hard to know who was on it.

For me, the difference between the East Asian and Indian /Pakistani women in the UK and the ones here in Vancouver, Canada is the Canadian ones will make it clear they like you. Be seen out with you. No cloak and dagger shyt. And they are plentiful.

They're also superior in looks and body shapes. I've been in Canada for nearly three years and the levels are off the charts

Just my tally of PAAGs here is



I think very deeply
May 4, 2012
By Asian, I mean Japanese, Korean, Chinese etc. Do you mean Indian/Pakistani women? I'm from London but now live in Canada now and the terminology is different. Indian and Pakistani people here are called brown, not Asian like in the UK.

And yes, I fukked plenty of arty Indian and Pakistani women and yes, they could mostly never be seen alone with you at all. Lest someone who knows their parents or fam see you together. I was talking about east Asians who were in very small numbers and mostly the ones on it were foreign students.

In London, the type of East Asian women that were there and homegrown were mostly Vietnamese with a few Chinese about. And Japanese women in the nicer parts of London. It's too spread out. I grew up in South London and would occasionally eat from the local art college as I was in and around that scene. But outside of that. It was hard to know who was on it.

For me, the difference between the East Asian and Indian /Pakistani women in the UK and the ones here in Vancouver, Canada is the Canadian ones will make it clear they like you. Be seen out with you. No cloak and dagger shyt. And they are plentiful.

They're also superior in looks and body shapes. I've been in Canada for nearly three years and the levels are off the charts

Just my tally of PAAGs here is


Oh I thought you were referring to the Indians and Pakistanis. I forgot Asian is referred to as the so called 'Orientals' outside the UK.


Manchester United/Atletico Madrid
Jan 28, 2013
Really now? :heh:

They are not on it like that, sorry. That's cool with me personally, cos they've never appealed to me like that and I have no interest in their culture, but don't lie to yourself so you can feel better. Other women, maybe, but it's not very often Asian women fukk with brothas. I know it happens, but that shyt is rare.

First of all how do you know? seeing as they have 'never appealed to you' let me ask you this, how often have you spoken to Asian girls? I live in a part of east London that is predominately Asian, i talk to many Asian girls, Indians, Pakistani, Bengali, even Arab girls, Muslim girls that wear the hijab THEY ARE ALL THE SAME. ALL girls fall for the same shyt, if your funny, witty and confident but also have an air of not giving too much of a fukk about them they will want you, that's all women regardless of race, culture or colour. And if they see that other girls like you too they want you even more.

Older Asian women are worse, alot of them have ended up in arranged marriages to men they not really feeling but its what family demanded, their eyes stray.

One example recently, my boy is assistant manager in a phone shop, everyone who works there is Asian, hes the only nikka and the manager is white Portuguese. I come there to check him once in a while and i start talking to this Pakistani girl, my boy goes out to smoke and go with him and she decides to follow us, this girl fully eyeing me the whole time, ends up telling me shes single but guess what, she has a man who works in the SAME shop. My boy had already saw how we was talking in the shop and told me to be careful about her man, when she said that i looked straight at him his face was like oh snap its like that. She was talking about how she been single for about 3 years and her last relationship her man was controlling now she just wanna enjoy herself while shes young and not be tied up in a relationship, WHILE SHE HAS A MAN! one Pakistani guy from the shop

By Asian, I mean Japanese, Korean, Chinese etc. Do you mean Indian/Pakistani women? I'm from London but now live in Canada now and the terminology is different. Indian and Pakistani people here are called brown, not Asian like in the UK.

And yes, I fukked plenty of arty Indian and Pakistani women and yes, they could mostly never be seen alone with you at all. Lest someone who knows their parents or fam see you together. I was talking about east Asians who were in very small numbers and mostly the ones on it were foreign students.

In London, the type of East Asian women that were there and homegrown were mostly Vietnamese with a few Chinese about. And Japanese women in the nicer parts of London. It's too spread out. I grew up in South London and would occasionally eat from the local art college as I was in and around that scene. But outside of that. It was hard to know who was on it.

For me, the difference between the East Asian and Indian /Pakistani women in the UK and the ones here in Vancouver, Canada is the Canadian ones will make it clear they like you. Be seen out with you. No cloak and dagger shyt. And they are plentiful.

They're also superior in looks and body shapes. I've been in Canada for nearly three years and the levels are off the charts

Just my tally of PAAGs here is


Yea i did mean Indian/Pakistani, your right they cant be seen with you but they will definitely fukk. For east Asian women i dont know you could be right cause i have rarely even been able to interact with any but i do have one story. I worked in a phone shop in Cambridge and some south Korean girl came in, international student and i spoke to her quite abit and she ended up coming in every two weeks, whenever she wanted to top her phone up to call back home she'd come in and wait for me. Her mum came over from south korea to visit and she brought her mum to the store and introduced me to her. When she was about to leave to go back she came in the store and told me and said i should buy her a leaving gift, i said she should be buying me a gift and the girl actually came back two days later with chocolates for me. Im pretty sure lack of success with East Asian girls is mostly down to lack of opportunity if you were to think about it. When you get the time to interact with any girl for an extended period you can grab any girl.
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The Message

Lex with tv sets the minimum
Jun 19, 2012
I missed out on a 9 last month after not making any huge mistakes and everything was going well. She was honestly one of the most beautiful women I've ever dated, but she just started ghosting after we made out the first time.
think of it this way...she got you off your square after knowing her for like 3 hours breh. 3 hours breh!

its not about how many its going to take to get over her...its about you getting a bytch BETTER than her. running thru dozens of bytches to get over a chick who played you doesnt work. you gotta find a chick whos badder than her and shell be an afterthought

and may have a girl for tonight, for the month or a few years...but understand, these these hoes belong to the game.

theyre never ours...we just rent and lease these broads for a period of time.

girls are here today...gone today. but motherfukk the reason why she bounces. think about the mistakes you made with her, correct them quickly and move on...because she definitely has.

dont ever reach out to her ever again:ufdup:


Apr 25, 2018
Did you attempt to fukk?

Yeah, I was trying to escalate, push and pull strategy to make her feel comfortable, but she hit me with the "I don't move that fast" routine whenever I tried to take her clothes off. I posted on here earlier that my game was tight on this broad, but I suspect that when she came over to my crib and saw my sick penthouse and ate my bomb ass chicken, she started seeing me as a provider type and decided to start acting coy cause of that, whereas before she was being very straightforward with me. Some women play games with potential husbands and are straightforward with guys who ain't shyt. That's my number one suspicion in this case.

Anyway, I'll have to get someone better, but it's gonna be hard. She was in my top 3 hottest women I've ever dated, and she was real feminine too. Gonna be hard to top, but I already got some prospects lined up.

Spiritual Stratocaster

Jesus is KING
Aug 14, 2014
Yeah, I was trying to escalate, push and pull strategy to make her feel comfortable, but she hit me with the "I don't move that fast" routine whenever I tried to take her clothes off. I posted on here earlier that my game was tight on this broad, but I suspect that when she came over to my crib and saw my sick penthouse and ate my bomb ass chicken, she started seeing me as a provider type and decided to start acting coy cause of that, whereas before she was being very straightforward with me. Some women play games with potential husbands and are straightforward with guys who ain't shyt. That's my number one suspicion in this case.

Anyway, I'll have to get someone better, but it's gonna be hard. She was in my top 3 hottest women I've ever dated, and she was real feminine too. Gonna be hard to top, but I already got some prospects lined up.
You got a penthouse breh..

These broads supposed to chasing and thinking about you not the other way around...move on from that broad breh.

And yea women do start playing coy when they see a dude who is relationship worthy and it usually ends up backfiring on them:pachaha:

No point in wondering what happened..broads are fickle and will leave for a bunch of reasons...

Never contact her again..and IF she contacts you invite her over to the crib...fukk a dinner :steviej:

John Reena

Jan 27, 2016
I missed out on a 9 last month after not making any huge mistakes and everything was going well. She was honestly one of the most beautiful women I've ever dated, but she just started ghosting after we made out the first time. I reached out with one call and two texts then got the hint and fell back, but that shyt has me in my feelings to this day... TO THIS DAY! :shaq2:

Since then I got with a girl who's like a 7.5, but I'm still searching for more p*ssy to get me out of my feelings man. Brehs who've gone through this, how many pussies does it take to get over such a situation? And should I try holla again after a couple months to see if she misses me or something? :francis:

Don’t get hung up on a dime ghosting you.

Any chick who ghost u not worth a piece of doo doo.

Just shake it off, other dimes out here.


The Coli's dirty Afro-Mexicano
Sep 8, 2013
California (Live in GA)
I missed out on a 9 last month after not making any huge mistakes and everything was going well. She was honestly one of the most beautiful women I've ever dated, but she just started ghosting after we made out the first time. I reached out with one call and two texts then got the hint and fell back, but that shyt has me in my feelings to this day... TO THIS DAY! :shaq2:

Since then I got with a girl who's like a 7.5, but I'm still searching for more p*ssy to get me out of my feelings man. Brehs who've gone through this, how many pussies does it take to get over such a situation? And should I try holla again after a couple months to see if she misses me or something? :francis:

Seems like you got low self esteem because the broad is a supposed '9'... move on man. You worrying about something you can't. If you keep looking in the review mirror, you gonna miss all the important shyt that is coming up.


Hispaniola Exchange Student
Dec 14, 2016
Where It’s Not Safe
Ran into a chick i was smashing for damn near a year that I ghosted awhile back in Chipotle

Saw her and her lil friends at the table staring at me

Walked right out with the :Denzelsmug: face didnt even look in their direction

Hopped in the whip , backed out and I see her walking fast towards my driver side

Heard her say my name but I just drove off :WoohLawd:

I'm sure she hates my guts.