How do you guys balance a roster? Going out all the time gets tiring.
Sidenote: This past month has been insane dating-wise. It's like there's an endless supply of women.
In NY its easy, every girl gets a different location to meet up and have sex with. From Central Park to several other lookout points. I follow two simple rules;
1. Never invite a thot over to your house, ever.
2. Always makes sure shes DTF anywhere.
Having a roster is easy, especially with Social media...insofar that I don't give them my official IG, just my FB, I never post on it, I use it only for chat purposes. Basically, I keep the mystery, even online. Also, every girl gets a time slot, no exceptions. If there's some kickback with meeting hours, I simply ignore and take a break till the next one. To keep it simple, I never give them any personal info. The greatness that is man, is not for women to understand, its for them to seek guidance from.
When you're the dragon warrior, a roster isn't an obstacle, its a bonus. :Brucecool: