how do u go about finding girlsYou have to understand one important thing about women and that is they feed off emotions. The wrong woman can be a succubus in your life if you let her. No matter what is going on, they will try draw something out of you to move you. They are like the unstoppable force looking to meet the immovable object. When dealing with anything like their games, rejection, or words trying to make you jealous, you can NOT feed into it. Ever. Falling back and letting them spin in their own web is your best bet when you smell something like that cooking up for you. Don't jump in and get mad at her, argue, or try set her up for a false date or whatever. I see guys in here trying to play games right back with the woman, and that is the worst possible thing to do.
For instance, if a girl has you pissed because she's ghosting you/flaking/saying things about other guys to test you, but you and her aren't a couple, then just shrug that off nonchalantly and lose interest in her. Don't go directly into it and try to out logic her and her words. SHOW her that what she said/did was wack and give her space. The more space you give her the better for you. That says strength and shows discipline from you. If it's your girl then calmly let her know you're not feeling her and what she's doing, then put her on time out. Just like a kid, because that's how she's acting. Then go to do something else and keep your energy for things like getting money, other women who aren't playing with you, exercising, hobbies, going places etc.
There's A LOT more you can be doing with your life rather than stress over a shorty who is acting out. There is only so much time to do the things you want to in life, than to try out smart them all the time. All you're doing with that is jumping into the witches' brew to stew in there.
do u just go to a mall and approach em
whats ur technique and where do u do it cause a lot of times a girl is with a friend or has earphones in