dont they think ur weird/creepy tho
its also difficult if they have a friend with them, no?
No they do not unless u come off as one.
Smile, eye contact and confidence is all u need .
Never said it's a guaranteed it works but it builds u up inside to where it comes as second nature making convos which ultimately increases your success rate.
As far as a friend goes it's always difficult with one around cuz of tendacies of them cock blocking it's less likely when not in damn club which they expect it to happen.
Dont worry bout the friend is what it comes down too it. If they run interference I just do this.
If the girl i came over to talk too still seems interested I just give her my number anyways and walk away and it's up to her what she does with it.
If the friend is just being difficult I'm more likely not to even bother try or give number cuz it be a waste cuz she will just be in her ear especially if that same girl I came to holler at seems indecisive. U need clear I'm interested in u signs so u dont want deal with the hassle of the friend be a waste of time.
Also when it happens in a club and they have friends I just dance with all the friends till I get to the girl I came over to talk too. It shows I'm a fun guy I dont discriminate either and the friends appreciate it. Makes her even more interested in u and the cock block usually goes down alot that way.
Remember no sure fire way of the cold approach but great eye contact smiling and confidence greatly helps make it easier
And not worrying bout rejection makes it easier
Cuz worse they can say is no
Doing it often makes u greater at conversations and maintaining it longer which in return more appealing
Ex. I'm sorry but she isnt here looking for love sir
Me: sorry if that's what your thinking I'm not here for that. Just wanted to compliment her on (whatever it is was that made u wanna come over) nothing more. (Refocus on the girl u came over to talk too)I wont hold u lovely ladies up here is my number. Call or txt me whenever u wanna talk again . Have a nice day