Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


Chakra Daddy
May 1, 2012
So you gone be real nikka and get your boy a raise/promotion:ohhh:
Breh it’s delicate, she doesn’t want this info to spread because she wants to be taken seriously as a boss, etc.

But she’s fine as fukk, benghalseshi/Mexican broad with big titties, tight p*ssy, and not a blemish or hair on her body. And she was wearing coke white forces :wow:


Dec 25, 2014

It's why i'm selective of who I give my attention to, and why I don't get all :shaq: over every broad eyefukking me.

If i'm not planning on approaching then i'm not even gonna bother looking at them...gets em mad everytime.

The reactions I've gotten where I've just walked past women on the block without acknowledging them :pachaha:

Always feels good. You know some chicks are used to constant male attention and expect it as standard.

Even better when they see you walking with other chicks as well.


May 1, 2012
what do you usually say in cold approach

do u approach them from behind or in front of them

Honestly if they give me eye contact longer than 5 secs it's a done deal for me I go approach them if I want too cuz it's a sign she is interested in u one way or another unless u did something weird or stupid and that is y they made eye contact.
Having said that doesnt guaranteed they want u its just a sign of interest keyword interest.

I always cold approach with the simple hello how are u or excuse me and say can I ask a question.
Regardless of my approach I always make great eye contact and what I always say and ask is what I truly feel.
I dont spit game.
I spit facts. I dont worry bout rejection at all. shyt happens. Worse she can say is no. But what is worse is What If. Never wonder what if cuz if u do that could of been u with that female but u were too chicken shyt to shoot ur shot.
Like someway posted just talking to random people anywhere bout anything will help greatly.
How is your day?
Weather is nice today isn't it?
For this simple fact and it's TRUE no matter how u look or who u are

These things are true and factual that can separate u from the pack and will make u stand out anywhere anytime

A guy who is confident a female can sense, feel and look at
A guy who makes good eye contact makes them feel like their teaching in their soul and are sincere and serious with the things they say and pay attention
A guy who can carry a conversation easily can make a wrong step and still bring himself back up and still be very desirable. A guy who can carry a conversation also will have many opportunities to success cuz of the naturalness and flow of how that conversation goes.
I'm not saying a guy who can just say shyt to say shyt I'm saying a guy who can go anywhere anytime talk to random people and they stay interested in that moment and have their complete attention has alluring appeal to women.


Apr 30, 2012
Atlanta, Georgia
Deleted my tinder again. I think you gotta pop in and pop out. I'll c bacc around October, gonna work with the keepers I got for now

edit - forgot to mention, was in NYC and a combination of :mjcry: and :banderas: at the amount of fine women there. Got home to these local hoes like :hhh:
Always said this, Atlanta got the baddest black women, but NYC got the baddest of whatever your flavor is. I don’t even like white women, but they be looking like straight models in NYC :whew:


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
One thing I learned pretty early as a 21 year old is women are fickle. There's too many broads to list that showed me that but I'll talk about one. This chick I met on Tinder said she wanted something serious and someone to give her heart to. She opened up to me way too fast in a matter of days when I got her snap. Fast forward 3 days later she comes over and we do what we do. A week later she took me to meet her little brothers and her mom
:merchant:but I didn't think anything of it. They seemed to take a liking to me. Fast forward another week, she started to get distant and I told her if she wasnt tryna be serious then she should tell me instead of doing shyt that people do when they're already in a relationship. She hit me with the "oh I've just been busy with work" tomfoolery:mjpls:

Fast forward two more weeks she says she isn't ready for a relationship. Mind you this chick added me on Facebook without me even giving her my name when I matched with her on Tinder. So another two weeks go by I came across on my timeline that this bytch is in a whole ass new relationship on FB. I blocked her because I didnt want to be tempted to warn the unlucky breh about how nuts she is
:scust:I didn't have feelings for her but I think about if some girl I was really digging pulled that shyt, I'd feel like committing that
Moral of the story: don't take the majority of these bytches seriously brehs. Women act on pure emotion and are fickle as hell when it comes to relationships

good you are finding out early. I put ZERO stock in chicks. I'm 33 and I can think of all the women who said they loved me, that they will always be there for me, even chicks that were great friends where are they today? Slobbing on another dikk or who knows where

Minus my family, there isn't one chick I'm talking to today that I was speaking to 6 months ago, the turnover is like a min wage job call center. And you are correct its all on pure emotion and what they are feeling in the moment, so yeah in the moment they may be really feeling you but tomorrow is another day.

Any broad I talk to now I know today could be the last day we speak and shrugs its life, back in teh day i'd send a text like hey long time or sit and ponder what did i do wrong, should i have come on more or this and that like im in the nfl watching tape of a loss now :ehh:.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
dont get caught up on a bytch who isn't giving u any play
and if you're caught up, go out with other bytches even if u have no interest in them
seeing women show interest in u >>>>>>>>

then you gona feel retarded for wasting ur time on a bytch that isnt interested in u.

hell I'd say don't get caught up period always remember just enjoy it while you're in it but it can end at any time.

And I agree if a woman isn't giving you play run, i have like 3 women at the momnt who every mornign when i wake up i hve texts from them, they call me every day ( i usually never answer, they keep asking questions almost to the point of annoyance)

but when you experience that and then the opposite you learn not to waste your time on broads who are just cold to you, those one word answers, that coldnss on the phone that I'll call you late call that never coms

Vinny Lupton

Jan 27, 2014
Gotta bush the entire roster. I think they all got together and decided to be creepy. One asked me if I was gonna sleep over her house, then I said no, then she asked why. bytch it doesn't matter why :dahell: I have a bed

another one today said "so what am I only gonna see you every 2 weeks lol" :dahell::dahell::dahell: if I could see the future I'd play lotto wtf kind of question

gonna purge the roster these hoes krazy
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The Coli's dirty Afro-Mexicano
Sep 8, 2013
California (Live in GA)
Damn near dropped my whole roster... had 4 and went down to 1 -- all in a matter of 24 hours...:wow:

Main chick - dated for about 7 months, very emotionally detached and the sex was wacked. we were on and off type of situation, but this past weekend was the last straw. Told her i would for her to be more affectionate and she basically said no. She had some issues in her child hood. So cut her off. ain't putting up with that shyt anymore fukking more.

2nd chick - her and i never messed around but we dated for a while. reason i never piped her is because i am always traveling for work and our schedules never aligned. she said something slick saying that i must not be getting no ass because i haven't piped her yet. I said what makes you think i'm not seeing other women? she was like, 'what, you seeing other women?'. Of course I am, you and i are not exclussive. this broad was alllll inn her damn feelings lol. so long story short, she tried to give me an ultimatum.... :camby:

3rd chick - bytch was dime, certified crazy. she foudn out i slept wit this one broad, and this is before i known her, way long ago. she decides she wants to call me all types of i ain't shyt and what not. i told her that whoever i dated in the past has nothign to do with you. long story short, i cut her retarded ass too.

But my bottom bytch - my Italian pawg :banderas: I have spoken about her earlier a few pages ago. She is the only one that has been consistent, actually caring and gave a fukk about me. I tried to break it off wtih her a few times, but she was persistent as fukk lol. She is back home in italy spending time with her parents for vacation, but her and I return to the states on Saturday (i'm in korea right now) and have plans to get together. All though we have never talked about being exclusive and I know that is what she wants, I'm going to present the opportunity of her asking me (because i'm not submitting to her having a relationship with me). We'll see how it goes, but I know where her head and heart is at. Truthfully brehs, I am glad that her and I got together. Not going to lie, the interracial thing still bugs me, but i've moving past that. LIke some of the homies on her said, as long as she makes me happy, who cares what anyone else thinks.


Real name no gimmicks..
May 5, 2012
San Jose, Cali
One thing I learned pretty early as a 21 year old is women are fickle. There's too many broads to list that showed me that but I'll talk about one. This chick I met on Tinder said she wanted something serious and someone to give her heart to. She opened up to me way too fast in a matter of days when I got her snap. Fast forward 3 days later she comes over and we do what we do. A week later she took me to meet her little brothers and her mom
:merchant:but I didn't think anything of it. They seemed to take a liking to me. Fast forward another week, she started to get distant and I told her if she wasnt tryna be serious then she should tell me instead of doing shyt that people do when they're already in a relationship. She hit me with the "oh I've just been busy with work" tomfoolery:mjpls:

Fast forward two more weeks she says she isn't ready for a relationship. Mind you this chick added me on Facebook without me even giving her my name when I matched with her on Tinder. So another two weeks go by I came across on my timeline that this bytch is in a whole ass new relationship on FB. I blocked her because I didnt want to be tempted to warn the unlucky breh about how nuts she is
:scust:I didn't have feelings for her but I think about if some girl I was really digging pulled that shyt, I'd feel like committing that
Moral of the story: don't take the majority of these bytches seriously brehs. Women act on pure emotion and are fickle as hell when it comes to relationships

Aubrey is that you? :sas1:


Marathon Continues
Jun 11, 2017
these girls and flaking at the VERY LAST minute though
View media item 18099now i gotta pretend im not pissed off, on some "its all good, we'll see each other some other time :mjgrin:" :comeon:

That's the best way to go. Never let them see you mad or flustered. Always have a mindset of "if I had 6 bytches how would i react?"
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