"Hi reinscarf
Could I ask you for a favor? Im trying to book for a cottage in July and the one I like wants all payment upfront. Im able to pay it off but I’m facing a dilemma because that would mean that I can only have access to my rent $ on the 3rd May, but has to be paid on the 1st. This is new for me to ask, but I need help, im in a tight corner with time. I’m afraid if I delay,wait till the 3rd of May the cottage will end up rented out for the days that im off & most of them are already fully booked for summer time. Could you please help me with the rent money so I pay it on the 1st and I will send it back to you on the 3rd.
I know it’s difficult that im even asking but I would really appreciate your help reinscarf"
No girl/woman should ever ever feel comfortable enough to ask you for money, even your main chick should brace herself when asking. It means she considers you one of the go-to rich beta/bytch nikkaz with money in her contact list. You see when a girl really values a guy she won't even allow you to see her unless she's had a bath and cleaned herself up. She is that paranoid that you will not only ditch her, but will ditch her for something better. This chick is so confident in your lack of options and her not caring how she comes across to you that she would ask you for money/or any major inconvenience even though she hasn't put in work with you.
This means you chase bytches, your whole aura is that THEY are doing YOU a favor by even entertaining your advances. Girls can smell that shyt a mile off. You need to do some introspection and ask yourself why you're so weak and agreeable to bytchs.
Now I will concede this, some girls are so used to dealing with weak emascualted tricks that they think ALL men are like this. But it is your your job to G check her and tell her to never call or speak to you again and keep it moving. Most of them will come back and even then you should just get the p*ssy and keep it movin.
The comfort level of a new bytch around you is a reflection of how highly or lowly she rates you.