We have these mandatory trainings for my job every 3-6 months or so. We see people we know from different offices in our classes sometimes. So I'm in class with a woman that I met a couple of trainings ago. She has a boyfriend but I can feel she has some sort of attraction to me. I'm not gonna lie, I want to fukk her. She is very sexy, the way she talks, moves, her body etc.. I never tried anything because she had a BF. So, lunchtime rolls around and she walks over to my desk and sits on it and ask me where I'm going for lunch. I tell her and she says "Let's go". I say "let's go then" we proceed to my car.
So we're having lunch, talking about our lives since we last seen each other. then she mentions she broke up with her BF. Then she says "well not really broken up yet" I ask her what she means. She says she knows she's going to leave him in six months, but she has to save her money up to get her own spot. Breh doesn't have the slightest idea. She's about to make this dude take her to a concert knowing she doesn't love him.
Her reason for leaving was she woke up one day and realized that he didn't deserve her and she didn't see a future with him. They had been dating for about 4 years. She says he's a good dude though.. needless to say I don't want to fukk anymore.
fukk these hoes..
Reasons like this is why i avoid relationships. You give someone else the ability to play you.
Women are fukkin leeches. They suck the life, emotion and resources out of you...all to "wake up and realize i don't deserve them" one day.