I been in a relationship for 2 years. The last 5 months I was a real dikk(rightly so)to her about being the only one caring for the kids. Although we still lived to together she would ask me "did I love her/want to be w/ her" a lot. I would say "I don't know" or give a hesitant "no".(but i always loved her)and I always followed up with why I'm upset. simple shyt like "do more with your kids and try harder to be better" and i always acknowledged my faults also. She would respond w/ "you don't like who I am" I just wanted her to have some humility and accountability about this situation. We would have sex all through this time though.
i saw this late but ill drop my pointers here, others have given great advice. Sorry your going through this breh.
I made a post on my blog yesterday that said dump her before she dumps you and what i was talking about, was that women give oyu signs when they no longer want to be with you, by her asking these questions she herself was unsure of the feeligns she had for you they were fading, that "spark" in the beginning was slowly eroding and her life was becoming repetitive. Having sex throughout all that time means nothing, women use sex to control and calm men fears.
She said she met someone and I was like "what! we need to be together." She said "ok" and that she loved me( I was just trying at this point for the kids) and she said she stopped seeing dude (she didn't, knew him for a month). she slept with both of us unprotected ( i always pulled out....i know)and now she pregnant i think.
It's like I always say women monkey branch, rarely do they want to be alone or single, its just like a job, what i mean by say your job is letting you go they plan months or weeks in advance you are the last to know so when you find out you get hit with a ton of bricks by friday your gone and by monday someone new has your gig, your desk in this case your women your kids. Her saying she loved you more crock of bs, most women have no idea what love is, love is NOT disrespectful like this, look i've been cheated on, lied to, mocked and those women also told me they loved me after the fact. See how she lied to you? women will bring up that dude is just a friend, its nothing serious don't worry yeah right. And now look she endagered you by not being monagamous, PLEASE GET TESTED ASAP. And now she is pregnant baby could be yours, baby could be his you wont know until it's born
I leave after an argument. She told me she doesn't deserve me and we shouldnt be together. We texted all night. i came back a couple days later. My kids stay with me. I go to her house to get my basketball and this dude is there.
This dude don't care about her cheating on him and he saying he don't care who baby it is he gone take care of it. I'm like this the fool who she follows up w/ after me? She knew homeboy two months. I think she just telling me this to make me mad and not to pursue our relationship again.
Every time I ask her about this whole situation. Her answer has more to do with me, its like she uses no reason or logic at all. I think her and him have mental problems.
I hurt for my kids.
I feel like this shyt gonna turn me to an animal.
When a woman tells you she doesn't deserve you , its the little bit of guilt they sometimes. Already new dude is at her house eh, the new dude you cannot compete it, i KNow you sit back and say wow i was with you for years I have kids with you, but you cannot compete with the new guy at the moment, she is in the fog, the new guy is perfect no fights, no animosity, he's the new toy. Remember the movie toy story? how woody was his fav toy, but once buzz came in no matter the history and the years woody had with him, he was nothing anymore because buzz lightyear was mr. new new.
This dude doesnt care about her cheating on him because why? he's getting puzzy, he can come over and get puzzy whenever he wants, in her mind she thinks he truly and actually cares about her but all he cares about is getting his nut off. And Nah I guarantee you that dude said that, men will say anything to keep hitting, saying ill raise ya kids if it aint mine, ill be there bla bla, as long as he gets the puzzy.
Women don't think with logic but with emotion, breh i've been there I dated a girl I actually cared about who was in a previous abusive relationship and yet she cheated on me and went back to that dude who beat her up again, women don't think with logic.
THe best thing you can do imo is file for custody of your kids, don't let them live in that environment. You know nothing about this dude, could be a sex offender, could be abusive.
Get tested and go to the court and get your kids!