Essential Quick gems for dealing with men thread :lolbron:


Sep 28, 2015
Gentlemen of The Coli please give your opinion. If a man is into a woman but he is truly busy like working 2 jobs and going to school, is it wrong to not kick it with him because he doesn't have time? Not trying to drop anyone but if you know it's not going to go well now but will in the future what shall a brehette do? On the other hand they say that if you truly like someone you will make time. Now I personally am a busy person with lots of tasks so it's days I don't even talk to my family so I kind of understand. What say you?:patrice:


Sep 28, 2015
Men are far more emotionally fragile than women. That's why it's important to only deal with a man who has good character, maturity and coping skills. It's also important to know that if you hurt a man with your words, many times there's no turning back.
Still waters run deep with men.

Believe it or not sometimes lack of maturity is the biggest problem for some adult men.


Oct 10, 2014
The 🏝️ Of Relevancy
Gentlemen of The Coli please give your opinion. If a man is into a woman but he is truly busy like working 2 jobs and going to school, is it wrong to not kick it with him because he doesn't have time? Not trying to drop anyone but if you know it's not going to go well now but will in the future what shall a brehette do? On the other hand they say that if you truly like someone you will make time. Now I personally am a busy person with lots of tasks so it's days I don't even talk to my family so I kind of understand. What say you?:patrice:

It depends on a lot of factors. It's not cut and dry answer to this. From my experience, a lot of women say/said the same about me. I work hard. And she should know and understand financial security is important. As well as family. But, you have to "compromise" or dare I say make a vinn diagram to see how you and him can be apart of each other lives/world. Some will say cut it off, some will say stand fast. It's all on you.


Oct 10, 2014
The 🏝️ Of Relevancy
^ What the breh @jeh said, it really isn't that cut and dry. It depends on how flexible he is, how flexible you are and how bad y'all want to be in a relationship (which btw, takes work too).

Yeah. Anything in life worth having takes work. Lot of times people, want the finished product. The effect/affect if you will. Not knowing the sacrifices, and steps it took to get the finished product.

Cause if he didn't have a drive, ambition, will, goals....unemployed. he would have all the time in the world for you

But, since the guy she mentioned, roughly works two jobs.....time is probably his mostly valuable thing. Can't be mad or blame him. Better to be useful then useless.

A chick I dated would want to start over petty thingds like how come we don't go to thr park, or travel or do such and such like the good ol days. But she knew that I worked and hustled sun up till sun down.


Sep 28, 2015
It depends on a lot of factors. It's not cut and dry answer to this. From my experience, a lot of women say/said the same about me. I work hard. And she should know and understand financial security is important. As well as family. But, you have to "compromise" or dare I say make a vinn diagram to see how you and him can be apart of each other lives/world. Some will say cut it off, some will say stand fast. It's all on you.

I had no choice but to let it go. As much as it hurt I know gettng a PhD aint no joke and takes hella research. I just felt like it was meant to be :mjcry:
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AL loves da kids : )
Jun 15, 2015
Yeah. Anything in life worth having takes work. Lot of times people, want the finished product. The effect/affect if you will. Not knowing the sacrifices, and steps it took to get the finished product.

Cause if he didn't have a drive, ambition, will, goals....unemployed. he would have all the time in the world for you

But, since the guy she mentioned, roughly works two jobs.....time is probably his mostly valuable thing. Can't be mad or blame him. Better to be useful then useless.

A chick I dated would want to start over petty thingds like how come we don't go to thr park, or travel or do such and such like the good ol days. But she knew that I worked and hustled sun up till sun down.

Very true....I'd rather be with a man that is useful than useless. I was talking to a useless man for a short while and he called me fifteen times in the day then threatened me for not answering. When I told him I was working he thought I was lying so that ended quickly, lol. My father once told me that is a man has time for you 24/7 then he does not have much going on in his life.

With the chick were you very interested in her or was it a meh situation? If it was meh do you think that if you felt :krs: you would have gone to the park and etc with her?
  • Dap
Reactions: jeh


Oct 10, 2014
The 🏝️ Of Relevancy
Very true....I'd rather be with a man that is useful than useless. I was talking to a useless man for a short while and he called me fifteen times in the day then threatened me for not answering. When I told him I was working he thought I was lying so that ended quickly, lol. My father once told me that is a man has time for you 24/7 then he does not have much going on in his life.

With the chick were you very interested in her or was it a meh situation? If it was meh do you think that if you felt :krs: you would have gone to the park and etc with her?

Your father is right. I see lots of men out here in their early to mid twenties looking burnt out. I was on my second tour and on my second half of my enlistment round my early twenties. Even then, I was talking correspondence courses.

Very interested in her. We eventually went to the park that day. I know I wasn't giving her any attention or time. But...........around the time she wanted all that picnic, park stuff like the ol days. I was actually planning something for her birthday. And we are both Virgos. So, I felt like a secret agent. Cause I didn't want her to think I forgot about her, I wanted to appear that way.

Yea, I'm busy sorry
Okay, can we talk later
No, I'm not off this week

But, I was actually busy as I don't know what. She popped up unannounced and came in. Turned off my computer and took off my glasses before I could get a word out.

"I want to go to the park, lets go"

"Ugh, you do know its 9 at night right"

"Did I stutter"

"No, I'm purt on my shoes now"

So we get to the park and go down memory lane, laughing and joking and listening to slow jams on the radio. She ask me why I work so much. Told her I don't know. I been like this since I was a kid. Everybody in my family was working and hustling. It's in me I guess.

We Fell asleep in the car,


May 29, 2014
Your father is right. I see lots of men out here in their early to mid twenties looking burnt out. I was on my second tour and on my second half of my enlistment round my early twenties. Even then, I was talking correspondence courses.

Very interested in her. We eventually went to the park that day. I know I wasn't giving her any attention or time. But...........around the time she wanted all that picnic, park stuff like the ol days. I was actually planning something for her birthday. And we are both Virgos. So, I felt like a secret agent. Cause I didn't want her to think I forgot about her, I wanted to appear that way.

Yea, I'm busy sorry
Okay, can we talk later
No, I'm not off this week

But, I was actually busy as I don't know what. She popped up unannounced and came in. Turned off my computer and took off my glasses before I could get a word out.

"I want to go to the park, lets go"

"Ugh, you do know its 9 at night right"

"Did I stutter"

"No, I'm purt on my shoes now"

So we get to the park and go down memory lane, laughing and joking and listening to slow jams on the radio. She ask me why I work so much. Told her I don't know. I been like this since I was a kid. Everybody in my family was working and hustling. It's in me I guess.

We Fell asleep in the car,
Thats so sweet.