QT like other Directors and Writers with this strike going on realize that the golden years of the Theater are now over. The money they use to make isn't happening anymore. But let's be clear, streaming is nothing more than "Straight to Video". What's happening is the Theatrical window has shrunk. Movies used to be in the theater for 6-9 months in the past. Now it's 1-3 months now. "Straight to video" was a huge market in the video stores in the 70's, 80's and 90's. Ton of actors used to get clowned for "Straight to Video" movies back in the day but they were making money and people were watching the movies just renting them. This is about money period. You had Five Revenue Streams for movies previously:
*Home Video (Beta Max/VHS/Laser Disc/DVD/Blu-Ray)
*Rental (Blockbuster, Mom and Pop, Hollywood Video and eventually netflix)
*Television Rights
*Video on Demand/HBO Cable Rights
So these Directors and filmmakers are losing millions now that you've eliminated some of these revenue streams. As someone mentioned, the same thing happen in Music losing CD's and Cassettes once Napster blew up. You still have VOD but it doesn't make as much as it used to. Now Video Rentals have turned into Rental Boxes at Grocery Stores and 7-Elevens. But those boxes do not move the units Blockbuster and Hollywood video use to. I did a thread back in the day that Theaters were headed to being obsolete due to Streaming. That was in 2013. At that time I had been streaming my Football games for years. I was tired NFL Sunday Ticket always going out because of bad weather so I stopped and started streaming sports.
My Friends thought I was weird at the time because the streams use to drop out when they'd watch it over my crib. Little did they know, I was way ahead of the market as everyone streams their spots now. Here we are 10 years later and its' only accelerated even more. I still stand by my view that by 2030 most people will be watching their movies, television and other entertainment on streaming. I personally haven't had Cable in over a decade. I watch all my entertainment on the computer. I used to have Direct TV but finally let that go years ago. Box Office numbers have not stabilized at all. For every "No way Home" or "Avatar 2" you have countless low performers.
The Theater experience is not what it used to be in the 80's and 90's. Shoot even the 2000's was still strong. From 2010 till now it's gradually been in the decline. You've seen all these big box office numbers because Overseas theaters have expanded. Once you pull back the ticket sales you realize movies aren't even selling what they did in the 90's. Going to the movies on a Friday night is no longer the priority it used to be. Going to the movies was a huge Date Night. After you would go to a Restaurant and eat or eat before the movie. It connected to so many other things even going to Blockbuster to get a movie on a Friday Night. Sure it still happens but not on the level it used to. My thing is most entertainment I watched growing up was on my Home Television. This idea that everything "HAS" to be watched on the Big Screen is B.S. Most of the things we watched was at Home. Theater was a luxury and not something my Parents did every weekend. When we went it was a big deal and always fun. When I got to high school and could buy my own tickets I started going more on my own. The Bottom line, it's over. Streaming isn't going anywhere.