Finished the first chapter. My impression so far: The game is OK. Graphics are very good. I've noticed a lot of pop up and frame stuttering (which was not intentionally part of the game). The controls are a not terrible, but they arent as tight as other 3rd person shooters, such as The Division. This game shines most during combat, however, its missing a regular roll/Dodge and a dedicated melee button for up close encounters. There is a special dash button, but the lack of a regular roll is annoying. The cover mechanic works, although other games have done it better, but it definitely works. Not being able to shoot from behind cover is a huge annoyance to me as well. My biggest gripe about this game in my short time playing it is the long cut scene at the end of the chapter. Some people have praised them for this, I thought it completely sucked and destroyed the pacing of the game. The concept is cool, but I felt like it was entirely to long. All in all, I'm optimistic about the game still and have had a decent amount of fun. I'll leave more impressions as I go along. At this point, I would not say this will make a ps4 Stan a believer, but if you have an xb1 you should definitely pick this game up at least at red box. Its fun. The story is interesting as well, although a lot of its elements have been done before by other games. Little Finger from game of thrones plays a good part in this game too.