Victim of Racism
I'm a brehette
Ehhhh I don't know about any of this. Now I agree that oftentimes our ppl are quick to feel the white mans ice cubes are colder this case Fisher was really just a shytty piss poor coach. He wasn't ready. Plain and simple. Yeah he was a puppet. Yeah Jackson forced the triangle on him. But the in game decisions (or lack thereof) was all Fisher. Why would PJax insist Vujacic get minutes every game? And start to begin the season? Why would PJax sign Rolo to big money and tell Fisher to bench him in 4th quarters? Why would he tell him to stay with lineups for too long that are getting cooked defensively?
Every time the camera used to cut to Fish during play action his expression was always don't have any instructions?? For anybody? You aint even got shyt to say to the refs?? How bout assistants? The bench? Nothing? just straight upevery time huh?
He did not know what he was doing and he has more than enough quotables to prove it.
If Phil has to fire people to get them to do what he wants, then he's more trash as an exec than the obvious. He's a former coach with 11 rings. Why couldn't he step in? Funny thing is, "rotations" wasn't causing 'Melo, KP, Jose, Arron, Gallo, and D-Will to shoot like trash. Early on, they struggled to score. "Rotations" didn't cause all but 4 players to be trash on defense. Doesn't matter who you "rotate" or "bench", "holler at", and "counsel", (whether it be refs, assistants, or the bench) nearly all of them consistently played like trash on one or both ends. Lol at the notion that the refs will listen to Fish.
Sasha started because Arron was injured.
Fish never mean-mugged. His expression was always blank. You couldn't tell what he was thinking.
Fish did know what he was doing. He knew how to run the offense (all season long) and get them to play defense (for all but 1 month of the season).
You know who doesn't know what he's doing? The guy getting all the passes. Y'all "Zen Master". Phil built a roster to play a system they don't fit. He should be held accountable.
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