Then why discuss sports at all? You aren't a player or a gm -- what do you know?
I hate to break it to you, but as somebody who has worked for both college and NBA teams and coaches... these guys aren't all geniuses, and they're not all super knowledgeable about the game. Some people end up working their way to a promotion just like anybody in any other field. Relationships, charm, cronyism, politics, and just sticking around until other guys get fired.
Billy King the poster boy for this. Dude wants to run for Senate or Governor. Steve Mills was working in properties and special events, and got the title of VP of development tossed to him.
There are really only 6-8 front offices/GM's doing anything truly next-level, or functioning on a really creative level. This knicks FO doesn't even understand how to sign their own undrafted picks/players in order to maintain cheap control for a couple of years. That's how we lost galloway.
Don't make the mistake of thinking the fact that a GM or front office did something, they were right. A team tried to illegally sign Joe Smith.