It does. He quit. Why say that? Well let's compare to a superior era with superior 1999, Austin was #1. Everyone agrees, right? Well after King of the Ring 99, it seemed like they wanted to push Rock down away from the main event and go with Austin/Cripple H. Right? The Rock wasn't having it. The guy did slick shyt all that time...he put himself over the belt and generated standing ovations that made Austin look secondary when he came out later in the show. It looked bad. Then the ratings got EXTREMELY high for his segments by Sept and they had to get him right back in the title picture by Unforgiven.
That's what didn't happen with Punk during Cena's's happening with Bryan though but not with Punk.[/quote]
Punks merch sales sky rocketed he wasn't the focal point of the ppvs as champ like dbry. Plus Austin and rock were brought up different and then mostly protected on top. Why do you compare the attitude era to now when they aren't anywhere near the same one could handle Austin's spot but the Rock which is why things worked out Had they both not been there, ratings would of collapsed 3 months after they were not there anymore and buyrates would of followed. Levasque was given the ball with no Rock and Austin before and that didn't work they pushed Cena on top and Batista too.
CM Punk didn't move the needle though. He got disgusting ratings...all of his promos and his ways from 2011 was a carefully crafted disguise to up his pay and get a long title reign. He stopped trying to be a smart alleck rebel once these things happened. He was happy go lucky by the time we got to the Bryan/AJ program in mid 2012.
More disgusting than Bryan's ?!?

and punks merchandise sales show he's over with fans that spend money , Bryan himself admitted that the ratings , buys and merch sales aren't the best which is why wwe was hesitant to push him. You keep lying about punk he was still cutting smart aleck promos and people complained in that raw threads how he was doing it all the time . Punk quit for a variety of reasons but we know he championed other wrestlers so stop acting like he doesn't care about making changes in wwe if he didn't he' wouldn't have left and just stayed to get a mania payday .