Punk might be worse than Bret Hart when it comes to being a mark for himself lmao
I've said a long time ago that anyone who criticizes Bret for being a mark for himself yet defends how Punk bigs himself up, is a major hypocrite
Bret, at his worst, talks up his kayfabe character as if it's real, and is sometimes overly critical of others. But that's the extent of it.
CM Punk is on a WHOLE OTHER LEVEL. Again, if this walking out shyt is real, then it is final proof that he is without a doubt THE BIGGEST mark for himself ever.
I never cared for Punk as long as I knew him, but I at least once respected him for his in-ring ability. Now I don't even know if I can say that much. The turning point for me was the remarks he made against the Miz. All of that shyt towards the Miz just because Miz took the opportunity that was given to him like anybody else would've, regardless of whether or not he actually deserved it. A lot of people questioned how the hell Miz got that push, but part of me would like to think the whole thing was specifically done to piss Punk off and humble his ass

. Show his ass that he needs to know his role, wait his damn turn, and that not everybody gets what they think they deserve, and that sometimes people who don't deserve something, get it anyway. That's not just in WWE, but life in general.
There was word that he was pissed about the Rock being welcomed with a main event spot, and now there's word that he's pissed about Batista getting a similar deal. nikka, first of all, that's THE ROCK

. If he comes back outta nowhere, literally just grabs the title out of the champ's hands and Vince then comes out and says "Ladies and gentlemen, the new WWE Champion....The Rock!!", then he can do that shyt. Rock already put in his years, most of which were on the top of the mountain
Batista is somewhat similar; although not as great/popular as the Rock, he's still a well-known main-eventer, so of course he's gonna come back as a contender for the top spot
If it was up to Punk, nikkas like Hogan, Lesnar and Batista would've made their WWE returns feuding with nikkas like Otunga, Swagger and JTG, and working their way up the ladder again