Sure turning your head and looking at a tv are different, but on rails games with motion controls are similar experiences whether you are in VR or just looking st a tv.Turning your head left right looking up and down and seeing the world all around you is not the same as looking at the image on your tv and waving your hands. I'm always dumbfounded when I see you guys stretch to compare the two in actual user experience. Now if you want to say they are both equally useless peripherals that won't add any real value to gaming in the long run and will only be a gimmick like Kinect, then that arguement has some logic to it.
Anybody who's played Kinect/move/wii can see the similarity in experience. Most of the games shown could easily be done with Kinect. Especially with PSVR and it's limited mobility options. You can't really turn around so it's basically just head tracking(like Kinect) with a tv strapped to your face.