Slaimon Jr
Tomb Raider is better than than Uncharted??
Surely multople game of the year awards are coming then ... right?
Surely multople game of the year awards are coming then ... right?
Tomb Raider is better than than Uncharted??
Surely multople game of the year awards are coming then ... right?
Maybe, but uncharted 2 is over 3 years old now. The competition is stiffer.
So a Sony developer tells you that playstation is better, and you don't think their opinion is biased?
No, why would i? Im sure they're being honest and the results speak for themselves. Metal Gear 4 could not be done on xbox. Sorry, the hardware is just to inferior.
XBOX has weaker ram and more of it is being used for the Operating system with such a minute amount of their weak ram going to games. PS4 will once again have the better exclusives and be an overall more efficient machine. Hopefully its lead platform as well so we get all the super special effects.
Wont matter how great it is....if the Xbox price is cheaper people are gonna buy it in droves. This happened last time and with the econmy being how it is now, it'll happen even more this.
Then devs will flock to XBox once again.
It's a viscous cycle.
Which is exactly why the new metal gear will be released on 360
You the same alias that made the thread decision about destiny being an 720 exclusive that would over shadow the ps4 announcement. Then when the truth came out, not only is destiny also one the ps4 and ps3 but both system gets the exclusive content. Stop it loose..
Ps4 was designed by developers like naughty dog, guerrilla games, and other great sony devs. Crytek the people that created crisis asked sony for more ram. These dudes makes the games and they are some of the best in the world. They help design the ps4. Nobody can say shyt when the dudes that makes the games and work with systems for a living created the system and asked for ram.
why? This post was not only false but it had absolutely nothing to do with the article I posted. Did you read it?
Yes, and it was ripped apart already.
Dude is reaching hard. Cats keep wanting to compare PC shyt to consoles, it's not the same shyt. Stopped reading there and it has been debunked already. shyt the first reply on this clown blogger's own blog already debunked his theories.
Nothing else to see here.