PS4 became everything you criticized about XB1...


May 2, 2012
NY all day..Da Stead & BK..
PS4 has gone through and will go droughts of its own, but we never hear from you stans about that

Really PS4 was dry as fukk till last year:comeon:
PS4 was damn near NEVER as dry as Xbox One. And that’s just facts fam. Maybe the first year or so. That’s bout it. There was a time where they both were pretty dry tho. But still this shyt is ridiculous. I’ve been gaming on all platforms since the NES era. I don’t remember the last time it was this bad for a premier console.


May 2, 2012
NY all day..Da Stead & BK..
From a technical standpoint.... now that the X1 is backwards compatible back to the OG Xbox. Wouldn’t by default there’d be more games on there?:ohhh:

I don’t give a shyt something like a MGS3 is old as shyt..... if one never played it theoretically it’s still new to them:troll:

See it’s a matter of perspective.:lukecagesmug:

No games for who? Let me first acknowledge that I’m sure there are a lot of peeps that like various shyt.


With that said it needs to be acknowledged and recognized that there too a lot of people that just like a limited amount of shyt and don’t fukk with that extra itish.

Like say with your argument the stance was flipped right? And assuming your a PS fan. Would you really care if Xbox had more games but a lot of them off brand Halo Wars spin offs, Crackdown spin offs, a random platformer about a gummy worm, a Tetris like game, a Gears of War strategy game, and etc?

I’m sure you’re be happy with your Last of Us and multiplats and be thinking “I don’t wanna play them shytty games on Xbox”

So it’s perspective.

I coach kids basketball, to relate I talk gaming with them from time to time and even recently went into Gamestop with my 12 yr old nephew to see what game he wanted for his PS4. Nothing interested him, he low keyed shytted on Uncharted, and ultimately asked me to get him some VC for 2K.:cottonmouthlaugh:

And I have both consoles. I game on both platforms and I have a 12 year old son as well who has both of his own consoles. I’m talking about exclusive games. Backwards compatibility it’s dope but that’s def not what I’m talking about and I hate how people wanna be disingenuous about shyt just to fit their narrative. I can’t expect people to be honest with me when they can’t even be honest with themselves. Let’s get it straight here. I like the Xbox One. I love the presentation. Not really a big fan of this new update tho but it’s whatever. I don’t want Microsoft to fail. Cause when one fails the other gets complacent and on some bullshyt. I love variety. What I ALSO love is having a reason to own both consoles. And right now. I can’t even say that there’s a legit reason for me to own an Xbox One right now. Based on my gaming PC having damn near all of its exclusives. And the PS4 having the others. The One X being more powerful doesn’t do much for me for a few reasons.

1. My PC is way more powerful and I can play the Xbox One exclusives on that.
2. Xbox One doesn’t even have the main install base so if I wanna jump on console most people I know are on PlayStation.
3. Their lack of exclusive games fukks up the benefits of it being so powerful for me. Based on my gaming setup.

Why do u think people love the Switch? It’s less powerful than both but it offers a different gaming experience. Microsoft has to figure this shyt out. They gimped themselves with that PC combination shyt.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
PS4 was damn near NEVER as dry as Xbox One. And that’s just facts fam. Maybe the first year or so. That’s bout it. There was a time where they both were pretty dry tho. But still this shyt is ridiculous. I’ve been gaming on all platforms since the NES era. I don’t remember the last time it was this bad for a premier console.
Not facts.

Xbox has good games out now, even if y'all pretend they don't.

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
And I have both consoles. I game on both platforms and I have a 12 year old son as well who has both of his own consoles. I’m talking about exclusive games. Backwards compatibility it’s dope but that’s def not what I’m talking about and I hate how people wanna be disingenuous about shyt just to fit their narrative. I can’t expect people to be honest with me when they can’t even be honest with themselves. Let’s get it straight here. I like the Xbox One. I love the presentation. Not really a big fan of this new update tho but it’s whatever. I don’t want Microsoft to fail. Cause when one fails the other gets complacent and on some bullshyt. I love variety. What I ALSO love is having a reason to own both consoles. And right now. I can’t even say that there’s a legit reason for me to own an Xbox One right now. Based on my gaming PC having damn near all of its exclusives. And the PS4 having the others. The One X being more powerful doesn’t do much for me for a few reasons.

1. My PC is way more powerful and I can play the Xbox One exclusives on that.
2. Xbox One doesn’t even have the main install base so if I wanna jump on console most people I know are on PlayStation.
3. Their lack of exclusive games fukks up the benefits of it being so powerful for me. Based on my gaming setup.

Why do u think people love the Switch? It’s less powerful than both but it offers a different gaming experience. Microsoft has to figure this shyt out. They gimped themselves with that PC combination shyt.

I get that and I respect that.... I basically conceded with your perspective upfront.

But I ask see the other side like I'm doing for your stance.

1. There is a large group of people that really dont fukk with PC gaming like that.
Hell I'm a MAC guy anyway so I definitely dont fukk with PC cuz I dont like the Windows OS and I at this point love and is just more comfortable with the Mac OS. And I just dont see or use my Mac products as gaming consoles.

2. Power at this point isnt a big enough selling point for me because from what I see its not like its night and day dramatically apart. Truefully, as like as games dont look like 1988 Golden Axe or Pitfighter, I'm good.

3. Exclusives is perspective based. I respect that PS has Gravity Rush 2, Tales Of Berseria, Nier: Automata, Dragon Quest Heroes II, Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom, Knack, Bound, Pyre, and shyt like that. I see them and respect that. But games like that do nothing for ME and it dont matter if there are 100 more of them times in existence if I dont like them. And its not even a stan war thing, cuz like I said earlier. If the situation was flipped I wouldnt all of a sudden fukk with it cuz its an Xbox exclusive. Hell that one Xbox 1 exclusive that looks like a 1980s style cartoon? I would never play no shyt like that equally. I like Halo, would never fukk with Halo Wars. Dont play Nintindo and ANY Nintendo games.

And the kids around me? My little youngins 13 and 12 dont fukk with shyt like that.... but then they only fukks with Madden, 2K, WWE, COD and other shyt. I tried to put one on to the latest Uncharted and little nicca was like :hhh: "OG, when I got the PS it came with U3 and I aint even play or like that one, what makes you think I'm gonna play this trash sequel?:stopitslime:"

To I respond "Aight little nicca, you can have that VC for 2k":huhldup::hubie:

From the bball teams I coach and I coach 13 and up which is roughly 7th and 8th graders.... they aint fukking with Knack:mjlol:

I'm just giving examples of what I'm experiencing between me, my boys, coworkers, fam, kids I coach or mentor (cuz I do that too, trynna get kids insight on other careers of the future like what I do which is Graphic Design, since there really arent a lot of black graphic designers in my field or these companies).

Last gen I owned the 360 and the PS3 and ultimately other than MGS4 and maybe like one other game I didnt really have like too many games that I felt were worth buying that shyt just became a blu ray player. Then got the X1 and at the time didnt see a reason for the PS4 and currently there really isnt any game there that makes me one to buy one. Maybe that Spiderman looks dope and that one zombie game revealed at this past years e3 but other than that:manny:


Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
Also, wasnt trynna be disingenuous, a lot of that was as the Brits say "just taking the piss" but even in jest there was a little factual shyt there. And whether bullshyt or not that Backwards Compat shyt does increase the catalog a lot:ld:

If theres 700 PS4 games and lets say 630 Xbox games. But then Xbox1 opens up BC and not theres 500 360 games and 200 OG Xbox games..... thats a technically more games.

Maybe its bullshyt:whoa:... like in wrestling when the heel pulls the tights or holds the rope when the ref isnt looking to secure the pin and win. Its still is what it is.:russ: And we shouldnt dismiss that just like we dont dismiss cats that still love and play Nintendo and fukk with the original Mario Bros trilogy or Zelda and love it as much as they love Halo or The Last of Us.

Especially if you can now go back 2 Gens. And to me if one never played the game before then its by technicality a "new game." And as acknowledged like some of of the platformers that may not have the graphics of say a Last of Us or games that are not as powerful ala the Switch shyt. To me I just kinda look at it the same:manny:



May 2, 2012
NY all day..Da Stead & BK..
Not facts.

Xbox has good games out now, even if y'all pretend they don't.
I didn’t say they didn’t have good games out. But nikka I got both of em on PC. Lol. That’s what I’m saying. I WANT to use my Xbox One. I just haven’t had too much of a reason to. I’m not happy about that. It fukkin sucks kid. But even with that said. I still have my Xbox One. I just don’t see a reason to UPGRADE just yet. They have to show me some damn games. I honestly wish they would’ve held out and put that power to good use for the next gen. Maybe things will change next year. Then again maybe not. It remains to be seen.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
I didn’t say they didn’t have good games out. But nikka I got both of em on PC. Lol. That’s what I’m saying. I WANT to use my Xbox One. I just haven’t had too much of a reason to. I’m not happy about that. It fukkin sucks kid. But even with that said. I still have my Xbox One. I just don’t see a reason to UPGRADE just yet. They have to show me some damn games. I honestly wish they would’ve held out and put that power to good use for the next gen. Maybe things will change next year. Then again maybe not. It remains to be seen.
A lot of people don't game on PC. And most of PS4 "exclusives" are on PC as well.

If you have a PC that can outperform the X1X great. The majority of gamers do not.


May 2, 2012
NY all day..Da Stead & BK..
Also, wasnt trynna be disingenuous, a lot of that was as the Brits say "just taking the piss" but even in jest there was a little factual shyt there. And whether bullshyt or not that Backwards Compat shyt does increase the catalog a lot:ld:

If theres 700 PS4 games and lets say 630 Xbox games. But then Xbox1 opens up BC and not theres 500 360 games and 200 OG Xbox games..... thats a technically more games.

Maybe its bullshyt:whoa:... like in wrestling when the heel pulls the tights or holds the rope when the ref isnt looking to secure the pin and win. Its still is what it is.:russ: And we shouldnt dismiss that just like we dont dismiss cats that still love and play Nintendo and fukk with the original Mario Bros trilogy or Zelda and love it as much as they love Halo or The Last of Us.

Especially if you can now go back 2 Gens. And to me if one never played the game before then its by technicality a "new game." And as acknowledged like some of of the platformers that may not have the graphics of say a Last of Us or games that are not as powerful ala the Switch shyt. To me I just kinda look at it the same:manny:

Fam I still have an OG Xbox. Modded the fukk out. I have zero use for the backwards compatibility at this point. It’s not new to me. No matter what way u try to spin it. It’s old games. That’s why I’m not mentioning PS Now or none of that bullshyt.


May 2, 2012
NY all day..Da Stead & BK..
A lot of people don't game on PC. And most of PS4 "exclusives" are on PC as well.

If you have a PC that can outperform the X1X great. The majority of gamers do not.
So. If nikkas got an Xbox One and a PS4 Pro. What is the incentive to cop a 500 dollar console if it’s the same platform as the one they have right now that’s suffering a serious exclusive gaming drought? This is why I hate these kind of arguments cause I feel like I’m going back n forth for no reason.

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
Fam I still have an OG Xbox. Modded the fukk out. I have zero use for the backwards compatibility at this point. It’s not new to me. No matter what way u try to spin it. It’s old games. That’s why I’m not mentioning PS Now or none of that bullshyt.

I have all 3 as well, but normally when a new console comes out... since I keep the boxes... I box that bytch back up and put in the closet. I aint trynna have like 8 consoles connected to one tv and all these extra extended power sources. Hypothetically if I want to play a old game like KOTOR, its cool that I can just boot it up from the X1.

No spin just as simple as that, I never played Yakuza 1. But if I was, then thats a new game. If you never experienced something and then do it for the first time no matter if it just been invented or been around since the dinosaurs its still new:troll:

:lolbron: Be easy Lord


Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
A lot of people don't game on PC. And most of PS4 "exclusives" are on PC as well.

If you have a PC that can outperform the X1X great. The majority of gamers do not.

So. If nikkas got an Xbox One and a PS4 Pro. What is the incentive to cop a 500 dollar console if it’s the same platform as the one they have right now that’s suffering a serious exclusive gaming drought? This is why I hate these kind of arguments cause I feel like I’m going back n forth for no reason.

These are 2 different discussion points, but to answer the latter.

If one has both then there really isnt a reason to upgrade.

But some folks, specially ones that can afford it.... its probably no different from going from an Iphone 7 to 8 or when a person owns a 2014 Nissan Altima (gonna stay grounded and humble cuz lets be reality, not like mad cats around here pushing Benz, Beamers and Ranges) and then the 2018 drops and they say "hmmmm I want that now"

So its back to what I said back... its a matter of perspective and now resources.



May 24, 2012
Tha Land
So. If nikkas got an Xbox One and a PS4 Pro. What is the incentive to cop a 500 dollar console if it’s the same platform as the one they have right now that’s suffering a serious exclusive gaming drought? This is why I hate these kind of arguments cause I feel like I’m going back n forth for no reason.
Same reason you upgrade your PC hardware when you do.

I'm not here to convince you what to buy when.

I could ask what was your point in getting a PS4 pro, but I don't care, it's whatever:manny:

All I'm saying is.

Y'all state your opinion based on your own personal perspective , then call it "facts", and act surprised when people disagree. Then you wonder why people call you a Sony stan.

@Kamikaze Revy is guilty of the same shyt, which is why this thread is even more comical.:mjlol:

Kamikaze Revy

Bwana ni mwokozi wangu
Sep 4, 2012
Outer Heaven
Same reason you upgrade your PC hardware when you do.

I'm not here to convince you what to buy when.

I could ask what was your point in getting a PS4 pro, but I don't care, it's whatever:manny:

All I'm saying is.

Y'all state your opinion based on your own personal perspective , then call it "facts", and act surprised when people disagree. Then you wonder why people call you a Sony stan.

@Kamikaze Revy is guilty of the same shyt, which is why this thread is even more comical.:mjlol:
Why I gotta catch a stray?:picard:
I’m the most level headed of the Sony Stans. I embrace you XBOTs with open arms and this is how you repay me?:hhh: