Your a waste of my time you clearly are just spewing conjecture. Halo 3 WORLDWIDE sales are 10 million. Halo 3 didn't sell shyt worldwide so it's still 10 million dummy. If we're talking America then yea but that's a given Halo been out and is a much more successful franchise. You guys have to move the goalpost around plenty of times to prove a point. When sales are good for PS3 games you try to say other countries don't count . SMH
Why don't we compare Infamous 1 and 2 which garnered better reviews and sales to Crackdown for 360?? Of course though your gonna try to find a way to stealth imply the game sucks because it was on PSN+.

Game Database, Best Selling Video Games, Game Sales, Million Sellers, Top Selling - VGChartz
Game Database, Best Selling Video Games, Game Sales, Million Sellers, Top Selling - VGChartz
Halo 3 at 12 and Halo odst at 6
All three uncharted games plus the vita game still under 17
Your opinionComparable yes but for comparable purposes only. Technically UC3 is peerless.
Your just playing stupid and arguing just to argue, you know Killzone 2 looks more graphically advanced than most games out today. Only game close to it is Crysis 2 and Crysis 3 on consoles and they are just close and don't even shyt on it.
Your opinion.