Why are you quoting me over a rumor:kat:? I can do the same exact shyt look
Next-Gen: Xbox 720 Will Be More Powerful Than PS4 - Report - NowGamer
I love how you toss this word superior around like I cant hop on Street Fighter COD Mass Effect 3 Tekken Tag 2 Resident Evil Madden 2k BF3 Assassins Creed etc and have the same experience that you're forced to pay for on your Xbox Live Gold Member experience...DummyPeople who have XBL gold are paying for a superior online service not free old games. Furthermore most times if a game is offered for free it's offered to ALL XBL members not just the paying ones. The most recent example of this is The Walking Dead. It was offered for free to ALL members.
I love how you toss this word superior around like I cant hop on Street Fighter COD Mass Effect 3 Tekken Tag 2 Resident Evil Madden 2k BF3 Assassins Creed etc and have the same experience as your Xbox Live Gold Member experience...
The ONE AND ONLY thing Live has over PSN is cross game voice chat, and that's hardly a determining factor for me choosing s console
I am glad Microsoft offered the Bronze and Silver members the Walking Dead though.. how generous.. Too bad there not worthy enough to play on that "superior" online service.... Oh wait, how is it superior again? Because you call it superior?? Or because games never lag on xbox live?
Why are you having such a hard time admitting it. From a quality standpoint XBL wins from a value standpoint PSN wins. It all comes down to if you want value or qualityPS3 heads will tell you straight up that Live is a more feature rich online system then PSN and not blink twice.
man the problems with PSN are well documented. At times call of duty was deemed "unplayable" on ps3. Assasins creed has had it's share of problems. Uncharted is being hacked as we speak, when madden first came out ps3 users weren't even able to play online. A security breach leaked personal information of millions of ps3 users. Sony has had to shut down PSN for weeks and on multiple occasions due to security and stability problems, and your fellow Sony fanboy had this to say.
Why are you having such a hard time admitting it. From a quality standpoint XBL wins from a value standpoint PSN wins. It all comes down to if you want value or quality![]()
Man document deez nutz
Ive personally played COD, Gears, and Halo, where there were some matches that were unplayable at times due to some people simply having shytty internet, or match that lags out where the server would have to find a new host, and ive even been a victim of lag switching all on Xbox Live... Am I going to sit here and blame Xbox and its "superior"online service?? No because then I'll sound as stupid as you and Sandwich..
Sony was targeted by Anonymous so you feel safe?? You really believe the same cant happen to Live because you pay a subscription??![]()
If you wanna ignore reality go right ahead. Developers, gamers, journalists, bloggers and everybody in between have touted XBL for its superiority. You are in what they call denial if you can't admit that. PSN security is weak which is why the service has been hacked on plenty of occasions and more recently it has been hacked permanently. Meaning Sony can do nothing to stop it. XBL has had some security issues, not as many as PSN but some nonetheless, the difference is those problems were fixed immediately and permanently. And you don't really think anonymous is only targeting Sony. Do you?
Now a reasonable person would conclude that the XBL network architecture and/or support must be better than psn. It's not just a coincidence that PSN has had so manny problems that XBL hasn't. But you are a fanboy so by nature you can't be reasonable.![]()
Recently ive played 2k12, Tekken Tag2, COD, Madden on BOTH systems.. My experience was exactly the same.. That's my reality
As far as Sony getting hacked.. The Psn was hacked once unlike Live which has been hacked multiple times as you just posted... its been plenty of reports of Live members getting their accounts stolen right from under their nose I guess Xbox service aint that superior after all.. What happened to Sony was an attack... Them nikkas had an agenda against SONY NOT MS for going after that dude who jailbroke their system.. So they tried to take down the whole company..
PlayStation 3: The Final Hack? Blogs Eurogamer.net
This is what Sony is dealing with. Has nothing to do with being targeted, they have issues with security that have been easily exploited this generation. Hopefully they fix them before releasing the ps4
Easily exploited? It took a good 4+ years before it could be hack and as Black_Jesus stated before, this was due to being outright attacked.
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