How did you come to "apparently true" from that? If you could further elaborate, maybe we can be more edjumakated
I blame chewy

Look, there hasn't been a time sony hasn't been "hacked" even when they stopped it.
It didn't last. The ONLY THING sony has done is prevent jailbreakers from playing online for 1yr.
Are you trying to brag that it took longer to jailbreak a ps3 over an xbox

I'd rather have it the other way. The main point which your missing here is because xbox live is a paid service, they do shyt like detect cheaters themselves over time. If they dont, we see it. We make the complaint
They get banned. They banned 1 million systems right before Halo 3 dropped
I know you remember that epic thread back on sohh with the Ark.. and everytime somebody got banned there avatar was added to the picture
I think nikkaz had me in a raft next to the yacht
On PSN, those millions of possible cheaters are still there
There's a lot of revisionist history going on with you sony fagboys.
You not the only idiot, you all seem to be under a spell. Here's the truth
Make sure your stories straight next time...
PlayStation Network outage - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sony got into big trouble for NOT SAYING shyt FOR A FULL WEEK which is exactly the type of shyt I been screaming about sony since the jump pplz
Remember when I said a sony rep came to my job and said they knew about the disc read error

What do you guys think is going on now THAT THE KEYS ARE IN THE WILD?
That means everything can be stolen RIGHT NOW. How come they didn't tell you this? Cuz its what sony does
They can't stop it. But as long as its out of sight, out of mind... Just give me Res.5 and i'm straaaaaight