PS4 and 720 to be revealed in MARCH!! PS4 out the door first!


May 1, 2012

Your reality is fanboyish.

Fact: I'm not paying to play online with PSN like you are.
Fact: MS fanboys are dumb for thinking online should be something to pay for, ask your PC brethren who know the deal.
Fact: PS exclusives shyt on MS
Fact: PS Plus >>> Live
Fact: :umad:


Retired Legend
Apr 30, 2012
Your reality is fanboyish.

Fact: I'm not paying to play online with PSN like you are.
Fact: MS fanboys are dumb for thinking online should be something to pay for, ask your PC brethren who know the deal.
Fact: PS exclusives shyt on MS
Fact: PS Plus >>> Live
Fact: :umad:

I'm sure you think blockbuster >>> retail as well :heh::umad:


Drinks Blood from a Boot
May 1, 2012
I live in the United States
And this is where you keep exposing your backwards ass logic... Now Cooking Mama sold 4 million copies???... Are you posting this to say Cooking Mama is just as good or better than God of War 3?? If so it just proves that you're only meauring how great these games are by popularuty, and how much another game sold in comparison, which is pretty silly.. OR are you just really some fakkit at home in your tighty whiteys playing Cooking Mama and Just Dance 4 all day??

And what is with you and this shipped/sold nonsense??, like xbox doesn't only report hardware/software shippe as well

Why do you post lies like this?? :what:

Now lets use some Cockmeat Sandwich logic on this one everyone..:skip:
Since none of these games could barely sale a quarter of what God of War 3 sold...

Wonder who posted this filth ^^^
1. You took cooking mama comment to heart :umad:
I mean, its true it sold that much. And it is a good game to be honest.
2.) All companies reported systems sold.. then it shifted to systems shipped (sony started this practice to throw ppl off, but thats another story)
But this practice wasn't used on games... until sony started doing that too
Why? Cuz this gen sony has been failing miserably and this is how they save face to ppl like YOU, and to its stockholders. Cuz if ppl knew the real numbers, there wouldn't be a ps3 right now. It would of been Dreamcasted :hula:
Why do I say that?
Can Sony be saved? Stock near 32-year low. - The Buzz - Investment and Stock Market News
Now the stocks are even lower, currently as of today its at $11 a share :gladbron:
Bad news makes what happen in stocks ladies and gentleman?
And no, what I said wasn't a lie. Your still using numbers shipped in your head
How do I know the real numbers? Cuz they report the real numbers for the first day.. week... month... then somewhere along that line, sony stops reporting sold and only reports shipped.
Its a shady practice, and its how they roll. Now ya know...
And yall believed that? Court gave himself away after post 1. :

All we need is the :hula:
Bruh, I am NOT_Courtdog. Big difference. I don't go a round joking about stuff like the life of Miyamoto :rip:

SUPPORT for 10 years. Not no system for 10 years fam... :snoop:

Same as the PSX and PS2, 10 years of support


Drinks Blood from a Boot
May 1, 2012
I live in the United States
Sorry, but I didn't short shyt!!!

Part 2...

I had a couple of launch day 600$ PS3s, flipped 2. That 10 year line was horribly misconstrued by haters. I STILL got my OG PS3.

Sony commits to support PS3 through 2015 | Ars Technica
PS3 News: PS3 will last 'a minimum' of 10 years - Sony -
Funny, cuz those links are from last year. Sony was talking this rah rah before launch :stopitslime:
Here's them just two years ago saying "We proving that 10yr cycle with ps3"
Tretton: PS3 has proved our 10-year point News • News • PlayStation 3 •
It talks about how the 5yr cycle is not gonna fly THIS GEN (read it)
Or I could pull up the exact quote from 2006...
the PlayStation 3 is going to be a console that's going to be with you again for 10 years. We're not going to ask the consumers to suddenly buy another PlayStation console in five years time, and basically have their investment go by the wayside. So for all those reasons, I think at $599 we're offering a very good value to the consumers."
As you can see, the claim was made because of all the outrage at a system being $600 :stopitslime:
Sony's excuse was that it was future proof. It has blu-ray, it has everything you'd ever need for the next 10yrs.
Its clear as day. But those links you pulled up is funny, cuz I seen a few more links saying the same shyt like if they couldn't pull up the info I did (which took me about 10seconds)
Something very odd and possibly demonic is going on :ohhh:
We really going to sit here and act like its not Xbox live > psn all day?!?

I mean...really?
They seem so convincing too. Like, I now they don't really think that...
To me it is, since I don't have to pay to play online. While Live is dope, the fact that they don't have an option for you to be able to play online for free is basura. Charge for the extra shyt.

PS Plus >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Live though.
Bruh you soundin broke as fukk. I know you got $35 for a year :rudy:
And what does XBL have besides online? Have you seen the options?
shyts insane now. NO bullshyt, I'd buy XBL in its current state even if it didn't offer online gaming (Tru Story)
On the other hand, I wouldn't pay for PSN even if I had too. Not if it stayed the same. Cuz this hacking shyt, lack of support... unacceptable. How can you say paying $35 for that type of support isn't worth it? Please...
Live > Psn
Ps+ > Live
So lets see what you get on PS+.... right now you get Bioshock 2 and Guardians of Middle earth.
So you mean to tell me, fixing broken online games isn't a big deal anymore because you get Bioshock and Guardians of middle earth for free :mindblown:
ESPN watch.. FiosTV.. cross game chat.. XBL TRu Skill Ranking system... FoX... Sports picks which keeps track of yours/friends sports picks across all genre's... Crackle... You know what, i can't even begin to name all the shyt they got on there now. Just know I have 40 different apps for video
5 music apps, all this shyt comes with gold, and lets not forget timely patches on ALL GAMES. But you'd rather say fukk all that to save $35 over the course of 365 days??? I think you need to stop smoking crack my friend...
Bullshyt. With PSN there is no "service" you are paying for. I don't get anything service wise free on psn. I do know that when games are on sale, I get huge discounts and I get free games. MS knows what they are doing, they done fukked the game up making mufukkaz think it's cool to pay to play online while using P2P connections. What part of the game is that? There's a reason Windows Live failed. Mufukkin PC Goons aint dumb.

You keep screaming "quality" but I can play online with no issues and talk to people if I choose to while playing. That's all I need to do.

LOL @ paying for advertisements. You prob don't even know the kind of piff we eating off of PS plus. Yall just mad that PS plus is a better value with all the free games and shyt we get.

Yall paying to play online, we paying to get piff every month on plus. :laugh: @ needing a gold account to use netflix. :childplease: And Live is 60/year, not 40 :leostare:

You know, every WEEK xbox live puts huge discounts on games. SAme shyt you talkin bout. We don't get an old ass game for free, we don't get that
If that old game has online, we wont have nikkaz lurking under the levels either, we don't get that. If we did, it would be fixed in a week as opposed to never. But you already knew that so :win:


Drinks Blood from a Boot
May 1, 2012
I live in the United States
didn't read fam.... :yeshrug:

Yeah, I'm sure of that :jawalrus:
All that 2nd post did was destroy everything you have said in this thread.
I'm willing to wager if you started reading it, you wouldn't stop (Tru Story)
It starts off with me proving your a lying son of a bytch, thats what it does
But if the ether is too much for you, just post another smiley which is code for :umad: