PS4 and 720 to be revealed in MARCH!! PS4 out the door first!


May 2, 2012
First things, first, get rid of the Dual shock controller. When the PS4 drops in 2014, the Dual shock controller will be 16 years of age. I don't care how "perfect" it is, but they got to get bigger buttons and better joystick commands, like them Nintendo Systems.

Don't ever go into business.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
Don't ever go into business.

Gaming and technology is evolving at a fast rate. using an old controller when the competition is making controllers that is impacting future generations of technology is just foolishness. Outside of fighting games, what good is the standard Dual shock? innovation is the key of longevity of the gaming industry.

The SNES was the 'perfect' controller that inspired the OG PS controller. Nintendo knew that they couldn't use that 'perfect' SNES controller in the N64 era. So they switched it up.


Drinks Blood from a Boot
May 1, 2012
I live in the United States
Sony is still arrogant thinking that the Playstation brand will sell millions just cause of its name. You see how the Vita handheld is performing, right? :wow:

If that is any hint, the PS4 better have that universal appeal that can get people from ages 5 to 55 buying it, similar to the Wii when it first came out. That "elite" gaming system (i.e., paying more for 'better' features) in harsh economic times will not do it. What made the PS3 such a disappointment financially and sales units/ software wise is that they were too damn hardheaded to study what the gamer demands in current times.

First things, first, get rid of the Dual shock controller. When the PS4 drops in 2014, the Dual shock controller will be 16 years of age. I don't care how "perfect" it is, but they got to get bigger buttons and better joystick commands, like them Nintendo Systems. Second, no more making $1000+ gamin systems and selling it for $600, hoping to make a profit somewhere down the line. If a system's base can't make a profit at 2 years of its life, it ain't shyt.

Its so refreshing to have a convo about the ps3 w/out having fanboys bring all there emotions into it :ohlawd:
Yes, I agree with you 100%. Since sony fanboys can't speak on anything negative, I guess we have too.

The controller. Yeah, that shyt is wack now. They really couldn't think of nothing to add too :russ:
The ps3 pad had less in it than the ps2 pad did at launch. They did add pressure sensitive buttons which is a retarded idea and is NEVER used anymore. I'd like a bigger controller. It could be the same design, but bigger and possibly a different color to give it its own pizzaz...

The system, its really hard to say because what was the ps3? It was a weaker xbox with a blu-ray drive.
Sony didn't try to bring anything to the table this gen, so I can't speak on what they could bring next gen na mean??? What do ps3 gamers want from a system standpoint? I can only think of features for xbox. Do ps3 gamers want an xbox :troll:

PSN, that is the main factor. What gets done about that. I've already stated that since sony has lost money each year over the last 6yrs and counting (record 6.4bil last year) they don't seem to be in position to make the types of changes I would like to see. Everyone wants PSN to be more like XBL, but free. Since thats not possible, I'm hoping they still do something innovative
Can anyone speak on the future of PSN? Any plans on stability, less lag, more options/etc?
This will be the deciding factor on who wins next gen if they do nothing about it...


Dec 5, 2012
Its so refreshing to have a convo about the ps3 w/out having fanboys bring all there emotions into it :ohlawd:
Yes, I agree with you 100%. Since sony fanboys can't speak on anything negative, I guess we have too.

The controller. Yeah, that shyt is wack now. They really couldn't think of nothing to add too :russ:
The ps3 pad had less in it than the ps2 pad did at launch. They did add pressure sensitive buttons which is a retarded idea and is NEVER used anymore. I'd like a bigger controller. It could be the same design, but bigger and possibly a different color to give it its own pizzaz...

The system, its really hard to say because what was the ps3? It was a weaker xbox with a blu-ray drive.
Sony didn't try to bring anything to the table this gen, so I can't speak on what they could bring next gen na mean??? What do ps3 gamers want from a system standpoint? I can only think of features for xbox. Do ps3 gamers want an xbox :troll:

PSN, that is the main factor. What gets done about that. I've already stated that since sony has lost money each year over the last 6yrs and counting (record 6.4bil last year) they don't seem to be in position to make the types of changes I would like to see. Everyone wants PSN to be more like XBL, but free. Since thats not possible, I'm hoping they still do something innovative
Can anyone speak on the future of PSN? Any plans on stability, less lag, more options/etc?
This will be the deciding factor on who wins next gen if they do nothing about it...



Dec 5, 2012
There is no set price, and there wont be any mention of anything til xbox says what there doing first.
With that said, expect both system to be $300 at launch

And there should be 2 different models. Normal thinking would put them at $300 and $400 respectively, but I have a feeling microsoft might have a $200 version of the 720
If the rumors are true, then one version won't have a disc drive.
Why I got the $200 price is because I also heard from a reliable source that $300 will be the cost of the main system. $200 for a disc-less system. Means only downloads. But the harddrive will be massive. Its all speculation of course, I'm just layin down possibilities

The ps4 will not be more expensive. In fact, supposedly sony is going cheap this gen cuz the ps3 didn't gain them any money... STILL :snoop:
They can't afford to do that again. I'm convinced whatever the ps4 becomes, it'll be a disappointment.

Nobody finds it strange that literally nothing is known about the ps4 outside of "possible Gddr5 ram" :heh:
We knew of the Wii U's possible controller a year in advance.
We've known about the xbox's 3D glasses, turning your house into part of the game. Halographic shyt.. Kinect 2.0 being included with the system
Its backwards compatible, it'll have a DVR built in

What sony got? (thats why 2014 at the earliest)



Apr 30, 2012
Chances any of the consoles are released @ e3? Sega tried that with the Saturn and failed...

TERRIBLE promo video
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May 1, 2012
i still to this day think sony mistakes is not focusing more online, shyt in the ps2/xbox gen u could tell thats where gaming was headed, and sony didnt focus on it at all

i still think they have no clue on where they wanna go wit psn, all they did was copy xbox live this gen and make inferior features

most of ps3 biggest games are more single player fleshed out and less focused on multiplayer, and on xbox it the total opposite, i dont see how i would have had fun this gen without the big multiplayer games that came out

i prefer better multiplayer then single player games, and psn exclusive online games was blown out from the start, gears and resistance bout launched at the same gears online was 100x better, same wit graphics, then halo 3 dropped and i dont think its been a better mulitplayer game better than that on ps3 let alone halo 4

the younger gamers are less focused on single player game and more focused on online games, sitting in the room player a single player game by yourself is not the preferred way to game any more

i prefer xbox exclusives over ps3 one easily because they more for mulitiplayer

dont get me wrong i played a bunch of single player games this gen, the over majority of my time gaming came from online, im a big sportsing game head, and i cant for the life of se how dudes play madden/ncaa offline without being bored to death, i can play 2k cause its better single player then mulitplayer cause 2k online is just trash, and servers are garbage

i sold my ps3 last year and i havent missed it a bit, i never used it to watch blurays, cause i can just download blueray rips off the internet when i want to see a movie and just stream it

games i enjoyed on ps3 this gen

uncharted 2
heavy rain

and that bout it, killzone was overhype trash imo, im not a fan of hack and slash game so god of war was never on my radar

favorite games on xbox this gen was, i got all multiplats on xbox

madden/ncaa playing online
gear 1/2
halo 3/4
mass effect 1/2/3
2k 7,8,9,10,11
fallout 3
gta4(get hated on way to much)
the walkin dead
battlefield bad company 2(never he tried to play single player in a battlefield game)
splinter cent double agent and convection
alan wake
saints row 1
ghost recon advanced warfighter 2

xbox had me eating well this gen, and the extra services they updated wit xbox live is crazy, cause when xbox first came out in 05 xbox live was bare, and now a day its a entire different story and i dont even turn cable on cause i have everything wit my xbox, stream, game, netflix, espn, news.......


Drinks Blood from a Boot
May 1, 2012
I live in the United States
It is weaker, it has a weaker graphics card. It has RAM bottleneck issues.
Big Budget movies have more explosions than smaller budgeted movies right?
Every ps3 game you have in mind, the budget was insane. Thats why you have those handful of games that look GREAT. Too often ppl look at one game and act as if the other 1,000 games didn't look like shyt or was inferior to its rivals :ufdup:
Both systems will be $300, whats not sure is how much the other versions will cost. But there will be $300 versions.
The only REAL question.. and you might think I'm trolling is this...

What is sony gonna take out of the ps4 after they announce all the great stuff that is supposed to be in it :gladbron:
Now let me take a trip down memory lane...

Hey, at least they re-added the wifi at the last minute :win:
Now that doesn't seem like a whole lot of lies.. the biggest being the release date when they knew damn well spring was out of the question.
But the lies, well. I could be here all day. Luckily for everyone, somebody made a 3pt video a looooong time ago to go over every single lie sony did to push the ps3 into the limelight...


This is who you guys are dealing with...

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
i still to this day think sony mistakes is not focusing more online, shyt in the ps2/xbox gen u could tell thats where gaming was headed, and sony didnt focus on it at all

i still think they have no clue on where they wanna go wit psn, all they did was copy xbox live this gen and make inferior features

most of ps3 biggest games are more single player fleshed out and less focused on multiplayer, and on xbox it the total opposite, i dont see how i would have had fun this gen without the big multiplayer games that came out

i prefer better multiplayer then single player games, and psn exclusive online games was blown out from the start, gears and resistance bout launched at the same gears online was 100x better, same wit graphics, then halo 3 dropped and i dont think its been a better mulitplayer game better than that on ps3 let alone halo 4

the younger gamers are less focused on single player game and more focused on online games, sitting in the room player a single player game by yourself is not the preferred way to game any more

i prefer xbox exclusives over ps3 one easily because they more for mulitiplayer

dont get me wrong i played a bunch of single player games this gen, the over majority of my time gaming came from online, im a big sportsing game head, and i cant for the life of se how dudes play madden/ncaa offline without being bored to death, i can play 2k cause its better single player then mulitplayer cause 2k online is just trash, and servers are garbage

i sold my ps3 last year and i havent missed it a bit, i never used it to watch blurays, cause i can just download blueray rips off the internet when i want to see a movie and just stream it

games i enjoyed on ps3 this gen

uncharted 2
heavy rain

and that bout it, killzone was overhype trash imo, im not a fan of hack and slash game so god of war was never on my radar

favorite games on xbox this gen was, i got all multiplats on xbox

madden/ncaa playing online
gear 1/2
halo 3/4
mass effect 1/2/3
2k 7,8,9,10,11
fallout 3
gta4(get hated on way to much)
the walkin dead
battlefield bad company 2(never he tried to play single player in a battlefield game)
splinter cent double agent and convection
alan wake
saints row 1
ghost recon advanced warfighter 2

xbox had me eating well this gen, and the extra services they updated wit xbox live is crazy, cause when xbox first came out in 05 xbox live was bare, and now a day its a entire different story and i dont even turn cable on cause i have everything wit my xbox, stream, game, netflix, espn, news.......

You may be a Xbox stan, but I agree. Sony was stubborn with the change and thought that non-Nintendo games and Japanese RPGs were still going to run the market. Now Sony was forced to compete and make American like games and they underperformed. Especially with multiplayer services that M$ got down.


May 1, 2012
You may be a Xbox stan, but I agree. Sony was stubborn with the change and thought that non-Nintendo games and Japanese RPGs were still going to run the market. Now Sony was forced to compete and make American like games and they underperformed. Especially with multiplayer services that M$ got down.

:shaq: just a online gaming stan, i tired games online like uncharted 2, warhawk, mag, killzone 2 and 3 and none couldnt live up to gears or halo so i just gave up on ps3 online :sad: :heh: i remember i thought playstation home was going to be the shyt :beli: shyt turned out to be a piece of shyt :flabbynsick: :yeshrug: just not that big of a fan of single player games anymore, cpu ai just can do it for me, i need human comp or i will get bored as fukk, but mass effect is still one of my favorite games every


May 1, 2012
oh ill like to add mlb the show was the shyt, if i was a big fan of baseball as i am of basketball and football i would have probably kept my ps3 just for that game, but baseball get kinda boring to me

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012

:shaq: just a online gaming stan, i tired games online like uncharted 2, warhawk, mag, killzone 2 and 3 and none couldnt live up to gears or halo so i just gave up on ps3 online :sad: :heh: i remember i thought playstation home was going to be the shyt :beli: shyt turned out to be a piece of shyt :flabbynsick: :yeshrug: just not that big of a fan of single player games anymore, cpu ai just can do it for me, i need human comp or i will get bored as fukk, but mass effect is still one of my favorite games every

Man, The PS3 is like the N64 for Sony.


May 21, 2012
from the home of coca-cola, i'm not referring to s
But on Playstation 3, a system that millions swear by. And the top game from the previous gen comes out and nobody buys it?
And you don't think there is nothing wrong with that? You say it sold 4mil?
No, it shipped 4mil. Just like Uncharted 3 shipped 4mil in like 3months, but sold less than one million after 2months :hula:

Cooking Mama sold 4million copies tho :smugdraper:
And this is where you keep exposing your backwards ass logic... Now Cooking Mama sold 4 million copies???... Are you posting this to say Cooking Mama is just as good or better than God of War 3?? If so it just proves that you're only meauring how great these games are by popularuty, and how much another game sold in comparison, which is pretty silly.. OR are you just really some fakkit at home in your tighty whiteys playing Cooking Mama and Just Dance 4 all day??

And what is with you and this shipped/sold nonsense??, like xbox doesn't only report hardware/software shippe as well

4million copies would put it in the top 5 games sold on ps3 :stopitslime:

Why do you post lies like this?? :what:
As for an xbox exclusive that is similar to God of War?
Well lets see, the Xbox launched with Kameo which is very similar (more kiddy) but then again, overall was rated as the better game :ohhh:

But I can stop bullshytting and name these games.. probably why nobody gave a fukk a bout wack ass god of war once that finally dropped...

Castlevania LOS
Darksiders 1/2
Dante's Inferno
Asura's Wrath
Thor & Captain America are also just like God of War

Now those aren't exclusive, but there all are better outside of maybe darksiders.
Now lets use some Cockmeat Sandwich logic on this one everyone..:skip:
Since none of these games could barely sale a quarter of what God of War 3 sold...
All those games you named failed to sell. So they not good games, or else your peers would of bought them (they didn't)

Wonder who posted this filth ^^^ :mjpls:
As for Uncharted vs Gears. ASK anybody, ask any PS3 fanboy on this board how I feel about Uncharted. I like it better than Gears.
I really do.
But you know what I don't like? The fact the game is broken.
There has to be a line drawn somewhere. Uncharted 2 and 3, you play it today and you'll find ppl under the levels shooting you from out of nowhere.
You can stop saying "I didn't notice" because its not like there will be a notification when it does happen :rudy:
But if you ever notice something ain't right (UC3 had the melee glitch.. heard its still there :sadcam: ) then save that game.. go rewatch it
You can change camera angles.. you'll see the culprits.
The fact these types of things don't get fixed. Or get fixed 3/4months later just to re-open again? Thats a ps3 exclusive right there.
If shyt like that wasn't happening, yeah.. I'd be all over UC3 right now.
I played it more than everyone else here outside of maybe Fatboi.. who loves him some Gears more than Uncharted (Tru Story)
