Saw it a couple nights ago. I liked it overall. Big problem was they obviously skipped over a whole movie. They should have make that one first; won't spoil it.
Second, it got really pretentious with all the fine art and classical music

They REALLY overdid that aspect. Reminds me of Star Trek trying to show you how cultured and superior they are
Third, they recycled a villain so I was waiting for the reveal the whole movie.
Once shyt started going down, the usual horror movie people doing stupid shyt happened.
Fifth, they keep making the incubation periods shorter and shorter and the growth cycle shorter and shorter. It's getting ridiculous now.
Sixth, it didn't make sense how the bioengineering storyline went down. There's no improving on the ridiculous first alien incubation model.
Seventh, whenever they introduce husbands and wives in movies like this, you know they're setting up predictable drama. Saw that coming to.
Eighth, I think they wanted a mini-"reboot" and ended up almost making the Engineers irrelevant.
Still, I enjoyed it for the theater experience. I just don't understand why Aliens sequel writing has gotten so lazy when they put so much work in the special effects and set design. I think it's time to bury the franchise for good.