Well,with riddikk the previous film was chronicles of riddikk.How so
With this film the previous was prometheus.
And of course before those you had the alien films and pitch black.
Both chronicles of riddikk and prometheus tried to do something different,and expand the universes they lived in,tried to be more than what they cam from which funny enough is sci fi horror on both fronts. Reception to both was mixed at best,hated at worst but I feel both films ending in interesting ways that I would have liked to see explored because the next step in the journey felt more interesting than what we had been given.
Instead the next films,riddikk and this,pulled back in everything,budget,scope etc. They basically killed off the endings of the previous and instead both tried to just tell small stories that served as fan service/getting back to its roots while stay maintaining thin strands of where the previous film had gone.
Both came out to even to more mixed reception but for different reasons than the previous films.
So the film's don't, but there place in their respective franchises do.