I actually liked prometheus a lot because of that
I want to watch it again. Because I went into it expecting answers as a self contained film and I felt very let down. Now that some time has passed I want to watch it again just for what it is. I've seen a lot of complaints about this Covenant trailer but since the OG title was Paradise, it really just seems like they're trying to complete what they were trying to tell in Prometheus (I hope). It's funny. Prometheus had people that wanted the sequel to be an alien movie, and others that wanted more engineer stuff, and so now it seems like 50% of the audience thinks they aren't going to get what they want. Hopefully this movie bridges the gap.
Aliens will always be my favorite, followed by Alien. And I know a lot of people put Alien first, but I like the action element and ensemble cast of what James Cameron did. And I love Alien for the innovation and isolation horror. The rest of the franchise is pretty bad IMO. I'm still always going to fork over money to see it though, because despite it dropping off after 1986, the first two movies are so god damn good that I don't care.
If anyone hasn't seen them in a while, watch Alien and Aliens on Blu Ray or the highest quality you can. Holy shyt they hold up. They look as good if not better as anything coming out now. Especially Aliens.