Prodigy of Mobb Deep dead at 42

Mike the Executioner

What went on up there? Poppers and weird sex!
Sep 10, 2015
Brooklyn, New York
This is why I was never comfortable with Pac talking about his sickle cell. I know a guy whose son is in the hospital often because he goes into crisis. It's a scary disease and it effects black people at a higher rate. P being an artist, traveling, and doing shows was bound to take a toll on him and I feared this might eventually happen. He sounded like he was in real good spirits lately and was taking care of himself. This is the last video I saw him in and he looked like he was at peace:

I still remember seeing that Shook Ones video for the first time on Video Music Box. The Infamous is still in my top 5 albums.

I still ain't recover from losing Phife:to:

Me neither. That's why I feel horrible for guys like @mobbinfms who listened to Mobb Deep religiously. I don't really get torn up over celebrities dying much, but when I found out about Phife, it was almost like a small part of me died.

And then to hear about Prodigy is awful. I've never been a big Mobb Deep fan (The Infamous is one of the best rap albums ever made though) but I always respected them. Their music was so dark, so gritty and depressing, but it was the reflection of an important time in New York City that I never got to see. They could have faded away after their first album flopped, but then they came back, switched up the style, and started making music that will stand the test of time.

I read an article a while back about Hell on Earth and I believe it was Prodigy who was talking about how the album is as dark as it is because of all the people that were dying around them at the time. Important people that made Mobb Deep feel less like a duo and more like a tight-knit crew. Knowing that and today's events is going to make listening to HOE more depressing.

I'm going to make it a priority to check out more of the Mobb's classics. Rest in peace P. :mjcry:


Rifle weh taller dan palm tree
Dec 29, 2012
Judgement Yard
How can sickle cell kill a person? - Quora

Sickle cell is a disease where a simple mutation in the hemoglobin gene creates a mutant hemoglobin that deforms blood cells into sickle shaped ones when the oxygen levels are low (like when they're unloading oxygen in tissues). They can then clog up the blood vessels leading to pain and tissue damage.

Sickle cell usually shrinks the spleen away to nothing early in life. Thus, sickle patients are more vulnerable to infections, particularly encapsulated organisms like strep pneumonia, H. Influenzae, and N. meningitidis. This can occur with overwhelming sepsis. Salmonella can be more dangerous for sickle patients, who can classically get osteomyelitis from it (bone infection) which is otherwise very rare. Prevention consists of vaccinations, early treatment, and may also include long term preventive antibiotics.

Sickle cell can also cause stroke. It damages many organs (impairing the kidney's ability to concentrate urine; infarcting (death from low oxygen/blood flow) areas of bone marrow, etc--it's how the spleen is lost too). When this happens in the brain you get permanent neurologic damage (mild to severe). A quarter of sickle patients get a stroke by mid life. Perhaps related, epilepsy is more common. Treatment after stroke consists of transfusion regimens to replace the sickle hemoglobin.

When bone is infarcted, it's very painful, but another complication that can occur is fat embolism. The fat that's naturally in marrow can loosen and travel through the veins into the heart and get pumped into the lungs, where it can trigger respiratory failure and severe lung injury.

Lung injury can be acute or chronic--acute injury happens is called "acute chest syndrome," and is treated with oxygen, antibiotics (because we usually can't tell whether it's pneumonia or not, or both, or something else like infarction or fat embolism), and supportive care, and often exchange transfusions (replacement of sickle blood with donated blood, instead of just adding donated blood to the patient). Chronic lung injury from sickle cells can cause fibrotic lungs, or high pressure on the lung side of the circulation (pulmonary hypertension), which can cause the right side of the heart to give out from having to pump against the higher pressure (cor pulmonale).

From pumping harder to compensate for anemia, hearts enlarge and can malfunction--congestive heart failure. Also, heart attacks are more common.

Liver injury can occur, and be very serious. This can be from infarction of liver, stones that form from pigment related to high blood turnover, which can block bile ducts and cause liver failure or infections.

Kidneys can be partially infarcted, or parts can die near the collection system (papillary necrosis). They can gradually give out leading to renal failure which is fatal unless treated with dialysis or transplantation (and there can be fatal complications of either of those treatments). Sickle predisposes to a type of cancer called renal medullary carcinoma, which happens almost only in sickle patients; most kidney cancers are renal carcinomas.

Lastly, sickle requires treatment, so patients can be injured by treatments. Transfusions can cause infection like hepatitis C, or bacterial or parasitic infections. They can cause iron overload, allergic reactions, blood breakdown (hemolysis) which can be dangerous or fatal, or cause immunologic lung injury (transfusion related acute lung injury or TRALI). They can simply cause volume overload especially if the heart is weak (transfusion related circulatory overload, TACO). Sickle patients also require lots of opiates (morphine, dilaudid, etc) for painful crisis or chronic pain, and they can cause abuse or overdose problems, even accidental ones.

My uncle had a crisis and die from it, he was 71.
Its sucks
Uncles got it, had the kidney complications but thankfully got that transplant in time! TBH nobody in the family thought he'd reach 50
All about managing it but sickle cell can and will get you when you least expect it unfortunately.

Rip to your Uncs lived a long time considering the average age is like 46!


All Star
May 2, 2012
You have to understand he was our childhood, Mobb Deep was the soundtrack, one of the few to go back at Pac. They were relentless

Burn somethin
Let's get lifted
nikkas' shifty, I turn around, a kid tried to hit me
I back him down wit the 50-50

Theo Penn

on that Earl Stevens wine
May 21, 2012
From an old thread on who was the GOAT with opening bars. Had to repost.

Prodigy definitely wins this for me.

It's a war goin on outside no man is safe from/
You can run but you can't hide forever/
From these, streets that we done took/
You walkin with ya head down scared to look /
Ya shook, cause ain't no such thing as halfway crooks
> Survival of the Fittest

I got you stuck off the realness, we be the Infamous/
You heard of us, official Queensbridge murderers
>Shook Ones Pt 2

Ay yo Queens get the Money long time no cash/
I'm caught up in the hustle where the guns go blast/
this fool retaliated so I had to think fast/
pull out my heat first, he pulled out his heat last/
Now who the fukk you think is livin' to this day?
>Give up the Goods

I put my lifetime in between the paper's lines/
I'm the Quiet Storm nikka who fight rhyme/
P yeah you heard of him but, I ain't concerned with them/
nikka I pop more guns than you holdin them
>Quiet Storm

Ay yo, its hell on earth down here the pavement scorching/
Its molten rock when the Mobb walks in/
shyt get hot like a ill pot of grits spilled on you/
Spit fire with nines but never squealed on you
>Where Ya Heart At

You's a notebook crook, with loose leaf beef/
A backseat criminal that pass the heat/
To somebody that blast the heat/
Man, it sound bad on the pad, what happened in the street?
>Thun and Kicko - Cormega

Ayo, I break bread, ribs, hundred dollar bills
Peel on Ducatis and other four wheels
>Keep it Thoro - Prodigy

Open my wings to a new day spread my lungs/
Get laced, jump in the whip, stash the guns/
Twist the key, shifted to D then flee/
Before anything, get the daily dose of choke
>Can't Complain

This nicca really knows how to start a song.


Dec 7, 2015
Today is definitely one of the saddest moments of my life :mjcry:

If only i could resurrect you i wouldn't have to type R.I.P :damn: this is a damn shame,I fukk Hip-hop!