Pressure the gov. of the Dominican Republic to stop its planned "cleaning" of 250k black Dominicans

Lewis Black

May 10, 2012
Obviously you have not read the thread, I have provided information and you all ignore because it doesn't play into your agenda and yes I would tell any Haitian everything that has been said before. One of my good friends is Haitian we had this debate a year!
She has since never brought it up again.

Not sure why you and others here are so invested in inquiring about my race...but do you

How old are you? Im pretty sure you're in your 20's but you still can't see why people are asking about your race?

Every other dominican has said what they identify as but you hesitated? I have never seen that before. It was just weird.

And calling men scum, fakkits, bytches....yeah im sure you would :comeon:


Dios Patria y Libertad
Feb 5, 2014
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
@Arianne Martell, these people don't want to know the truth.. They don't like the truth, which is why they ignore it. They prefer to believe the lies because like you said, it better fits their agenda. Some of the people in this thread hate dominicans for the stupidest things, but their hate is so big that they really wish the DR was wiped out the face of the planet.

If you read and analize their posts, their speech is based on hate, not anything else. They ignore logic and reason, because it is not convenient for them at the moment.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
As a non bias black american I look at like this. Hatians did free dominicans from the spanish, but they treated them like shyt too. So all the we freed talk is kinda nah :francis:

but anyone with sense can see this is absolutly wrong. People been living there for damn near 100 years have to leave smh



Mar 17, 2013
Keeping my overhead low, and my understand high
How old are you? Im pretty sure you're in your 20's but you still can't see why people are asking about your race?

Every other dominican has said what they identify as but you hesitated? I have never seen that before. It was just weird.

And calling men scum, fakkits, bytches....yeah im sure you would :comeon:

Why does her race matter?

I haven't wondered at all what anyone's race was when arguing the merits of this law..

Lewis Black

May 10, 2012
Why does her race matter?

I haven't wondered at all what anyone's race was when arguing the merits of this law..

If you can't state what race you are on a racially sensitive subjective....then your opinion means nothing.

She was on other threads talking about black americans, you can at least state what you are?

This is a racial topic but you cant state/don't have the guts to say what you are lol

Keep sticking up for her doe.


May 20, 2012
There will be some stateless people. But definitely not a majority. That statelessness has to be resolved between the DR and Haiti and whatever mediators they use...because @Arianne Martell is right that Haiti would be rejecting many people that, based on their own Constitution, are natural born citizens of that country.

So please think of a derogatory term for Haitians like you all have for Dominicans..

And for the record, the DR is helping find a proper solution. This entire process is exactly that. It may not be your ideal solution, but there are many ways to skin a cat.

Again, you're greatly exaggerating the way the DR is handling the plan.

People aren't just being arbitrarily deported after working within the industries in the DR. There are many, many ways to get exempted.

And you are doing the same thing as arianne martell, which means I can't get you to see how wrong this is.

The fact that you write, "there will be some stateless people, but definitey not a majority" shows me its not about what's right with you, its about sticking up for your side, like this is a game.

There should be NO stateless people. Do you know how dangerous being stateless is, especially in that part of the world?

AGAIN, if this was done for good reasons, the D.R. government would take action to make sure no one is stateless. This shows me this law, and action was just to be evil, and abuse their power.

You can rationalize this all you want, just remember you are being watched, and it will be payback. That is for the D.R. government, and people(regardless of race or ethnicity) who see nothing wrong with allowing "some" people to be stateless, because if you see nothing wrong with this, it is indicative of other things you see nothing wrong with. "Some" can be 49% or even 25%, that is still too many people when it didn't have to be like that.

Again payback is a bytch. I know because it happened to me. I know a lot on here don't believe in spiritual stuff, and take it as a joke, but I'm proof that when you do wrong (intentionally) it will come back, and punch you in the face. And, when you least expect it. Keep rationalizing, though:sas1:

Lewis Black

May 10, 2012
Again payback is a bytch. I know because it happened to me. I know a lot on here don't believe in spiritual stuff, and take it as a joke, but I'm proof that when you do wrong (intentionally) it will come back, and punch you in the face. And, when you least expect it. Keep rationalizing, though:sas1:

I don't believe in none of that spirti ish but this whole fiasco exposes them as a self hating nation. At the beginning I thought this was about illegal hatians. Both of these countries are 3rd worlders and they need each other imo.

This thread gives me headaches im out.


Dios Patria y Libertad
Feb 5, 2014
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
Calm your t*ts, there will be NO stateless people. Haiti has the obligation to give these people the haitian nationality, because it is stated in the haitian constitution. Haiti is just bluffing, they can't refuse to take in their own citizens because they can get in serious trouble with International Court.


Mar 17, 2013
Keeping my overhead low, and my understand high
Everybody can see its wrong. You gotta be c00n to say its not.

Will you be as quick to call the Haitians c00ns if/when their government rejects their natural born citizens?

As a non bias black american I look at like this. Hatians did free dominicans from the spanish, but they treated them like shyt too. So all the we freed talk is kinda nah :francis:

but anyone with sense can see this is absolutly wrong. People been living there for damn near 100 years have to leave smh

That's not what's actually happening. In all the news coverage I haven't seen any elderly people crossing the border.

My black balls are right between my legs, thank you.

And, as I've pointed oout multiple times, all you've done throughout the thread is deflect when presented with redundant evidence of the DR government's racist intent behind its law and the disparate impact on black/Haitian-Dominican citizens. Moreover, the Haitian government has NO obligation (Constitutional or moral) to accept thousands of Dominican citizens of Haitian descent who were not born in Haiti and have no connection to Haiti.


Their Constitution is the obligation. If one of your parents were from Haiti you're Haitian no matter where you're born.

Both countries have to do their part to prevent this from being yet another humanitarian crisis in Haiti...but then again, the powers that be my want that

Nobody is requesting a pity party. However, humane people from humane societies are requesting that the corrupt and outright fascist Dominican government turn the corner and stop executing its blatantly racist law and mass deportation of blacks. If only you can see how many of my Dominican friends on my Facebook timeline are ASHAMED by the Dominican government's law...even they acknowledge and speak out against what the government is doing to black citizens.

Of course, I can't expect you (a black Dominican woman who to this day REFUSES to acknowledge that she's BLACK) to know any better. :francis:

Ironically, Trujillo would've killed you and your family at the border because of your African features.

THAT self-hate is a motherfukker:wow:.

Lol. And making it racial is just embarrassing. The DR has given papers to more than 280k Haitians and 90% of the DR is either dark-skinned or mulato.

It's worse than Jim Crow. It's Nazi/Third Reich Germany style that's happening in the DR.

Again, there's no pity party. It's just the rest of the world can see how foul the DR is. If you want to know what self-hate looks like, just look at the Dominican Republic.

Keep denying your blackness and :cape:for whites who discriminate against you because of your blackness, Dominic00ns...

Dathyperbolicracebaiting :wow:

If you can't state what race you are on a racially sensitive subjective....then your opinion means nothing.

She was on other threads talking about black americans, you can at least state what you are?

This is a racial topic but you cant state/don't have the guts to say what you are lol

Keep sticking up for her doe.

But none of our races should matter if we're discussing this intellectually.

And you are doing the same thing as arianne martell, which means I can't get you to see how wrong this is.

The fact that you write, "there will be some stateless people, but definitey not a majority" shows me its not about what's right with you, its about sticking up for your side, like this is a game.

There should be NO stateless people. Do you know how dangerous being stateless is, especially in that part of the world?

AGAIN, if this was done for good reasons, the D.R. government would take action to make sure no one is stateless. This shows me this law, and action was just to be evil, and abuse their power.

There won't be any Stateless people if Haiti and the DR work together. They are both players in the situation of Statelessness. I don't think that either country wants that and I look forward to them working it out. But don't drag one through the mud and not the other.

You can rationalize this all you want, just remember you are being watched, and it will be payback. That is for the D.R. government, and people(regardless of race or ethnicity) who see nothing wrong with allowing "some" people to be stateless, because if you see nothing wrong with this, it is indicative of other things you see nothing wrong with. "Some" can be 49% or even 25%, that is still too many people when it didn't have to be like that.

Again payback is a bytch. I know because it happened to me. I know a lot on here don't believe in spiritual stuff, and take it as a joke, but I'm proof that when you do wrong (intentionally) it will come back, and punch you in the face. And, when you least expect it. Keep rationalizing, though:sas1:

Great. I love that the DR is handling this in an open and transparent way. I'm glad that they know they're being watched. I'm glad about that because that will prevent your worst nightmares from happening.

Democracy :blessed:


This account was for entertainment purposes only.
Jun 16, 2013
Fuucck the Dominican Republic. Stop giving that shythole island's issues life on this forum.


Redemption is Coming
May 4, 2012
Calm your t*ts, there will be NO stateless people. Haiti has the obligation to give these people the haitian nationality, because it is stated in the haitian constitution. Haiti is just bluffing, they can't refuse to take in their own citizens because they can get in serious trouble with International Court.

Since you guys saying there's no violence against Haitians, I will do the work for you guys

Just one example

Now, let's look at it this way. Why you guys are not deporting the German, Chinese, Brazilian b*stards running free around DR ?

Here is Vice covering the issue

Let's put it this way. I don't agree with a nation dumping its citizens on another. I m from the North East and I remember DR doing the exact same thing back in the 80s. Dumping people in my city, which led to violence, drugs, brothels...

All you posters in here chanting and shyt saying Haiti leeching off your country are clueless. You guys realize that the government just came up and said they're voiding the birth certificate right ? They have had their certificate since birth. how u gonna remove and rescind birth certificates ? Most of them are like 3rd generation Haitian-Dominicans who know nobody in Haiti and do not even speak the language ? Some are clearly undocumented and that I can't argue with. There was a doctor who received the deportation letter, but once they found out he was a doctor, he received an apology the next day.

So you guys saying that it's legal whgat they're doing and they're following the constitution, right ?

Why is my cousin allowed to stay there undocumented while he barely speaks Spanish ?

Please, explain this


Redemption is Coming
May 4, 2012
The haitian government doesn't give a shyt about its own people. Thats the TRUTH!! They want a humanitarian crisis to happen.. It is convenient for them!!

Again, you dumb as fukk and uninformed. A humanitarian crisis works in the favor of DR. They will get the help, not Haiti. That point was brought up in debates already and DR alledgedly agreed not to deport if the US dish out a couple mils (heard 50 mil) of assistance to help those refugees.

Carry on though