Redemption is Coming
Ive said this before/had this discussion on here but call a Jamaican , a Guyanese , a Trini etc a black person ( all folks of obvious African descent ) they will say there not black , they will say they are Jamaican, Guyanese , Trini same thing with Dominicans but for watever reason on the coli its an obsession that every Dominican wants to burn there skin off
see thats the problem everyone goes on personal opinion, u have a cousin who hates being called a black man, i have one who has no problem being called a black man, and for every Dominican who hates being called a black i say there is African american person who will describe themselves as "mixed" before they say there black
Dude, Haitians the same way but we don't get offended but I agree with your point about mixed Americans. bytch name is Latoya and she telling me she only 5% Black.

However, I can also add that @Manny ManhaTTan refuse to admit he's Black and look at his avi breh