My black balls are right between my legs, thank you.
And, as I've pointed oout multiple times, all you've done throughout the thread is deflect when presented with redundant evidence of the DR government's racist intent behind its law and the disparate impact on black/Haitian-Dominican citizens. Moreover, the Haitian government has NO obligation (Constitutional or moral) to accept thousands of Dominican citizens of Haitian descent who were not born in Haiti and have no connection to Haiti.
Nobody is requesting a pity party. However, human people from humane societies are requesting that the corrupt and outright fascist Dominican government turn the corner and stop executing its blatantly racist law and mass deportation of blacks. If only you can see how many of my Dominican friends on my Facebook timeline are ASHAMED by the Dominican government's law...even they acknowledge and speak out against what the government is doing to black citizens.
Of course, I can't expect you (a black Dominican woman who to this day REFUSES to acknowledge that she's BLACK) to know any better.
Ironically, Trujillo would've killed you and your family at the border because of your African features.
THAT self-hate is a motherfukker.