Pressure the gov. of the Dominican Republic to stop its planned "cleaning" of 250k black Dominicans


May 20, 2012
You talking out of your ass my dude. Mexicans love bachata and merengue. They also love our women. :pachaha:

You're also overstating that PR/DR dynamic. We're two peas in a pod.
I'm not talking out my ass. I had two Puerto RICANS tell me to my face they don't fukk with Mexicans. Of course that ain't everybody, but YOU are talking out of YOUR ASS if you claim its not like that. I have also heard Mexicans who don't fukk with Dr, and PR.

As far as Dr/PR relations, I don't think it's as harsh as Mexicans, but its still there.

The point of my posts was everyone is not on agreement of being cool, and supporting each others business just because they are Latin. That's what the chick was implying. I gave my rebuttal. You took my post, and turned it into something else.
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May 20, 2012
Why would you generalize an entire group of people? People are a lot more nuanced. This thread has devolved into shyt on all Dominicans. The issue is with The Dominican government's policy. You think Dominicans like their government?

Every contingent of immigrants have their own illicit hustle. I don't know wtf the big deal is. Crack was all over every major city in this country at the time.
You have issues with people speaking foul on Dominicans, and you are putting me in the same category when I have already stated it isn't all Dominicans, but you just didn't see that, right?

I gave that Facebook link to show that clown Natu that all Dominicans don't feel like he does, how did you not get this?

As far as crack, no, Dominicans helped make the shyt major. Coke was not everywhere, because you had to have money to buy coke, and the only time black/brown bought coke is when they pitched in together to get it or they had money. Coke used to be, at least $100 a gram. Dominicans helped bring the shyt here because once crack hit, every person who hustled needed some good coke to make the crack. Dominicans even sold crack in huge supply. Colombians were the first to bring it in, but Dominicans took over, and for years, Washington Heights is where you get good coke for a nice price. Do you know why? It's because they can bring it in, and because D.R. is a drop off spot, they can charge less once here.

Again, its not shytting on Dominicans as a whole, it was to shut that clown up because he kept making it like Dominicans can do no wrong, and Haitians are just bad people. Why do you think I wrote in the first post about the subject "I hate to admit it"?

If you are gonna argue with me, at least have a good reason to!
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May 20, 2012
@The War Report This article is from 1987, and it goes into detail how Dominicans helped fuel the crack trade. Again, I'm not dissing Dominicans, just making a point, and proving it. YOU took it there, I'm just reacting.
U.S. Breaks Up Major Crack Ring in New York
Published: July 31, 1987

"Federal authorities yesterday said they had smashed a drug ring that they described as the biggest distributor of crack in New York City.

The officials said 29 people, headed by a 26-year-old suspect from the Dominican Republic, operated a ring that distributed as much as 10,000 vials of crack a day, primarily in the Washington Heights section of Manhattan and the Bronx.

Six of the defendants were arrested in the New York area late Wednesday and early yesterday, 10 others were already in custody on other charges and the rest, including the suspected leader, were being sought, principally in the Dominican Republic.

The case, officials said, was significant because it showed the growth and sophistication of the crack trade, which only two years ago was made up of low-level dealers producing the potent form of cocaine in kitchen laboratories and hawking it on street corners. And while it also represented an important step in the fight against crack, they said it could hardly stamp out the crack epidemic in the city."

"The man called the ringleader, Santiago Luis Polanco-Rodriguez, was portrayed by Mr. Stutman as ''probably the marketing genius'' behind the dramatic spread of crack in the Washington Heights area in the last two years. Washington Heights was among the neighborhoods hit first and most powerfully by the spread of crack."

"According to the detailed 54-page indictment, the ring began distributing cocaine in glassine envelopes in 1982, but switched in 1985 to selling crack in vials with the ''Based Balls'' brand name."

Notice that they started selling crack in 1985, right when crack started hitting NYC. You think that is a coincidence?
Is that enough proof for you, or am I still talking out of my ass:comeon:
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May 20, 2012

That headline is for stirring up shyt.

Haiti sounds like they are doing things the right way. The president said he would take people who are Haitians, meaning they have their papers, which is proof they're from Haiti. The ones who were born in D.R., they would take as immigrants. From the article:

"For the head of the Haitian State, Michel Martelly," Haiti is ready to stand up, to receive with dignity to our Haitian brothers. "

Michel Martelly, after returning from the CELAC-EU Summit, said on "Dominican citizens could eventually be repatriated" and not about Haitians. This is what we have always said from day one ".

"Speaking to reporters Tuesday, the mayor Evans Paul, against "the double standards of the Dominican government," he said that "the Haitian State has made arrangements to accommodate these compatriots and other people who are not necessarily Haitians but they are victims of the decision of the Constitutional Court ruling 168-13 Dominican.

The Haitian government is based on the contribution and cooperation of all forces of Haitian society to welcome our compatriots with honor and dignity, "said his criticism of the ruling 168-13 describes as discriminatory and therefore attentive against human dignity."
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Mar 17, 2013
Keeping my overhead low, and my understand high
That headline is for stirring up shyt.

Haiti sounds like they are doing things the right way. The president said he would take people who are Haitians, meaning they have their papers, which is proof they're from Haiti. The ones who were born in D.R., they would take as immigrants. From the article:

"For the head of the Haitian State, Michel Martelly," Haiti is ready to stand up, to receive with dignity to our Haitian brothers. "

Michel Martelly, after returning from the CELAC-EU Summit, said on "Dominican citizens could eventually be repatriated" and not about Haitians. This is what we have always said from day one ".

"Speaking to reporters Tuesday, the mayor Evans Paul, against "the double standards of the Dominican government," he said that "the Haitian State has made arrangements to accommodate these compatriots and other people who are not necessarily Haitians but they are victims of the decision of the Constitutional Court ruling 168-13 Dominican.

The Haitian government is based on the contribution and cooperation of all forces of Haitian society to welcome our compatriots with honor and dignity, "said his criticism of the ruling 168-13 describes as discriminatory and therefore attentive against human dignity."

Therein lies a problem, though.

He's essentially saying that he's not going to accept Haitians just cause they weren't born there.

That is in direct violation of the Hatian Constitution which says that those individuals are natural born Haitian citizens.


Mar 18, 2013

the obsession is deep :pachaha:


Mar 18, 2013
its monday and work is slow so i guess i can get back to ya..

nikka, my mother owned her own hair business for over 15 years in NYC, when the average business only last 5 years. My family in the south owned a construction company. My great grandfather did his thing with mechanics. I do my own thing in numerous areas, and when I was younger illegal love was one. It's in my blood to be my own man.

Go to Atlanta, and you will see a shyt load of black businesses. Don't try to dis people when you standing in shyt.

Your people was some of the coolest business, that's why I know you have no idea what you talking about. But, they might have been fronting, and think just like you. IDK, but I do know you're digging your people a grave if you keep acting like this. You, and those like you.

good for your moms and your fam. i applaud them. but like i said, it isnt a competition. elle driver said we jealous of haitians because they come here and open up businesses like we dont do shyt when there's a fukking TON of dominican owned businesses not only in NYC, but CT, NJ and PA and we making our way down the east coast as we speak.

And there it is. We allow these cats into our neighborhoods, take our money, then go back home and talk shyt about us. If the customers of dominican shops only knew how they felt about us...

Ive had Dominicans tell me shyt to my face about blacks and Haitians cause Im a red black who doesnt "act like the rest of them". Only know one cool dominican, the rest I keep at arms length.

A real awakening is needed amongst my people. We are far too accepting and patronizing of those who discretely dislike us.

there wasnt some huge meeting in DR to say "lets go to NYC and take black dollars out of their community"


dominicans are poor. when we come here, its to poor neighborhoods. we take shytty jobs but we network and partner up with one another. we open small bodegas in the same poor neighborhoods we live in. we save the money, open up another one. then maybe a salon for the wife and cousins and sisters. meanwhile, we have family back home working from dawn til dusk for pennies just to survive, so we send money back home to them. we build vacation homes that our family can stay in and take care of for us while we are here. then we retire and move back home. all the meanwhile, sending money back there.

it isnt some grand conspiracy to hold anybody else back. ya want half the pie and wont take anything less. well, we come from shyt, so we just fine taking less. we'll take half a fukking slice. even the crust is a meal back home.

Why are you acting all cocky for? :what: You know damn well Dominicans take up the shyttest jobs in the Caribbean. Dominicans go to the other islands and do the nasty dirty jobs that the locals are too prideful to do themselves. And Dominicans in general don't have a good reputation in the islands either. Especially the women. There is no reason for those type of comments Arianne.

EXACTLY my point.

DR is a poor country.

this isnt a case of mexicans and dominicans and other immigrants coming here and taking jobs americans wont do. its a case of something like 90% of agricultural workers in DR being haitian, when dominicans will just as easily take those jobs. i got a family member that works 6 days a week 12 hour days for $40 a week, yet because he shares the same skin color as a haitian he supposed to be cool with Jean Pierre coming through and taking his job for $30 a week? if he gets mad at that he's a c00n??? :heh:


This account was for entertainment purposes only.
Jun 16, 2013
its monday and work is slow so i guess i can get back to ya..

good for your moms and your fam. i applaud them. but like i said, it isnt a competition. elle driver said we jealous of haitians because they come here and open up businesses like we dont do shyt when there's a fukking TON of dominican owned businesses not only in NYC, but CT, NJ and PA and we making our way down the east coast as we speak.

there wasnt some huge meeting in DR to say "lets go to NYC and take black dollars out of their community"


dominicans are poor. when we come here, its to poor neighborhoods. we take shytty jobs but we network and partner up with one another. we open small bodegas in the same poor neighborhoods we live in. we save the money, open up another one. then maybe a salon for the wife and cousins and sisters. meanwhile, we have family back home working from dawn til dusk for pennies just to survive, so we send money back home to them. we build vacation homes that our family can stay in and take care of for us while we are here. then we retire and move back home. all the meanwhile, sending money back there.

it isnt some grand conspiracy to hold anybody else back. ya want half the pie and wont take anything less. well, we come from shyt, so we just fine taking less. we'll take half a fukking slice. even the crust is a meal back home.

EXACTLY my point.

DR is a poor country.

this isnt a case of mexicans and dominicans and other immigrants coming here and taking jobs americans wont do. its a case of something like 90% of agricultural workers in DR being haitian, when dominicans will just as easily take those jobs. i got a family member that works 6 days a week 12 hour days for $40 a week, yet because he shares the same skin color as a haitian he supposed to be cool with Jean Pierre coming through and taking his job for $30 a week? if he gets mad at that he's a c00n??? :heh:

Black people learn could something this from way of doing business this way.

If we truly work together we would not have to compete with Dominicans or Anyone else.


Solid Gold Dashikis
Apr 30, 2012
black love, unity, and music
Black people learn could something this from way of doing business this way.

If we truly work together we would not have to compete with Dominicans or Anyone else.
Blacks are too busy trying to integrate into white society for this to happen sadly.