dominicans exposing themselves in this thread... hard
the same rationales and technicalities they're using to justify their overtly racist behavior to haitans is eerily similar to that of white supremacists... but that's no surprise.
white man in 1950's US: "by
LAW, these negroes are not allowed in this establishment. there is nothing wrong with this."
chill out with the "patria" and realize that wrong is wrong.... seriously, of all the people i've interacted with in the african diaspora, the subtle, mental brainwashing has been most extensive in dominicans. more so than asians or whites in many instances

. it is TRUE that other caribbean nations, e.g. - jamaica have taken tough stances on immigration by haitians, but obviously without the blatant racial element we see here.
the same folks from DR co-opting black culture in the states will be the first to idealize and glorify whiteness