Come on, I'm not dissing Dominicans, but if your country is doing foul shyt like that,you either fight for a change, or you are just too tired to do it, for whatever reason, or you agree with the laws. I don't want to be in an environment like that.
I'm not just referring to D.R., there are places like that here, and I would not give my money to those places. When I do have to go there, I'm extremely cautious. Why would I want to live in a place that doesn't deal with justice?
im not even just defending DR. pretty much every 3rd world country has corrupt government because corrupt government works best in 3rd world countries. why? because the majority of people living there only care about where the next meal is coming from. if you keep people down enough then organizing and revolting is way too difficult. that doesnt mean they are ok with things, but i cant picture my fam out there deciding to stop working and organizing some occupy wall street shyt and camping outside the palace for months. not happening.
Yeah. We'll just defend it's obvious racist policies, and blancanization. We'll pretend there isn't a pattern of historical racial intolerance.
stripping people of legally acquired citizenship is wrong, but not racist when pretty much the whole country itself is black. they aren't deporting black people, they are deporting haitians.
are people from the bahamas and jamaica and turks and caicos racist? cause they deporting haitians too. what about all the african groups killing each other off? are they doing it out of c00ning and racism or is it just groups that dont like each other regardless of skin color?
i cant win wit ya. ya embrace the victim role like a newborn embraces its mother. ya fukking love that shyt.
nothing bad ever happens to ya for any other reason other than skin color. i hate to bring it to that but its true.
negativity is like water to ya.
look at ya attitude..
instead of "im gonna spend my vacation dollars in haiti and help their economy out"

fukk DR im spending my vacation in mexico!"
it isnt about positivity and how u can help.
its about negativity and how many daps u can get by regurgitating the same crybaby shyt ya always do.
if ya were to put as much energy into positive constructive shyt as ya do into shytting on whites, black women, dominicans, and police
ya still wouldnt accomplish shyt cause all ya do is cry for daps on a forum
so quote me and neg me
im gonna dap and positive rep all of ya anyway