even if jamaica's economy was 100 times smaller, it doesnt have a country right next door that is so corrupt all its citizens flock to another corrupt country. no carribean nation can handle the number of haitian immigrants that DR has to. u cant expect them to just grant everybody citizenship for coli daps.
my life is here. i wont make as much money in DR as i do here and the education out there is relatively shytty so i have to stay here and work here to provide my daughter with a better education. im under no illusion about DR. i was only saying if i do get deported it wont be the end of the world, but this is where the getting is good so until they kick us out, we gonna keep getting that money outchea.
when did i say haitians dont go to DR for work?
not hard enough. gotta hit em where it really hurts, pockets.

"im gonna go to mexico instead they know how to treat brothas"
it wont have any. our tourism relies mostly on europeans and euro-south americans who come splurge their cash and dont give a fukk about haitians anyway and on dominicanyorks who will always go back home to spend money no matter what. when cuba opens up tho we gonna take a hit like everybody else.

as always, for all the posts u make in higher learning, u have to be one stupid dude. i guess its better to be the dumbest poster in higher learning than the dumbest poster in TLR tho
nobody saying DR government isnt corrupt. damn right it is. every government in the world is corrupt. nobody excusing violence against haitians either. i swear on everything i would disown any family of mine who is on that abusive shyt with anybody, including haitians.
fukk racist dominicans too. im not cool with anybody who straight hates anybody else for any prejudices.
but it isnt a racist law for social cleansing comparable to nazi germany. coli posters love to be victims so much they exaggerate things to fit that narrative.
now if the dominican government decided to deport all people that couldnt pass a brown paper bag test, including dominicans, then i would cover my fukking tattoo. i wouldnt even tell ppl i was dominican anymore.
this isnt that. its a 3rd world country with corrupt politicians stealing every chance they can get who wants to cover their tracks by blaming it on the haitians and playing on the history of the 2 countries.
and yea corruption is the main issue, but 2 million undocumented haitians is also a problem. if we were a world power i would be happy with DR granting everybody citizenship and getting to work on helping the millions and millions of poor people in dr AND haiti, but WE STILL DRIVING DAIHATSUS OUT THERE B
