@gonzo8402 Cuba is probably the most Afrocentric latin American country, they honored Lumumba three days after he was assassinated, took in Haitians with open Arms, also helped South Africa during apartheid helping liberate Angola.
Jamaica is afrocentric as well, home to one of the most known leaders in history (Marcus Garvey) not to mention Rastarafi being tied with connecting to your African roots.
Colombia embraces their African roots strongly, from their dance, culture, music and K.O.S. they know who they are.
Haiti needs no explanation, first free republic.
Not saying these places don't have c00ns, they all do, but not to the extent the dominicans act, KKK costumesreferring to themselves as Indio
rapping Spain as their motherland when Spain doesn't even look at Dominicans as one of them.
All that you're saying is fine and good.
But what's your beef with this law?
It doesn't that extreme to me. and the DR government has already shown a willingness to adjust it in response to international opinions of it.