If we check all the academic research and studies which have come out over the last 30 years, we can see that gun violence is invariably linked with access and poverty. Gun violence is a side effect of letting those two things spin out of control.
The president can lobby for and push for a jobs program in the South Side of Chicago in specific, and other such neighborhoods in the field of rebuilding the dilapidated infrastructure and other badly needed construction projects. In addition to this, the CPD budget is 1.3 billion dollars... the cost of one B-2 Stealth Bomber is 2.2 billion dollars... I'm not saying stop building the B2 but there is a severe miscalculation of funds in Washington if they are unable to allocate federal funds to a police department which seems to be making cuts all the time... This is just off the top... He does need the support of congress, and it would not pass the Republican house right away however this is not an excuse for not even trying. Why not push this and sell it to the American people. Why not try and be the president you said you were. Put the congressmen in the hot seat to vote against something that is very popular. This is what FDR did... and this is what Obama would do if he actually cared at ALL about what was happening in the innercities.