how is obama shytting on black people? he helped get rid of those monstrous mandatory crack sentencing guidelines while in office. blacks are suffering from staggeringly high unemployment, and obama has been one of the most vocal proponents of extending unemployment. fukk the naacp. fukk these opportunistic whiners who haven't done jack shyt for the black community but make us look like victims.
The bold is just not true. Historically the naacp have done a massive amount for the Black community. I would hope that you knew that. I agree that the current day naacp leave much to be desired. With that said the quality varies from branch to branch. I volunteered for the naacp when I was in Florida. The Pensacola branch was not well funded but they were active in the community, and was doing things to better the community. The Pan-Handle of Florida is racist as hell. The naacp branch in Pensacola would give free legal advice to people that needed it, and was fighting to stop school rezoning. These were real issues that people in that community were worried about. However when I left Florida and came back home to Buffalo, there was a big difference. I called the branch in Buffalo to see if i could volunteered like I did in Pensacola and they talked to me in a condescending matter. The naacp branch in buffalo does next to nothing. Again this is not even the point but i had to address the last part of your statement.
Now back to the main point of your argument. Have some of Obama policies helped Black people? The answer is yes. I never said that it didn't. Parts of the Affordable Care Act will help many in the Black community. But some of his policies are also hurting the Black community. You mentioned the Rockefeller Drug Laws, and how the Obama Administration supported abolishing it. However the Obama Administration have heighten the war on drugs and cracked down on marijuana even harder than Bush. This hurts everyone but it hurts Black people more, because the cops fukk with us more.
You asked how has Obama shytted on Black people. Let me ask you this. Would Obama skip a AIPAC convention? How about a major Hispanic LGBT convention? I know the naacp don't represent the views of all Black people, but do AIPAC represent the view of all Jewish people? But I forgot. Because we are Black we should stop complaining.
But it is okay for all other groups to complain. And the CBC was trying to do more than complain. They were trying to get the White House to help come up with a strategy to solve long term Black unemployment. I don't fukk with a lot of the members of the CBC, but I have to side with them on this issue.
With that said I still think we should vote for him in 2012 because there is really no other option for us. But we have to find a way to put more pressure on him. We can't just turn a blind eye when he fukks up.